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Preliminary cuttering of a corn cob for preparation of fodder

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Justification of the optimal values of corn cob grinder in the process of pre-grinding the corn cob, reduce energy consumption and improve productivity. Thus, the urgent problem of today is the need to develop a new technology for grinding corn cobs for small peasant and personal subsidiary farms that have a productivity that meets their needs.

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Nội dung Text: Preliminary cuttering of a corn cob for preparation of fodder

  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1636-1644. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_165 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed PRELIMINARY CUTTERING OF A CORN COB FOR PREPARATION OF FODDER Mustafin Zhasulan S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Zhenis 62, 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Kaspakov Yesen S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Zhenis 62, 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Akhmetov Yerzhan S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Zhenis 62, 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Kayrzhanova Zhainagul S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Zhenis 62, 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Ismagulova Venera S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Zhenis 62, 010011, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan ABSTRACT. Justification of the optimal values of corn cob grinder in the process of pre-grinding the corn cob, reduce energy consumption and improve productivity. Thus, the urgent problem of today is the need to develop a new technology for grinding corn cobs for small peasant and personal subsidiary farms that have a productivity that meets their needs. Keywords. Corn cob, chopper, drums, energy intensity, feed, technology, sawtooth rings, Cite this Article Mustafin Zhasulan, Kaspakov Yesen, Akhmetov Yerzhan, Kayrzhanova Zhainagul and Ismagulova Venera, Preliminary Cuttering of a Corn Cob For Preparation of Fodder, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 1636-1644. 1. INTRODUCTION. The growth of livestock numbers is about 3 ... 6 percent per year. Therefore, at present, to provide livestock available on farms with nutritious feed is one of the main tasks of agriculture. To address this issue, farmers are engaged in obtaining nutrient feed, using the components they have on hand. Many farmers produce nutritious food by grinding dried corn on the cob with grains. Therefore, for the purpose of mechanization and electrification of Kazakh 1636
  2. Preliminary Cuttering of a Corn Cob For Preparation of Fodder agricultural enterprises, small crushing and grinding machines DIK-1.5 began to be introduced into production, used for grinding corn cobs and AKM-4, DU-11 units producing feed for livestock. These crushing and grinding machines and grinding units of stalk and grain crops consume 4 ... 6 kWh / t of electricity, and 12.83 kWh / t of corncob crushing, that is, 2 ... 3 times more compared with the cost of electricity to other feed [1]. 2. HEADINGS In this position, even when the dried corn cobs are in the grinding chamber in length, they are fed there with a solid, uniform mass. To crush them, the impactors hit the mass at a speed of 60 m / s, as a result of which a very large impact force is obtained. This impact force leads to a manifold increase in the cost of power. To solve this problem, we offer the following scientific solution. When grinding the corn cob, getting rid of a large impact force can reduce energy costs, and to increase productivity, you must first divide the solid mass of the cob into small parts, then crush these parts with impact grinders, that is, apply the technology of grinding the cob in parts. In order to implement the proposed method, a literary review was conducted on the methods of grinding all types of feed, and in particular on the methods of grinding corn cob. Conducting a pilot study of the methods of work of plusiki grain, was considered the work of A. M. Andrianov, along with research and theoretical works of such scholars as P. A. Afanasiev, p. P. Tarutin, V. I. Il'chenko, A. V. Panchenko, V. A. Olevskii. The review of research papers it was found that studying the techniques of grinding corn cobs were engaged only in Kazakhstan such scientists as: V. Golikov N. Emiliano T. and D. T. Emelianov In these studies, the physical and mechanical properties of the cob were established and the problem of directed supply of the corn cob to the grinding chamber was revealed [2, 3]. As a result of these studies, began to be introduced into the production of different types of universal units for livestock feed. But to date, given the overall structural structure of the corn cob, has not yet been found the technology of grinding the cob in parts, which would provide an overall reduction in the energy costs of the installation and increase its productivity. However, not yet defined some of the constituent physical and mechanical properties of corn ears. In the course of these studies, in order to reduce the energy costs of grinding the cob divided into parts and identifying the optimal parameters of the grinder, the main task was to determine the economic profitability of the proposed hypothesis and technology. 3. INDENTATIONS AND EQUATIONS. Studies of the transverse section of the cob showed that the outer layer of the cob consists of grains, inside of a solid layer of thickness 5...6 mm, and in the middle of a soft core. It is established that the grains of the cob are easily separated by the sharp working part of the installation. The destruction of the cylinder-shaped solid layer is possible by the use of oppositely rotating roller saws for this purpose [4]. During experiments it was found that the teeth slowly rotating blade to guide the ear and the teeth of the second fast-rotating blade to complete the task of cutting into the cob to pieces. So in order to implement the proposed new technology, which consists in performing the operation of splitting the cob into parts, a structural and technological scheme of the grinding plant was prepared. (Figure-1) In the course of the conducted theoretical researches, after the establishment of the angle of grinding of the cob at different roller diameters drank, it was determined the optimal value of the diameters of saws, oscillating between 0.3 and 0.35 m. 1637
  3. Mustafin Zhasulan, Kaspakov Yesen, Akhmetov Yerzhan, Kayrzhanova Zhainagul and Ismagulova Venera Figure - 1 - Scheme of the proposed installation of the chopper corn cob in parts. 1 - housing; 2 - collecting device; 3,6 - opposite-false-rotating drums; 4,7 - oppositely- rotating with regard to roller saw blade; 5-koronarolitiki; 8,9 - two stars; 10 - vent pipe; 11- chain transfer; 12-a gear motor. From mechanics it is known, according to the rule of the triangle of velocities, the relative velocity must be closed by the absolute velocity. In this case, you can use the sine theorem: 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑀 𝑉𝑎 = 𝑉от2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑀 . (1) 0 From the equality of Modes 2=M it Follows that in the triangle MN0T1BT1=
  4. Preliminary Cuttering of a Corn Cob For Preparation of Fodder lк Vжо  lк q(sin  cosf ) (5) Also, to determine the ratio of the speeds of slow and fast rotating roller saws, the formula is used:  2 V2  2 n2     1 V1 1 n1 (6) Figure 2 is a View of the ear of corn prior to passing through the gap between the two drums. If ACC is taken as the length of the cob, its projection to the x-axis line will be determined by the following formula (figure-2): lжх  lж * cos (7) In this case, the projection to the x-axis line, that is, the average length of the cob passing between the two reels and depending on the change of angle α, is determined by the probability theory as follows:   2 2  l ж * cos * d 2  l ж * cos * d  2 2l ж 2l ж l жх     cos * d  0 0    0  2 (8) So with the help of probability theory, the length at which the corn cob should pass between the two reels was calculated. Now you need to determine how many corn ears should pass between the two rams for a certain period of time. Here we cannot say that one ear passes, that is, in this position we accept that several ears pass in a row. (Figure-3) 1639
  5. Mustafin Zhasulan, Kaspakov Yesen, Akhmetov Yerzhan, Kayrzhanova Zhainagul and Ismagulova Venera Figure 3 - Scheme of location of the ears of corn on the x axis If we take the length of the drum or the width of the hopper of the chopper equal to WB, then determine the number of corn ears located along the x and y axes and perpendicular to the angle α along the entire length of the drum, we calculate the total number of ears located in the side of the drum, following formula: To determine the performance of the installation, the mass and the number of corn cobs are taken into account in the shredder drum, an analytical expression was obtained.         Âá    2 * læ 2 * læ  R æ   * cos     Äá    R æ   * sin             Q  60 *    1 *    1 * G æî * n á Ræ Ræ             (9) 4-figure shows the scheme of the process of grinding corn ears. In this case, the high-speed shaft influencing resistance force (Fn) is determined by the formula: Fn  Fa cos  (10) Where Fa° is the tangential fracture force of the cylinder cob With the teeth of a saw, N; is the angle between the radius of the teeth of the destruction of the cob. According to (10) formula, the force of destruction of the teeth of the cob, you can determine the tangential force, Fk  Fa sin  cos  (11) From this, grinding one cob to determine the total moment of resistance. To determine the total moment of the drum chopper, multiply the moment of resistance of one saw by the number of saws. Вб  l ж сos   d ж  М кж  М к1 К а  Fa sin  cos Ra ta (12) 1640
  6. Preliminary Cuttering of a Corn Cob For Preparation of Fodder Figure - 4 - Scheme of the process of grinding corn cob After determining the total moment of the drum chopper, we find the following expression of the power of the chopper: na Вб  l ж сos   d ж  na N a  М кж  Fa sin  cos Ra 30 ta 30 (13) Physical and mechanical properties of corn cob, as well as experimental studies to justify the parameters of the feed shredder. Here is also a description of the design of the installation to determine the strength of the destruction of grain from the rod, the destruction of the rods into pieces with different spikes. And also the angle of the saw tooth, the location of the distance between the sawtooth rings was determined. The results of laboratory studies determined the ratio of rotation of the drum chopper and the overlap of the saw. 4. FIGURE AND TABLES. A new technology of grinding corn cobs is justified, which consists in the fact that the cobs are pre-crushed on a special installation to sizes 15...20 mm, and the crushing of the pre-crushed mass is carried out on conventional hammer mills and the parameters of the installation are determined to ensure the pre-grinding of corn cobs with minimum energy consumption. According to the results of the research, the following indicators were determined: the diameter of the ears was 27.5 .... 50, 5 mm, length 140....230 mm. Average weight 32 gr. The average cob density is 844 kg/m3 and the cob density is 404, 9 kg/m3 and the grain density is 1224 kg/m3. By changing the angle of sharpening shields 300, 400, 500, 600, 700,800 determined the force to separate the grain from the ears and the fault and crushing of the rods of the ears. It is established that the force acting on the separation of the grain from the ears changes with increasing the angle of the spikes. Determined that the angle of the spikes from 300....500 the force to separate the grain from the ears changed rapidly, and at an angle of more than 500 the force acting on the separation of grain decreased. Figure 5 shows the effect of the angle of the spikes on the indicators of the forces given for the fracture of the core of the ears of its further crushing. It is established that in both cases, the increase in the angle of sharpening of the spikes increases the force expended on the split of the core. According to the results of the study it was found that the expended force at the initial fault and its further crushing is reduced by 3 times. We determined the performance and power by replacing the replaceable sprockets on the shafts of the crushing drum, 1:1, 1:1,5, 1:2, 1:3. The results of the research at a reduction ratio of 1:2, the plant capacity amounted to Q = 480 kg/HR 1641
  7. Mustafin Zhasulan, Kaspakov Yesen, Akhmetov Yerzhan, Kayrzhanova Zhainagul and Ismagulova Venera and the energy input, PE =1.6 kW h/t is presented in figure 6. Performance Qд crushing apparatus with Zubov rings with a transmission ratio (KPa = 1:2) showed high performance. In this case, it is natural that the loss of power consumed by the crushing process affects the performance. In the crushing plant, tooth rings are installed with the occurrence of inter-rings. The study was conducted with the change of the distance from the teeth of the rings 20,15,10,5,0 mm. With the change of the distance between rings was varied, the degree of fragmentation of the cobs (figure 7). Q, кг/сағ 500 y = 103,93x 4 - 777,31x 3 + 1863,9x 2 - 1478,5x + 480 2 N,5,0 кВтсағ/т 1700 Ғсын, Н y = -0,0402x + 19,862x + 332,91 R2 = 0,8275 480 2 R = 0,983 1557,7 1641,9 1500 1414,6 400 4,0 3,7 1300 3,6 1160,3 1087,3 1100 1077,5 308 317 300 3,0 886,3 1005,3 900 2,5 257 900,04 2,3 200 211 2,0 700 656,3 611,4 y = 1,8857x 2 - 7,4629x + 9,18 y = 13,891x + 10,002 1,6 500 2 R2 = 0,9737 397,3 R = 0,9746 100 1,0 300 1 1,5 2 2,5 Кna3 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 6 – the influence of the relationship of frequency of rotation of the sawing teeth on the Figure 5 – Influence of the angle of taper of the frequency of rotation of the support rings of spikes on the force applied on the fissure corn on teeth on the performance and energy the cob consumption of crusher 100 95 y = 0,0423x 2 - 0,0937x + 76,874 92,6 90 92,6 R2 = 0,9516 y = 0,0004x 2 - 0,3728x + 101,24 90 R2 = 0,9517 80 85 75,3 72,2 82 70 83 80 64,8 60 76,8 77 75 52 50 30 60 90 120 l, мм 150 70 0 5 10 15 l, мм 20 Figure 8 - the increase in the distance in the rows of Figure 7 – the Percentage degree of fragmentation roller saws contributed to a decrease in the degree of Zubov drums grinding of the cob. From the figure - 8 it can be seen that the increase in the distance in the rows of roller saws contributed to a decrease in the degree of grinding of the cob. When grinding is performed at a distance of 30 mm, the degree of grinding is 92.6% , whereas at a distance of 60...150 mm there is a sharp change in the degree of grinding. Summing up the results of the research, we find out that the value of the distance in the row of roller saws 30 mm, fully corresponds to our hypothysis. Experimental and theoretical research is about 7.1 %, that is, it proves the accuracy of this analytical example sufficient to use it in engineering calculations. The technology of grinding corn cob consists of two stages. The first stage is the early division of the cob into small parts, and the second stage consists in grinding these parts of the cob, equipped with strikers installation DU - 11. When grinding whole ears of corn in the 1642
  8. Preliminary Cuttering of a Corn Cob For Preparation of Fodder installation DU - 11, we received a performance indicator equal to: Q = 800 kg/h, and the energy consumption was equal to: NE = 12,83 kWh/t. And now compare these figures with those that were obtained by grinding in the installation of DU - 11, previously divided into parts of corn ears, the productivity increased here to Q = 2.16 t/h, and the energy consumption decreased to NE = 5.23 kWh/t (figure - 9) If we compare all the methods of grinding the cob with the method proposed by us, then we get the value of energy costs equal to: NE = 6.83, which shows us a decrease in energy costs by 53.2 %. Thus, if we compare the proposed method of grinding the cob with the method of grinding the whole cob, we notice a decrease in power costs of 1.88, that is, almost 2 times. N, кВт9,0 сағ/т 8,25 8,0 6,9 7,0 6,0 5,9 5,23 5,4 5,0 0,5 1 1,5 2 Q, кг/сағ 2,5 Figure 9 the Curve of power consumption when chopping, installing do 11, pre-divided corn cobs. Technical and economic results shows that in the research work of the proposed technology of preliminary grinding of corn ears, we propose to feed them into the grinding chamber to pre- grind into small pieces with an average diameter of 15-20 mm and then feed them into the crusher for final grinding and showed that the optimal parameters of the installation, which provide an increase in productivity by 2.64 times, during the grinding process, energy consumption was reduced by 1.87 times. 5. CONCLUSION Currently, in some farms, to increase the nutritional value of feed, grind dry corn cob and give cattle. But at the present time the installation used in the grinding of corn, expends energy 2... 3 times more in comparison with the grinding of other types of feed. The main task is to grind corn ears with high productivity and low energy consumption. To solve this problem, the technology of grinding the separated corn cob was proposed, the installation is equipped with a whisk. In order to make the technology a reality, was prepared constructive-technological scheme of the installation, grinding corn cobs two, one rotating slowly and the other quickly, roller-shaped saws drums. Here, for the first time, a method of crushing a cylindrical, solid corn cob with a low power consumption, sawing is proposed. When you research the offered technology two-stage grinding corncobs provide a capacity increase of 2.64 times. REFERENCES [1] Abilzhanuly T., Mustafina Almaty Technology of grinding corn ears. Collection of proceedings. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. (April 17-18, 2008., (KazNAU), official part-Almaty: KazNAU, 2008. -P. 42-43. [2] PR. Emelianova Substantiation of parameters and development of units for preparation of animal feed and fodder in the conditions of peasant and private farms. Dis. ...kand. Techn. science. - Almaty, 2002. - M.: Publishing house KAZ. [3] Abilzhanov T. Improvement of technological processes and development of technical means for preparation of stalk forages in animal husbandry. Dis. ... doctor. Techn. science. - Almaty, 1994. - 460 PP. 1643
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