Lecture Applied data science: Introduction
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Lecture "Applied data science: Introduction" includes content: data science application, history data science, history statistisc, history big data, data science lifecycle,... We invite you to consult!
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Nội dung Text: Lecture Applied data science: Introduction
- Applied Data Science Sonpvh, 2022
- 1. Introduction 8. Validation 2. Application 9. Regularization 3. EDA 10. Clustering 4. Learning Process 11. Evaluation 5. Bias – Variance TradeOff 12. Deployment 6. Regression 13. Ethics 7. Classification 1
- 3 -10 days Customer Loan Paper Authentication Appraisal Disbursement Online Application
- World bank, Korean Office, Forbes, 2020 [2] Exton Research, 2021 [3] 3 2020 [1]
- AUSTRADE Vietnam, Digital banking in Vietnam, 2018 [4] “69% of adults in Vietnam are unbanked” World Bank 2018 [5] 4
- [3]: toward data science 5
- ZingMp3: >30% traffic Xavier, 2014 [6] ZOA: improve >30% total click and follow Toward Data 6 Science, [7]
- Edureka, Data Science Application, 2019 7 [8]
- 8
- “At a high level, data science is a set of fundamental principles that support and guide the principled extraction of information and knowledge from data” Provost and Fawcett, 2013, [9] 9
- Business week “Databased Marketing” (1994) Prof. Moshe Zviran Companies are collecting mountains of “ Conventional statistical methods work John W. Tukey information about you, crunching it to well with small data sets. Today's “The Future of data analytics” - “I have predict how likely you are to buy a come to feel that my central interest is databases, however, can involve millions Thomas Bayes, product, and using that knowledge to in data analysis… Data analysis, and the of rows and scores of columns of data “ Bayes theorem craft a marketing message precisely parts of statistics …” (1962) (1999) (1763) calibrated to get you to do so… BC Peter Naur, Danish Computer Scientist Professor C. F. Jeff Wu - University of Michigan “Data Science - The science of dealing with data…” (1976) “Calls for statistics to be renamed data Carl Friedrich Gauss science and statisticians to be renamed data Linked (2010) Linear Regression, Method of least scientists.” (1997) squares Predict the movement of planet (1809) (1821) The International Association for Statistical Computing (1977) 10 “It is the mission of the IASC to link traditional statistical methodology, modern Src: Gil Press, 2013 [11] computer technology, and the knowledge of domain experts in order to convert
- 11
- Gordon Earle Moore US Businessman “The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years” 1965 12
- Bigdata, 2016 [12] 13 Smolan and Erwitt, The human face of big data, 2013 [13]
- 14 Fujitsu Journal, How digital technology will transform the world,
- Statistics Algorithms Computer Big Data 15
- “I want to improve something!!!” Business User App Data Monitoring Problems Data Problems Machine Learning EVALUATION Data Warehouse 16
- The CRISP data mining process, SimpliLearn, Data science lifecycle[10] Data science for business Book, 2013[15] 17
- 1. Application 2. EDA Business Data 3. Learning Process Understand Understand ing ing 4. Bias – Variance TradeOff Data Preparation 5. Regression 6. Classification Deploymen Modeling 7. Validation t 8. Regularization Evaluation 9. Clustering 10. Evaluation ✓ Technical View ✓ Product – Business View 11. Development 18 Data science for business Book, 2013[15]
- 1. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/34701 2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgecalhoun/2020/11/16/why-china-stopped-the-ant-groups-ipopart-2-ants-dangerous-business-model/?sh=2678440158bf 3. http://extonconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Report-Neobanks-2021.pdf 4. https://www.austrade.gov.au/ArticleDocuments/4569/digital-banking-vietnam-report.pdf.aspx 5. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/29654/LDB-FinInclusion2018.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 6. https://www.slideshare.net/xamat/recommender-systems-machine-learning-summer-school-2014-cmu 7. https://towardsdatascience.com/prototyping-a-recommender-system-step-by-step-part-1-knn-item-based-collaborative-filtering-637969614ea 8. https://www.edureka.co/blog/data-science-applications/ 9. Provost, F., & Fawcett, T. (2013). Data Science and its Relationship to Big Data and Data-Driven Decision Making. Big Data, 1(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2013.1508. 10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3paOmcrTjQ 11. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2013/05/28/a-very-short-history-of-data-science/?sh=6c3e1e4c55cf 12. Hồ Tú Bảo, Khoa học dữ lieu và cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ 4 13. Smolan and Erwitt, The human face of big data, 2013 14. Fujitsu Journal, How digital technology will transform the world, 1.2016 15. Data science for business, Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, 2013 19
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