Tasks of agriculture
Monitoring and evaluation of saline water intrusion is an important task, especially for agricultural production in Ben Tre province. The paper introduces a new solution in the application of Landsat 8 satellite imagery and field survey data to determine the soil electrical conductivity (EC) for soil salinity assessment through the distribution of EC indice value.
11p larachdumlanat129 19-01-2021 32 2 Download
Justification of the optimal values of corn cob grinder in the process of pre-grinding the corn cob, reduce energy consumption and improve productivity. Thus, the urgent problem of today is the need to develop a new technology for grinding corn cobs for small peasant and personal subsidiary farms that have a productivity that meets their needs.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 9 2 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
78p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 94 6 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
86p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 84 5 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
76p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 55 6 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
87p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 50 5 Download
The primary objective behind Research & Development (R&D2) priority assessment is to determine the broad research programmes that will provide Vietnam with the greatest return on investment in R & D provided by government and other major stakeholders. Priority setting is the central issue of research and extension management. It is a complex task. It must be done in a systematic framework able to allow the results to support open and robust decision-making about research and extension resource allocation and management.
89p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 78 6 Download
Research tasks - The varieties available - Identify potential breeding. - Identify areas vuc.Ket diverse assaying results. Results Macadamia breeding varieties. Flowering of resultsgiống Macadamia. The results of the same fruit Macadamia
57p xinh_la 10-02-2012 73 14 Download
Training related to all levels of management, including senior DARD and GRRC administrators and scientists, DARD and the GRRC technicians and extension workers, communal leaders as well as farmers. Two groups of farmers were trained, who farms the new technology has been applied, and farmers from outside the project to be interested to learn more about goats and apply new technologies to farm his.
36p xau_la 10-02-2012 84 8 Download
The modernization of Interbank Payment and Customer Accounting System of Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. (You can refer almost presentation from IDG - Events Banking 2007: http://www.bankingvn.com.vn/hn/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=56)
0p thugiang 05-03-2009 681 146 Download