Lecture Fundamentals of control systems: Chapter 8 - TS. Huỳnh Thái Hoàng
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Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 8: Analysis of discrete control systems" presentation of content: Stability conditions for discrete systems, extension of Routh - Hurwitz criteria, jury criterion, root locus,... Invite you to reference.
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Nội dung Text: Lecture Fundamentals of control systems: Chapter 8 - TS. Huỳnh Thái Hoàng
- Lecture Notes Fundamentals of Control Systems Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Thai Hoang Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Email: hthoang@hcmut.edu.vn huynhthaihoang@yahoo.com Homepage: www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ www4 hcmut edu vn/ hthoang/ 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoang - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 1
- Chapter 8 ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE CONTROL SYSTEMS 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 2
- Content Stability conditions for discrete systems Extension of Routh-Hurwitz criteria Jury J criterion it i Root locus Steady St d statet t error Performance of discrete systems 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 3
- Stability conditions for discrete systems 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 4
- Stability conditions for discrete systems A system is defined to be BIBO stable if every bounded input to the system results in a bounded output. I s Im I z Im Stable Re s Stable Re z Res 0 | z | 1 1 z eTs The region of stability for a The region of stability for a contin o s system continuous s stem is the di discrete t system t i th is the left-half s-plane interior of the unit circle 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 5
- Characteristic equation of discrete systems Discrete systems described by block diagram: R(s) Y(s) + GC(z) ZOH G(s) T H(s) Characteristic equation: 1 GC ( z )GH ( z ) 0 Discrete systems described by the state equation x( k 1) Ad x( k ) Bd r ( k ) y ( k ) Cd x( k ) Characteristic equation: det( zI Ad ) 0 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 6
- Methods for analysis the stability of discrete systems Algebraic stability criteria The extension of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria Jury’s J ’ stability t bilit criterion it i The root locus method 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 7
- The extension of the Routh- Routh-Hurwitz criteria 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 8
- The extension of the Routh Routh--Hurwitz criteria Characteristic C a acte st c equat equation o oof d discrete sc ete syste systems: s a0 z n a1 z n 1 an 0 Im z Im w Region R i off Region of stability Re z stability Re w 1 1 w z 1 w The extension of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria: transform zw,, and then apply pp y the Routh – Hurwitz criteria to the characteristic equation of the variable w. 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 9
- The extension of the Routh Routh--Hurwitz criteria – Example Analyze the stability of the following system: R(s) + Y(s) ZOH G(s) T 0.5 H(s) 3e s 1 Gi Given t G( s) that: th H ( s) s3 s 1 Solution: Sol tion The characteristic equation of the system: 1 GH ( z ) 0 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 10
- The extension of the Routh- Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’) s G ( s ) H ( s ) 3 e GH ( z ) (1 z 1 )Z G ( s) s ( s 3) s 1 3e 3 e 1 (1 z )Z H (s) s ( s 3)( s 1) ( s 1) 1 2 z ( Az B) 3(1 z ) z ( z 1)( z e 30.5 )( z e 10.5 ) (1 e 30.5 ) 3(1 e 0.5 ) A 0.0673 3(1 3) 1 z ( Az B) Z s3(s0.5 a)( s b) ( z 1)( z e aT )( z e bT ) 3e 30.5 (1 e 0.5 ) e 0.5 (1 e ) aT B b(1 e 0).0346 a(1 e bT ) 3(1 3) A ab(b a) 0 .202 z 0. 104 aeaT (1 e bT ) be bT (1 e aT ) GH ( z ) 2 z ( z 0.223)( zB 0.607) ab(b a) 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 11
- The extension of the Routh- Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’) The characteristic equation: 1 GH ( z ) 0 0.202 z 0.104 1 2 0 z ( z 0.223)( z 0.607) z 0.83z 0.135z 0.202 z 0.104 0 4 3 2 1 w Perform the transformation: z 1 w 1 w 1 w 1 w 1 w 4 3 2 0.83 0.135 0.202 0.104 0 1 w 1 w 1 w 1 z w 0.202 0.104 GH ( z ) 2 G z ( z 0.223)( z 0.607) 1.867 w 5.648w 6.354 w 1.52 w 0.611 0 4 3 2 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 12
- The extension of the Routh- Routh-Hurwitz criteria – Example (cont’) The Routh table Conclusion: The system is stable because all the terms in the first column of the Routh table are positive positive. 1.867 w 5.648w 6.354 w 1.52 w 0.611 0 4 3 2 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 13
- Jury stability criterion 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 14
- Jury stability criterion Analyze the stability of the discrete system which has the characteristic equation: a0 z n a1 z n 1 an 1 z an 0 Jury table: consist of (2n+1) rows. The first row consists of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial in the increasing index order. The even row (any) consists of the coefficients of the previous row in the reverse order. The odd row i = 2k+1 (k1) consists (nk+1) terms, the term at the row i column j defined by: 1 ci 2,1 ci 2,n j k 3 cij ci 2,1 ci 1,1 ci 1,n j k 3 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 15
- Jury stability criterion (cont’) Jury criterion statement: The necessary and sufficient condition for the discrete system to be stable t bl isi that th t allll the th first fi t tterms off th the odd dd rows off th the Jury table are positive. 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 16
- Jury stability criterion – Example Analyze the stability of the system which has the characteristic equation: 5 z 2 z 3z 1 0 3 2 Solution: Juryy table Row 1 Row 2 R Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Since all the first terms of the odd rows are positive, the system is stable. 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 17
- The root locus of discrete systems 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 18
- The root locus (RL) method RL is a set of all the roots of the characteristic equation of a system when a real parameter changing from 0 +. Consider a discrete system which has the characteristic equation: N ((zz ) 1 K 0 D( z ) N ( z) Denote: G0 ( z ) K D( z ) Assume that G0(z) has n poles and m zeros. The rules for construction of the RL of continuous system y can be applied to discrete systems, except for the step 8. 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 19
- Rules for construction of the RL of discrete systems Rule 1: The number of branches of a RL = the order of the characteristic equation = number of poles of G0(z) = n. Rule 2: For K = 0: the RL begin at the poles of G0(z). A K goes to As t + : m branches b h off th the RL endd att m zeros of G0(z), the nm remaining branches goes to approaching the asymptote defined by the rule 5 and rule 6. Rule 3: The RL is symmetric with respect to the real axis. Rule 4: A point on the real axis belongs to the RL if the t t l number total b off poles l and d zeros off G0(z) ( ) to t its it right i ht is i odd. dd 6 December 2013 © H. T. Hoàng - www4.hcmut.edu.vn/~hthoang/ 20

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