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LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A001

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Nội dung Text: LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A001

  1. LUYỆN THI ĐH – CĐ NĂM 2010 – 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN – A001 Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete each of the following sentences 1.The school authorities…………. The child’s unruly behavior on his parents’ lack of discipline. a. attribute b. accuse c. blame d. describe 2. I have to assure myself that I…….the best possible decision. a. have leapt b. have made c. have done d. have reached 3. By the time I saved enough money, the price of the camera………by ten percent. a. had risen b. has risen c. was rising d. rose 4. “Sorry, I’m late, Mike.” - “ ………………..” a. Well, it’s worth a try b. Not on my account c. No, I wouldn’t mind at all d. That’s all right 5. Once the air warms up, the snow should start to……… a. thaw b. defrost c. dissolve d. liquefy 6. That is the librarian ……….I got the information. a. whom b. from who c. from him d. from whom 7. “I’m afraid I don’t………your view on this matter, John.” a. agree b. share c. have the same d. accord 8. A new law……to ban smoking in public places. a. have passed b. has been passed c. is passing d. will pass 9. I noticed a bag in the corner when I ……..through the park. a. was walking b. walked c. had walked d. had been walking 10. ……….my opinion, there should be laws to restrict hunting and overfishing. a. From b. In c. For d. According to 11. I’m trying this alternative cold remedy. It’s…….different plant roots and herbs, and tastes very strange. a. consisting of b. containing c. composed of d. included 12. It’s surprising that ex-smokers are less……..smokers than non-smokers. a. tolerant of b. tolerable to c. intolerant d. tolerance towards 13. Tony often watches TV after his parents……….to bed. a. had gone b. have gone c. go d. went 14. If you hadn’t thrown away the receipt, you…….your money back. a. could get b. can get c. could have gotten d. could be able to get 15. “What a great haircut, Lucy!” - “………………..” a. You think so? I think it’s a bit too short b. It’s my pleasure c. Oh, yes. That’s right d. Thanks. It’s very kind of you to do this. 16. Don’t leave paraffin heaters in a draught or where they’re…….. a. dangerously knocked over b. in danger knocked over c. in danger of being knocked over d. in danger of knocking over 17. ……..dolphins are able to communicate with other. a. There is considerable evidence that b. The evidence is considerable that c. it is considerable evidence that d. Considerable evidence is there that 18. Especially important to many people………………… a. there is legislation against pollution. B. is legislation against pollution c. it is legislation against pollution d. legislation against pollution is 19. ……., Nathan Hale was a young school- teacher living in Connecticut. a. The beginning of the American Revolution b. The American Revolution began c. It was when the American revolution began d. When the American revolution began 20. Some bees make the characteristic monotonous noise known as buzzing……… a. but their wings are vibrated rapidly b. the vibration of their wings is rapid c. by vibrating their wings rapidly d. and their wings rapidly vibrating 21. ……….., authorities allow about one ton to each foot of length. a. To calculate the weight of an average adult whale. b. They calculate the weight of an average adult whale
  2. c. In the calculation the weight of an average adult whale d. Even though they calculate the weight of an average adult whale 22. ………, Harry S. Truman was the thirty –third President of the United States a. He was born and raised in Missouri b. That he was born and raised in Missouri c. Because he was born and raised in Missouri d. Born and raised in Missouri. 23. …….a car and having money in my pocket were the chief ambitions of my adolescence. a. The owner of b. having owned c. Owning d. To own 24. While I was trying to read my menu , my friend was staring blankly……. a. at his one b. at his c. at him d. his 25. Laurence was born in Australia, but she has spent…………of her life there. a. very little b. a little c. only a few d. a few 26. I have considered…………one course, but so far I haven’t decided which one. a. to drop b. dropping c. to have dropped d. having dropped 27. …… day by a passing car, the dog never walked properly again. a. Having injured b. Injuring c. Injured d. To be injured 28. You may find doing this job very……… Try it! a. relaxed b. relaxing c. relax d. relaxation 29. Mike: “Tell me what your dog’s like?” - Alice: “………………” a. Very quickly b. Biscuit and bones c. Very well , thank you d. Big, black and hairy 30. Population expansion seems to surpass t he ability of the earth to meet…….food. a. the requirement of b. the command of c. the demand for d. the necessity for Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 31. If you mustn’t make an emergency rescue , do not move the victim. 32. Some of the earth’s most valuable resources are found in only few places. 33. Neither of the men arresting as terrorists would reveal information about his group. 34. I strongly object the idea of students in the final year working part-time jobs. 35. If they took their language lesson seriously, they would be able to communicate with the locals now. Mark the letter a, b, c or d to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest or the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress: 36. a. apologize b. absorb c. absence d. attendance 37. a. crucial b. efficient c. appreciate d. participate 38. a. conclusion b. apprehension c. subversion d. conversion 39. a. identify b. integrity c. intimate d. interior 40.a. contaminate b. educate c. organism d. actually Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the given one in italics 41. Nobody at all came to the meeting a. There was almost nobody at the meeting b. Not many people came to the meeting c. Only a few people came to the meeting d. Not a single person came to the meeting 42. Anne takes after her mother. a. Anne resembles her mother in action b. Anne looks alike her mother c. Anne and her mother are alike d. Anne likes her mother very much 43. David broke his leg and couldn’t play in the final. a. If David didn’t break his leg, he could play in the final. b. If David hadn’t broken his leg, he could play in the final now c. David couldn’t play in the final due to his broken leg. d. But for his broken leg, David couldn’t have played in the final. 44. Cultures vary from country to country. a. Cultures move from one country to another. b. There are different cultures in one country c. Culture differences are based on countries d. Cultures are different in different countries. 45. it is not unusual to feel nervous before a bog test. a. People tend to feel nervous before a big test b. It’s common that people feel unusually nervous before a big test. c. It’s a very natural reaction not to feel nervous before a big test. d. Feeling nervous before a big test is something unusual.
  3. 46. opinion/ football match / fair. a. My opinion was fair about the football match . b. In my opinion, I think that the football match was fair. c. According to my opinion, the football match was fair. d. In my opinion, the football match was fair 47. I / have / air conditioner / fix / tomorrow. a. I will have an air conditioner fixing tomorrow. B. I will have an air conditioner fixed tomorrow c. I will have someone getting an air conditioner fixed tomorrow d. I have an air conditioner fixed tomorrow. 48. provide/ your handwriting / legible / test scorer/ accept / your answer. a. Providing with your legible handwriting, every test scorer must accept your answer. b. Providing your handwriting is legible. The test scorer does not accept your answer/ c. Provided for your legible handwriting, the test scorer has to accept your answer. d. provided that your handwriting is legible, your answer will be accepted by any test scorer. 49. the patient / recover / more / rapidly / expected a. The patient recovered rapidly he expected more than. b. The patient has recovered more rapidly he expected. c. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. d. The patient rapidly recovered than he more expected. 50. I’d / play football / rather / watch / it / T.V a. I’d prefer to play football rather than watching it on T.V b. I’d prefer playing football than watching it on T.V c. I’d prefer to play football rather than watch it o n T.V d. I’d prefer rather play football rather than watch it on T.V Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. Some of us will soon be booking holiday in space! The idea may appear too fantastic to be true, but the space- tour operators of the future seem to ( 51)………it as a real possibility. They are not alone. NASA, America’s space agency , and the Space Transportation Association, a group of 16 aerospace companies, are ( 52)…….on a detailed study ‘with a view to establishing a US space tourism business’. It has been reported that 2005 will see the start of ( 53)……tourism in space. By around 2010 at least one hotel will have been built , in which tourists could stay for up to a week. The general plan, apparently, is to take passengers first to a height of 50 miles- the official boundary of space .There they will get a taste of ‘weightlessness’ for about two minutes and some spectacular ( 54)……of the Earth. It will cost them around 400,000 each. The money would be used to help develop a feet of vehicles and space hotels. The next step would be to ( 55)…..the up- and- down trips to orbital flights ( probably two or three circles of the Earth, for as many as 20 passengers at a time), giving four hours in which to take pictures and enjoy some weightlessness games. By 2020, ( 56)…….will have reduced the cost of a ticket to £4,000. In Japan, the Tokyo- based Shimizy Corporation has set a target date of 2020 for its orbiting space resort, to which it ( 57)…….to shuttle parties of 64 tourists, event ually planning sightseeing trips to the Moon. Its brochure says that a hotel will be constructed in space first. This will be followed by one ‘Lunar Hotel’ on the moon. These two hotels, it adds, will be ‘the basis for an entire space resort network’. Guests will leave from the International Space Port, ( 58)……in the Pacific Ocean. In less than an hour they will arrive at a large space station, and spend three days and two nights in room, whic h will, ‘provide artificial gravity so that everyone will be able to enjoy space travel without fully ( 59)…….themselves to weightlessness.’ The room modules will be in a doughnut -shaped 140 metre- diametre circle frame that will rotate at 3 p.m. This rotation will produce an artificial gravity le vel which will ( 60)….guests to sleep, stand, walk and take showers as easily as on Earth. 51. a. believe b. regard c. think d. approve of 52. a. manipulating b. investigating c. researching d. working
  4. 53. a. bulk b. large c. mass d. enormous 54. a. views b. sightings c. images d. figures 55.a. stretch b. length c. prolong d. extend 56. a. need b. command c. demand d. order 57. a. aims b. purposes c. means d. plans 58. a. situating b. lay c. spotting d. located 59. a. shifting b. changing c. switching d. adjusting 60. a. encourage b. allow c. make it possible d. provide Read the passage and choose the best answer. TALKING TO…………ELTON JOHN Q Do you miss doing the ordinary things in life? I like plodding round the kitchen doing the things everybody else does. I love going to the supermarket to do the shopping. I come back with far more stuff than I need. When I am on holiday in St. Tropez, I love to get up at six in the morning to get the fresh bread. So people often see me wheeling my trolley round the supermarkets in town. Q Do you mind being recognized? I’ve tried going out in disguise, but in the end most people recognize me, Ninety- nine percent are very pleasant, very polite. But it’s frustrating if you get out of bed on the wrong side- and you do some days- and someone asks you for an autograph and they haven’t got a pen or a piece of paper. But I enjoy m y popularity; I don’t see the point in being a recluse. Q You once said that you’re a bit of a loner. Yeah, I always have been . By that I don’t mean that I’m alone. It’s just that I like to be my own boss all the time. Don’t confuse that with being lonely because I’m not. I have lots of great friends around me. Being successful has given me the confidence to do things I wouldn’t have had the co urage to do otherwise. But I still retain that shyness when I first meet people. I’m never going to get rid of t hat. Q You like your food, don’t you? I’m one of those people who only has to look at a doughnut and I immediately put on 2 pounds without even eating it. I’ve always had a problem with my weight .it doesn’t bother me too much, although I get depressed when I’m very overweight.. I dieted once and I became so obsessed that I neatly made myself ill. But I’m happy with the way I am at the moment. If you exercise at least three or four times a week and play tennis, then it’s no problem , but you have to keep at it. ( …) Q Do you think you will still be touring and making records in another ten year’s time? I can’t keep touring and making records for t he rest of my life- I’ve got to try something different now and then. One thing I am interested in doing is writing a musical. Q So do you think we see you on stage in your town musical one day? I doubt it. I’m not interested in going into a theatre and performing every night. You may find that strange but if you’re on tour, you’re changing cities. I played at the Hammersmith Odeon once for 14 nights and by the end of it I was going crazy. It was like going to the office. People who actually appear in plays and musical for two or three years have my greatest sympathy and admiration. I never consider what I do as work. 61. When Elton goes out, he…………… a. is recognized by 99% of the population b. wears a disguise c. gets annoyed if he is recognized d. accepts he will probably be recognized 62. The phrase ‘ a recluse’ is closest in meaning to……………… a. an ordinary person b. a celebrity c. a person who avoids other people d. a person who gets frustrated with his popularity 63. How has frame changed Elton John? a. He has become very bossy b. He doesn’t like to be on his own c. He feels more confident d. He has become shy 64. The phrase ‘a loner’ is closest in meaning to……………… a. a person who likes being alone b. a bossy person c. a person who is unhappy without other people around d. an only child in the family 65. What does Elton John say about his weight? a. He is obsessed with his weight b. He gets depressed when he diets
  5. c. He has learnt to control his weight d. He wishes he were thin 66. The word it in the last paragraph refers to…………… a. his playing at the theatre for 14 nights b. his going crazy after the performance c. his going to the office d. the Hammersmith Odeon 67. What does the last paragraph tell us about his attitude to work? a. He loves doing the same thing day after day b. he hates any sort of job which means following a routine and doing the same thing day after day. c. He loves playing at the theatre d. He admires people who work hard. 68. Which of the following is not true about Elton John? a. He loves doing the shopping in supermarkets b. He prefers going out in disguise to avoid people c. He has a lot of friends d. Although he’s always had a problem with his weight, he doesn’t care much about it. 69. All of the following suggest that Elton John is basically happy with himself and his lifestyle EXCEPT……… a. He enjoys his popularity b. He is happy with the way he is at the moment c. He never considers what he does as work d. He’s always been a loner. 70. What is his future ambition? a. to appear in a play or musical b. to break with his present routine c. to do a word tour d. to play at the Hammersmith Odeon Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucked into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence. The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. I f the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent. Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practised, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea water along the American Gulf Coast. 71. The author’s main purpose in this passage is to…………. a. describe the properties and uses of water b. illustrate the importance of conserving water c. explain how water is used in commerce and industry d. compare water with other liquid. 72. The phrase ‘This vast amount’ in the first paragraph refers to………….. a. 300 million cubic miles of water b. 80,000 million cubic miles of water c. 80,000 cubic miles of water d. 24,000 cubic miles of rain. st 73. The word ‘ replenish’ in the 1 paragraph can be best replaced by………… a. fill again b. replace c. evaporate d. form 74According to the passage , fish can survive in the oceans because………….. a. they do not need oxygen b. ice floats c. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle. d. there are currents in the oceans. 75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of water? a. water expands when it is frozen b. Water is a good solvent c. Water can absorb heat d. Water contracts on cooling
  6. 76. The word ‘outstanding’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to……….. a. exceptionally good b. special c. important d. amusing 77. According to the passage , the hydrosphere is NOT…….. a. responsible for all forms of life b. the part of the earth covered by water c. a source of natural resources d. in danger of freezing over 78. The author’s tone in the passage can best be described as………….. a. dogmatic b. dispassionate c. speculative d. biased 79. The author organizes the passage by……………. a. comparison and contrast b. juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas c. general statements followed by examples d. hypothesis and proof 80. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage? a. Water has the ability to erode land b. Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes c. Another remarkably property of ice is its strength. d. Droughts and flooding are two types of disasters associated with water. PRACTICE TEST 10 - KEY Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete each of the following sentences 1.The school authorities…………. The child’s unruly behavior on his parents’ lack of discipline. a. attribute b. accuse c. blame d. describe 2. I have to assure myself that I…….the best possible decision. a. have leapt b. have made c. have done d. have reached 3. By the time I saved enough money, the price of the camera………by ten percent. a. had risen b. has risen c. was rising d. rose 4. “Sorry, I’m late, Mike.” - “ ………………..” a. Well, it’s worth a try b. Not on my account c. No, I wouldn’t mind at all d. That’s all right 5. Once the air warms up, the snow should start to……… a. thaw b. defrost c. dissolve d. liquefy 6. That is the librarian ……….I got the information. a. whom b. from who c. from him d. from whom 7. “I’m afraid I don’t………your view on this matter, John.” a. agree b. share c. have the same d. accord 8. A new law……to ban smoking in public places. a. have passed b. has been passed c. is passing d. will pass 9. I noticed a bag in the corner when I ……..through the park. a. was walking b. walked c. had walked d. had been walking 10. ……….my opinion, there should be laws to restrict hunting and overfishing. a. From b. In c. For d. According to 11. I’m trying this alternative cold remedy. It’s…….different plant roots and herbs, and tastes very strange. a. consisting of b. containing c. composed of d. included 12. It’s surprising that ex-smokers are less……..smokers than non-smokers. a. tolerant of b. tolerable to c. intolerant d. tolerance towards 13. Tony often watches TV after his parents……….to bed. a. had gone b. have gone c. go d. went 14. If you hadn’t thrown away the receipt, you…….your money back. a. could get b. can get c. could have gotten d. could be able to get 15. “What a great haircut, Lucy!” - “………………..” a. You think so? I think it’s a bit too short b. It’s my pleasure c. Oh, yes. That’s right d. Thanks. It’s very kind of you to do this. 16. Don’t leave paraffin heaters in a draught or where they’re…….. a. dangerously knocked over b. in danger knocked over c. in danger of being knocked over d. in danger of knocking over 17. ……..dolphins are able to communicate with other.
  7. a. There is considerable evidence that b. The evidence is considerable that c. it is considerable evidence that d. Considerable evidence is there that 18. Especially important to many people………………… a. there is legislation against pollution. B. is legislation against pollution c. it is legislation against pollution d. legislation against pollution is 19. ……., Nathan Hale was a young school- teacher living in Connecticut. a. The beginning of the American Revolution b. The American Revolution began c. It was when the American revolution began d. When the American revolution began 20. Some bees make the characteristic monotonous noise known as buzzing……… a. but their wings are vibrated rapidly b. the vibration of their wings is rapid c. by vibrating their wings rapidly d. and their wings rapidly vibrating 21. ……….., authorities allow about one ton to each foot of length. a. To calculate the weight of an average adult whale. b. They calculate the weight of an average adult whale c. In the calculation the weight of an average adult whale d. Even though they calculate the weight of an average adult whale 22. ………, Harry S. Truman was the thirty –third President of the United States a. He was born and raised in Missouri b. That he was born and raised in Missouri c. Because he was born and raised in Missouri d. Born and raised in Missouri. 23. …….a car and having money in my pocket were the chief ambitions of my adolescence. a. The owner of b. having owned c. Owning d. To own 24. While I was trying to read my menu , my friend was staring blankly……. a. at his one b. at his c. at him d. his 25. Laurence was born in Australia, but she has spent…………of her life there. a. very little b. a little c. only a few d. a few 26. I have considered…………one course, but so far I haven’t decided which one. a. to drop b. dropping c. to have dropped d. having dropped 27. …… day by a passing car, the dog never walked properly again. a. Having injured b. Injuring c. Injured d. To be injured 28. You may find doing this job very……… Try it! a. relaxed b. relaxing c. relax d. relaxation 29. Mike: “Tell me what your dog’s like?” - Alice: “………………” a. Very quickly b. Biscuit and bones c. Very well , thank you d. Big, black and hairy 30. Population expansion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to meet…….food. a. the requirement of b. the command of c. the demand for d. the necessity for Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 31. If you mustn’t make an emergency rescue , do not move the victim. 32. Some of the earth’s most valuable resources are found in only few places. 33. Neither of the men arresting as terrorists would reveal information about his group. 34. I strongly object the idea of students in the final year working part-time jobs. 35. If they took their language lesson seriously, they would be able to communicate with the locals now. Mark the letter a, b, c or d to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest or the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress: 36. a. apologize b. absorb c. absence d. attendance 37. a. crucial b. efficient c. appreciate d. participate 38. a. conclusio n b. apprehension c. subversion d. conversion 39. a. identify b. integrity c. intimate d. interior 40.a. contaminate b. educate c. organism d. actually Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the given one in italics 41. Nobody at all came to the meeting a. There was almost nobody at the meeting b. Not many people came to the meeting c. Only a few people came to the meeting d. Not a single person came to the meeting 42. Anne takes after her mother. a. Anne resembles her mother in action b. Anne looks alike her mother
  8. c. Anne and her mother are alike d. Anne likes her mother very much 43. David broke his leg and couldn’t play in the final. a. If David didn’t break his leg, he could play in the final. b. If David hadn’t broken his leg, he could play in the final now c. David couldn’t play in the final due to his broken leg. d. But for his broken leg, David couldn’t have played in the final. 44. Cultures vary from country to country. a. Cultures move from one country to another. b. There are different cultures in one country c. Culture differences are based on countries d. Cultures are different in different countries. 45. it is not unusual to feel nervous before a bog test. a. People tend to feel nervous before a big test b. It’s commo n that people feel unusually nervous before a big test. c. It’s a very natural reaction not to feel nervous before a big test. d. Feeling nervous before a big test is something unusual. 46. opinion/ football match / fair. a. My opinion was fair about the football match . b. In my opinion, I think that the football match was fair. c. According to my opinion, the football match was fair. d. In my opinion, the football match was fair 47. I / have / air conditioner / fix / tomorrow. a. I will have an air condit ioner fixing tomorrow. B. I will have an air conditioner fixed tomorrow c. I will have someone getting an air conditioner fixed tomorrow d. I have an air conditioner fixed tomorrow. 48. provide/ your handwriting / legible / test scorer/ accept / your answer. a. Providing with your legible handwriting, every test scorer must accept your answer. b. Providing your handwriting is legible. The test scorer does not accept your answer/ c. Provided for your legible handwriting, the test scorer has to accept your answer. d. provided that your handwriting is legible, your answer will be accepted by any test scorer. 49. the patient / recover / more / rapidly / expected a. The patient recovered rapidly he expected more than. b. The patient has recovered more rapidly he expected. c. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. d. The patient rapidly recovered than he more expected. 50. I’d / play football / rather / watch / it / T.V a. I’d prefer to play football rather than watching it on T.V b. I’d prefer playing football than watching it on T.V c. I’d prefer to play football rather than watch it on T.V d. I’d prefer rather play football rather than watch it on T.V Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. Some of us will soon be booking holiday in space! The idea may appear too fantastic to be true, but the space- tour operators of the future seem to ( 51)………it as a real possibility. They are not alone. NASA, America’s space agency , and the Space Transportation Association, a group of 16 aerospace companies, are ( 52)…….on a detailed study ‘with a view to establishing a US space tourism business’. It has been reported that 2005 will see the start of ( 53)……tourism in space. By around 2010 at least one hotel will have been built , in which tourists could stay for up to a week. The general plan, apparently, is to take passengers first to a height of 50 miles- the official boundary of space .There they will get a taste of ‘weightlessness’ for about two minutes and some spectacular ( 54)……of the Earth. It will cost them around 400,000 each. The money would be used to help develop a feet of vehicles and space hotels. The next step would be to ( 55)…..the up- and- down trips to orbital flights ( probably two or three circles of the Earth, for as many as 20 passengers at a time), giving four hours in which to take pictures and enjoy some weightlessness games. By 2020, ( 56)…….will have reduced the cost of a ticket to £4,000.
  9. In Japan, the Tokyo- based Shimizy Corporation has set a target date of 2020 for its orbiting space resort, to which it ( 57)…….to shuttle parties of 64 tourists, eventually planning sightseeing trips to the Moon. Its brochure says that a hotel will be constructed in space first. This will be followed by one ‘Lunar Hotel’ on the moon. These two hotels, it adds, will be ‘the basis for an entire space resort network’. Guests will leave from the International Space Port, ( 58)……in the Pacific Ocean. In less than an hour they will arrive at a large space station, and spend three days and two nights in room, which will, ‘provide artificial gravity so that everyone will be able to enjoy space travel without fully ( 59)…….themselves to weightlessness.’ The room modules will be in a doughnut -shaped 140 metre- diametre circle frame that will rotate at 3 p.m. This rotation will produce an artificial gravity level which will ( 60)….guests to sleep, stand, walk and take showers as easily as on Earth. 51. a. believe b. regard c. think d. approve of 52. a. manipulating b. investigating c. researching d. working 53. a. bulk b. large c. mass d. enormous 54. a. views b. sightings c. images d. figures 55.a. stretch b. length c. prolong d. extend 56. a. need b. command c. demand d. order 57. a. aims b. purposes c. means d. plans 58. a. situating b. lay c. spotting d. located 59. a. shifting b. changing c. switching d. adjusting 60. a. encourage b. allow c. make it possible d. provide Read the passage and choose the best answer. TALKING TO…………ELTON JOHN Q Do you miss doing the ordinary things in life? I like plodding round the kitchen doing the things everybody else does. I love going to the supermarket to do the shopping. I come back with far more stuff than I need. When I am on holiday in St. Tropez, I love to get up at six in the morning to get the fresh bread. So people often see me wheeling my trolley round the supermarkets in town. Q Do you mind being recognized? I’ve tried going out in disguise, but in the end most people recognize me, Ninety- nine percent are very pleasant, very polite. But it’s frustrating if you get out of bed on the wrong side- and you do some days- and someone asks you for an autograph and they haven’t got a pen or a piece of paper. But I enjoy m y popularity; I don’t see the point in being a recluse. Q You once said that you’re a bit of a loner. Yeah, I always have been . By that I don’t mean that I’m alone. It’s just that I like to be my own boss all the time. Don’t confuse that with being lonely because I’m not. I have lots of great friends around me. Being successful has given me the confidence to do things I wouldn’t have had the courage to do otherwise. But I still retain that shyness when I first meet people. I’m never going to get rid of t hat. Q You like your food, don’t you? I’m one of those people who only has to look at a doughnut and I immediately put on 2 pounds without even eating it. I’ve always had a problem with my weight .it doesn’t bother me too much, although I get depressed when I’m very overweight.. I dieted once and I became so obsessed that I neatly made myself ill. But I’m happy with the way I am at the moment. If you exercise at least three or four times a week and play tennis, then it’s no problem , but you have to keep at it. ( …) Q Do you think you will still be touring and mak ing records in another ten year’s time? I can’t keep touring and making records for the rest of my life- I’ve got to try something different now and then. One thing I am interested in doing is writing a musical. Q So do you think we see you on stage in your town musical one day? I doubt it. I’m not interested in going into a theatre and performing every night. You may find that strange but if you’re on tour, you’re changing cities. I played at the Hammersmith Odeon once for 14 nights and by the end of it I was going crazy. It was like going to the office. People who actually appear in plays and musical for two or three years have my greatest sympathy and admiration. I never consid er what I do as work.
  10. 61. When Elton goes out, he…………… a. is recognized by 99% of the population b. wears a disguise c. gets annoyed if he is recognized d. accepts he will probably be recognized 62. The phrase ‘ a recluse’ is closest in meaning to……………… a. an ordinary person b. a celebrity c. a person who avoids other people d. a person who gets frustrated with his popularity 63. How has frame changed Elton John? a. He has become very bossy b. He doesn’t like to be on his own c. He feels more confident d. He has become shy 64. The phrase ‘a loner’ is closest in meaning to……………… a. a person who likes being alone b. a bossy person c. a person who is unhappy without other people around d. an only child in the family 65. What does Elton John say about his weight? a. He is obsessed with his weight b. He gets depressed when he diets c. He has learnt to control his weight d. He wishes he were thin 66. The word it in the last paragraph refers to…………… a. his playing at the theatre for 14 nights b. his going crazy after the performance c. his going to the office d. the Hammersmith Odeon 67. What does the last paragraph tell us about his attitude to work? a. He loves doing the same thing day after day b. he hates any sort of job which means following a routine and doing the same thing day after day. c. He loves playing at the theatre d. He admires people who work hard. 68. Which of the following is not true about Elton John? a. He loves doing the shopping in supermarkets b. He prefers going out in disguise to avoid people c. He has a lot of friends d. Although he’s always had a problem with his weight, he doesn’t care much about it. 69. All of the following suggest that Elton John is basically happy with himself and his lifestyle EXCEPT……… a. He enjoys his popularity b. He is happy with the way he is at the moment c. He never considers what he does as work d. He’s always been a loner. 70. What is his future ambition? a. to appear in a play or musical b. to break with his present routine c. to do a word tour d. to play at the Hammersmith Odeon Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucked into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence. The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent. Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely practised, potash is
  11. extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea water along the American Gulf Coast. 71. The author’s main purpose in this passage is to…………. a. describe the properties and uses of water b. illustrate the importance of conserving water c. explain how water is used in commerce and industry d. compare water with other liquid. 72. The phrase ‘This vast amount’ in the first paragraph refers to………….. a. 300 million cubic miles of water b. 80,000 million cubic miles of water c. 80,000 cubic miles of water d. 24,000 cubic miles of rain. st 73. The word ‘ replenish’ in the 1 paragraph can be best replaced by………… a. fill again b. replace c. evaporate d. form 74According to the passage , fish can survive in the oceans because………….. a. they do not need oxygen b. ice floats c. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle. d. there are currents in the oceans. 75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of water? a. water expands when it is frozen b. Water is a good solvent c. Water can absorb heat d. Water contracts on cooling 76. The word ‘outstanding’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to……….. a. exceptionally good b. special c. important d. amusing 77. According to the passage , the hydrosphere is NOT…….. a. responsible for all forms of life b. the part of the earth covered by water c. a source of natural resources d. in danger of freezing over 78. The author’s tone in the passage can best be described as………….. a. dogmatic b. dispassionate c. speculative d. biased 79. The author organizes the passage by……………. a. comparison and contrast b. juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas c. general statements followed by examples d. hypothesis and proof 80. Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage? a. Water has the ability to erode land b. Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes c. Another remarkably property of ice is its strength. d. Droughts and flooding are two types of disasters associated with water.



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