Lace Knit shawl
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suPer FIne IntermeDIate sIZe 5 measurements Approx 30” [76 cm] deep. stItCH gLOssarY See page 46 for Helpful Hints. alt = Alternate(ing). approx = Approximately. Beg = Beginning. K = Knit. K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together. Psso = Pass slipped stitch over. Pat = Pattern. rep = Repeat. rs = Right side. sl1 = Slip the next stitch knitwise. ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto lefthand needle, then knit through back loops together. st(s) = Stitch(es). Yo = Yarn over. gauge 26 sts and 30 rows = 4" [10 cm] in stocking...
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Nội dung Text: Lace Knit shawl
- 9. Lace Knit Shawl 1 SUPER FINE INTERMEDIATE SIZE 5 measurements Approx 30” [76 cm] deep. STITCH GLOSSARY See page 46 for Helpful Hints. Alt = Alternate(ing). Approx = Approximately. Beg = Beginning. K = Knit. K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together. Psso = Pass slipped stitch over. Pat = Pattern. Rep = Repeat. RS = Right side. Sl1 = Slip the next stitch knitwise. Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left- hand needle, then knit through back loops together. St(s) = Stitch(es). Yo = Yarn over. gauge 26 sts and 30 rows = 4" [10 cm] in stocking st. materials Bernat® Handicrafter® Crochet Thread Solids: (85 g/3 oz; 339 m/371 yds or 400 g/14 oz; 1596 m/1746 yds) 85 g ball: 31046 (Misty Grey) 85 g/3 oz ball OR 400 g/14 oz ball or 400 g ball: 32046 (Misty Grey) 3 balls 1 ball Size 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) knitting needles. Size 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) circular knitting needle 36" [90 cm] long or size needed to obtain gauge. 36 Lace Knit Shawl
- INSTRUCTIONS 19th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) 4 times. Note: Number of sts increases by 4 every K2. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. yo.* K1. Rep from * odd numbered row. to * once more. K3. 57 sts. Change to circular knitting needle when 21st row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) 4 times. necessary to accomodate all sts. K1. (yo. ssk. K1) 4 times. yo.* K1. Rep from * Sts shown on all charts are from * to * only. to * once more. K3. 61 sts. 23rd row: K3. *yo. K3. (K1. K2tog. yo) 3 With pair of needles, cast on 17 sts. (See times. K3. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. K3. yo.* K1. Chart IX on page 41). Rep from * to * once more. K3. 65 sts. 1st row: (RS). K3. *yo. K1. K2tog. yo. K2. yo.* 25th row: K3. *yo. K6. (K1. K2tog. yo) twice. K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once more. K5. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K6. yo.* K1. Rep from K3. 21 sts. * to * once more. K3. 69 sts. 2nd and alt rows: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3. 27th row: K3. *yo. K10. K2tog. yo. K7. yo. 3rd row: K3. *yo. K1. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. ssk. K10. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once more. K1. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once K3. 73 sts. more. K3. 25 sts. 29th row: K3. *yo. K9. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K4. 5th row: K3. *yo. K1. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. ssk. (K2tog. yo. K1) twice. K8. yo.* K1. Rep from K1. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once * to * once more. K3. 77 sts. more. K3. 29 sts. 31st row: K3. *yo. K8. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. 7th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) twice. K2. K2. (K2tog. yo. K1) 3 times. K7. yo.* K1. Rep yo. ssk. K1. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to from * to * once more. K3. 81 sts. * once more. K3. 33 sts. 33rd row: K3. *yo. K7. (yo. ssk. K1) 4 times. 9th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) twice. K1. (K2tog. yo. K1) 4 times. K6. yo.* K1. Rep from (yo. ssk. K1) twice. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep * to * once more. K3. 85 sts. from * to * once more. K3. 37 sts. 35th row: K3. *yo. K9. (yo. ssk. K1) 4 times. 11th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) twice. K3. K1. (K2tog. yo. K1) 3 times. K8. yo.* K1. Rep (yo. ssk. K1) twice. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once more. K3. 89 sts. from * to * once more. K3. 41 sts. 37th row: K3. *yo. K11. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. 13th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) 3 times. K2. (K2tog. yo. K1) 3 times. K10. yo.* K1. Rep K2. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. yo.* K1 (center st). from * to * once more. K3. 93 sts. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 45 sts. 39th row: K3. *yo. K13. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. 15th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) 3 times. (K2tog. yo. K1) 3 times. K12. yo.* K1. Rep K1. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. yo.* K1. Rep from * from * to * once more. K3. 97 sts. to * once more. K3. 49 sts. 17th row: K3. *yo. (K1. K2tog. yo) 3 times. K3. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 53 sts. Lace Knit Shawl 37
- 41st row: K3. *yo. K4. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. 5th row: K3. *yo. K6. (K5. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. K6. (yo. ssk. K1) 3 times. K1. (K2tog. yo. K1) ssk. K4) 3 times. K7. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep twice. K5. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. K4. yo.* K1. from * to * once more. K3. 133 sts. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 101 sts. 7th row: K3. *yo. K2. yo. ssk. K3. (K4. K2tog. 43rd row: K3. *yo. K4. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. ssk. yo. K5. yo. ssk. K3) 3 times. K4. K2tog. yo. K2. K6. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K2. (K2tog. yo. K1) yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once twice. K5. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. ssk. K4. yo.* K1. more. K3. 137 sts. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 105 sts. 8th row: As 2nd row. 45th row: K3. *yo. K4. (K2tog. yo) twice. K1. (yo. ssk) twice. K6. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. (K2tog. Chart XI (see page 42). yo. K1) twice. K5. (K2tog. yo) twice. K1. (yo. 1st row: K3. *yo. [(K1. yo. ssk) twice. K4. (K1. ssk) twice. K4. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once K2tog. yo) twice] 4 times. K1. yo.* K1 (center more. K3. 109 sts. st). Rep from * to * once more. K3. 141 sts. 47th row: K3. *yo. K4. (K2tog. yo) twice. K3. 2nd and alt rows: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3. (yo. ssk) twice. K6. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K1. 3rd row: K3. *yo. [K3. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K1. K2tog. yo. K6. (K2tog. yo) twice. K3. (yo. ssk) (K1. K2tog. yo) twice] 4 times. K3. yo.* K1 twice. K4. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once (center st). Rep from * to * once more. K3. more. K3. 113 sts. 145 sts. 49th row: K3. *yo. K4. (K2tog. yo) twice. K5. 5th row: K3. *yo. [K4. (K1. yo. ssk) twice. (K1. (yo. ssk) twice. K6. yo. ssk. K3. K2tog. yo. K6. K2tog. yo) twice] 4 times. K5. yo.* K1 (center (K2tog. yo) twice. K5. (yo. ssk) twice. K4. yo.* st). Rep from * to * once more. K3. 149 sts. K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 117 sts. 7th row: K3. *yo. K1. [K2tog. yo. (K1. yo. ssk) 51st row: K3. *yo. K6. (K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. twice. K1. yo. Sl1. K2tog. psso. yo. K1. K2tog. K1) twice. K7. yo. ssk. K1. K2tog. yo. K8. yo. K1] 4 times. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. K1. (K2tog. yo. K1. yo. ssk. K1) twice. K5. yo.* K1. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once Rep from * to * once more. K3. 121 sts. more. K3. 153 sts. 52nd row: As 2nd row. 9th row: K3. *yo. K1. K2tog. yo. [K3. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K1. (K1. K2tog. yo) twice] 4 times. Chart X (see page 41). K3. yo. ssk. K1. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once 1st row: K3. *yo. K4. (K7. yo. Sl1. K2tog. more. K3. 157 sts. psso. yo. K6) 3 times. K5. yo.* K1 (center st). 11th row: K3. *yo. K1. K2tog. yo. [K5. (yo. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 125 sts. ssk. K1) twice. K2tog. yo. K1. K2tog. yo] 4 2nd and alt rows: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3. times. K5. yo. ssk. K1. yo.* K1. Rep from * to 3rd row: K3. *yo. K5. (K6. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. * once more. K3. 161 sts. ssk. K5) 3 times. K6. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once more. K3. 129 sts. 38 Lace Knit Shawl
- 13th row: K3. *yo. K1. [(K2tog. yo. K1) twice. 5th row: K3. *yo. K2. (K5. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K4] 4 times. (K2tog. yo. ssk. K4) 5 times. K3. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * K1) twice. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. yo.* K1. Rep once more. K3. 181 sts. from * to * once more. K3. 165 sts. 7th row: K3. *yo. K3. (K4. K2tog. yo. K5. yo. 15th row: K3. *yo. K1. [(K2tog. yo. K1) twice. ssk. K3) 5 times. K4. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * K2. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K2] 4 times. (K2tog. once more. K3. 185 sts. yo. K1) twice. K2. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. yo.* K1. 9th row: K3. *yo. K4. (K6. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 169 sts. ssk. K5) 5 times. K5. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * 16th row: As 2nd row. once more. K3. 189 sts. 11th row: K3. *yo. K5. (K5. K2tog. yo. K3. yo. Chart XII (see page 42). ssk. K4) 5 times. K6. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * 1st row: K3. *yo. (K4. K2tog. yo. K5. yo. ssk. once more. K3. 193 sts. K3) 5 times. K1. yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from 13th row: K3. *yo. K6. (K6. yo. ssk. K1. K2tog. * to * once more. K3. 173 sts. yo. K5) 5 times. K7. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * 2nd and alt rows: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3. once more. K3. 197 sts. 3rd row: K3. *yo. K1. [K3. (K2tog. yo. K1) 15th row: K3. *yo. K7. (K6. K2tog. yo. K1. yo. twice. (yo. ssk. K1) twice. K1] 5 times. K2. ssk. K5) 5 times. K8. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * yo.* K1 (center st). Rep from * to * once once more. K3. 201 sts. more. K3. 177 sts. 16th row: As 2nd row. Lace Knit Shawl 39
- Chart XIII (see page 42). rep on rows 9, 11, 13 and 15 will be worked 1st row: (RS). K3. *yo. ssk. yo. (K5. yo. Sl1. once more on following repeats, until K2tog. psso. yo) 11 times. K5. yo. K2tog. yo.* Shawl measures approx 30" [76 cm] deep, K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 205 sts. ending on 16th row of Chart. Cast off 2nd and alt rows: K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3. loosely. 3rd row: K3. *yo. K1. (K1. ssk. yo. K3. yo. K2tog) 12 times. K2. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * Border once more. K3. 209 sts. Note: Number of sts will vary throughout 5th row: K3. *yo. K2. (K2. ssk. yo. K1. yo. pat rep. K2tog. K1) 12 times. K3. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 213 sts. With pair of needles, cast on 12 sts. 7th row: K3. *yo. K3. (K3. yo. Sl1. K2tog. 1st row: (RS). K3. yo. K5. yo. K2tog. yo. K2. psso. yo. K2) 12 times. K4. yo.* K1. Rep from 14 sts. * to * once more. K3. 217 sts. 2nd and alt rows: K2. Purl to last st. K1. 9th row: K3. *yo. K1. ssk. yo. K3. (yo. K2tog) 3rd row: K4. Sl1. K2tog. psso. K2. (yo. K2tog) 3 times. [K1. (ssk. yo) 3 times. K3. (yo. K2tog) twice. K1. 12 sts. 3 times] 5 times. K1. (ssk. yo) 3 times. K3. yo. 5th row: K3. ssk. K2. (yo. K2tog) twice. K1. K2tog. K1. yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once 11 sts. more. K3. 221 sts. 7th row: K2. ssk. K2. (yo. K2tog) twice. K1. 11th row: K3. *yo. K1. (ssk. yo) twice. K1. 10 sts. (yo. K2tog) 3 times. K1. [K2. (ssk. yo) 3 times. 9th row: K1. ssk. K2. (yo. K2tog) twice. K1. K1. (yo. K2tog) 3 times. K1] 5 times. K2. (ssk. 9 sts. yo) 3 times. K1. (yo. K2tog) twice. K1. yo.* 11th row: ssk. K2. yo. K1. yo. K2tog. yo. K2. K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. 225 sts. 10 sts. 13th row: K3. *yo. K2. (ssk. yo) twice. K1. 13th row: (K3. yo) twice. K2tog. yo. K2. (yo. K2tog) twice. K3. [K4. (ssk. yo) twice. K1. 12 sts. (yo. K2tog) twice. K3] 5 times. K4. (ssk. yo) 14th row: As 2nd row. twice. K1. (yo. K2tog) twice. K2. yo.* K1. Rep Rep 1st to 14th rows for pat until Border from * to * once more. K3. 229 sts. from beg measures length to fit along 2 15th row: K3. *yo. K5. ssk. yo. K1. yo. K2tog. shorter sides of Shawl, gathering at point K5. (K6. ssk. yo. K1. yo. K2tog. K5) 6 times. to let edging lie flat and ending with 14th yo.* K1. Rep from * to * once more. K3. row. Sew in position as you work. Cast off. 16th row: As 2nd row. Rep 1st to 16th rows of Chart XIII, noting FINISHING 8-st rep on rows 1, 3, 5 and 7 will be worked Pin Shawl to measurements. twice more on following repeats and 16-st 40 Lace Knit Shawl
- Chart IX Chart X Key Knitting Needle Conversion Chart Canadian & U.K. Sizes – – 000 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 – 10 11 12 13 14 15 Metric Sizes (mm) 15 12.75 10 9 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3.25 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 U.S. Sizes 19 17 15 13 11 – – 10½ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 – 2 1 0 – Lace Knit Shawl, Knitting Needle Conversion Chart 41
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