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Promoting public private cooperation in training tourism human resources in Vietnam in the period of 2015–2030

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The article "Promoting public private cooperation in training tourism human resources in Vietnam in the period of 2015–2030" emphasizes building an environment of public and private cooperation in tourism human resource training activities, in order to create flexible and up-to-date training programs with trends, technology transfer and knowledge as well as building new cooperation models to ensure the sustainable development of tourism human resources in Vietnam in the next period.

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Nội dung Text: Promoting public private cooperation in training tourism human resources in Vietnam in the period of 2015–2030

  1. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION ... IN TRAINING TOURISM HUMAN RESOURCES IN VIETNAM IN THE PERIOD OF 2015 – 2030 TS. Pham Thanh Tuan1, ThS. Nguyen Thi Ha1, ThS. Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan1 Abstract: The extremely severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on all aspects of society, in which tourism activities have been severely affected, a series of businesses have been closed, and a number of businesses have been closed. The number of employees quitting their jobs, the number of students studying in the tourism industry are worried about the future of the tourism industry, others are switching to other professions... this can be said to be an extremely worrying situation. Up to now, the epidemic is under control, the government has introduced extremely useful policies for the tourism industry to develop again. Among many solutions to train tourism human resources, promoting public-private cooperation in training tourism human resources in the current context is an extremely useful solution that training institutions and businesses can use. The state needs to pay attention to creating strength to improve the quality of tourism human resources to meet the current pace of development. Using qualitative research methods. The article focuses on promoting cooperation between public and private in training tourism human resources in Vietnam in the period 2015 – 2030. In the context of recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and a period of strong development strong tourism industry in Vietnam, improving the quality of human resources is essential to meet the increasing demand of the market. The article emphasizes building an environment of public and private cooperation in tourism human resource training activities, in order to create flexible and up-to-date training programs with trends, technology transfer and knowledge as well as building new cooperation models to ensure the sustainable development of tourism human resources in Vietnam in the next period. Keywords: public-private cooperation, human resource training, tourism human resources. 1. OVERVIEW OF TOURISM HUMAN RESOURCES IN VIETNAM Vietnam is a country with a young population and extremely rich human resources. It can be said that this is a potential market for 1 Đại học Văn hoá TP.HCM
  2. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 195 investors and businesses to take advantage of and exploit. Vietnam’s human resources increase with the increase in population. According to data from the General Statistics Office (GSO), as of June 2022, the country’s population is estimated to reach about 97.58 million people, of which the labor force aged 15 and over is about 51.4 million people, accounting for nearly 53% of the country’s population. The labor force in urban areas is 19.1 million people; The female labor force reached 24.0 million people. On average, about 500 thousand people join the labor force each year. This can be said to be a strength for any country because human resources are always considered a factor in the success of all activities. Human resources are the most important factor, determining productivity, quality, and efficiency in using other resources in the resource system. In the context of global economic competition, all countries consider human resources to be the most important tool to improve national competitiveness. Vietnam has an advantage with its abundant labor force and young labor structure. However, human resources are still weak in quality such as a shortage of highly skilled workers, not meeting the needs of the labor market and integration; The gap between vocational education and the needs of the labor market is increasingly widening, workers lack dynamism, creativity, and professional style,... In the coming period, human resource development is identified as one of the Vietnam’s strategic breakthrough in orientation development social economy. Understanding the needs of businesses and the current quality of human resources in Vietnam, universities have been changing both the content and quality of training, and the goal of training students to properly and fully meet their current business needs. The current number of universities, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Training in the 2019 – 2020 school year, is a total of 237 universities, of which there are 172 public schools, 65 non-public schools, training create university, master’s and doctoral students for the country. With more than 62 universities with tourism departments, 55 colleges, 71 intermediate schools, 4 vocational training centers.
  3. 196 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ĐÀO TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC... Meanwhile, large corporations such as Saigontourist, Vietravel,... also have their own human resource training centers, to meet the needs of units under the group (Bui Thi Nhu Hien, 2023). In recent years, lots of training institutions have opened a major in Travel and Tourism Service Management to offer Master’s degree training. However, there are many establishments that are too focused on equipping theory and skills without paying attention to cultivating background knowledge, thus only creating a team of “workers” and not able to create good managers. On the contrary, there is a very low rate of practical teaching, leading to weak vocational skills of students. Therefore, a new strategy must be created to improve the quality of training to raise the level of Vietnam’s labor source, not only to meet the quantity and quality, but also to bring human resources in a modern direction, meeting the requires of the workforce. Meeting the increasing needs of the world, update modern technology, make good use of all equipments or needs of international businesses. Only then can we position ourselves as a solid foothold in the world’s major changes and enhance the brand of our training schools. The issue of public-private cooperation is an inevitable rule and an extremely creative new point, bringing benefits to all parties involved, creating the most solid development nowadays. 2. INVEST IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN EDUCATION Public-private partnerships in tourism human resource training often include combining organizations, businesses, and government agencies to jointly develop training and coaching programs to improve skills. capacity and quality of employees in the tourism industry. Specifically, in public-private partnership projects, organizations and businesses often provide capital, infrastructure, and management experience. Meanwhile, government agencies often play a management role, setting policies, and ensuring compliance with legal regulations. These collaborative activities may include the design and implementation of specialized training programs for specific areas within the tourism industry, such as reception services,
  4. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 197 tour guides, restaurant management and hotels. Additionally, these projects may also focus on providing training to develop soft skills such as communication, time management, and teamwork. There are many concepts of public-private partnership (PPP) investment in education, the concepts of international organizations and countries have different “broad”, “narrow”, “general” and “specific” concepts of PPP; But these concepts all have similar core contents (Dang Thi Minh Hien, 2018). Applied to the field of education, the concept of PPP in education represents an alternative choice to provide educational services in addition to public finance and public services. According to Dang Thi Minh Hien (2018), it can be understood: PPP in education is an agreement between a competent State agency and a private sector in the form of a contract to implement, manage, and operate an investment project facilities-equipment, providing public services in schools with specific regulations on sharing responsibilities, methods, capabilities and risks between parties to achieve common goals as well as satisfaction for needs of each party. Forms of PPP investment in the Vietnamese education context: The government of many countries, especially developing countries, are currently facing many challenges in public education. These are difficulties in providing educational services equally and fairly to the people, stemming from the fact that the demand for education at all levels is increasing rapidly; In particular, the State budget as well as the scale and capacity of the public sector in many countries increase very slowly, or even not at all. Only middle- income and high-income families choose private education. Low- income families still do not have the opportunity to access this educational sector as well as the advantages that private education brings (Dang Thi Minh Hien, 2018). Regarding implementation, consistent with the spirit of innovation set forth in Resolution No. 29/NQ-TW of the Central Executive Committee, the National Assembly and the Government respectively issued Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 dated December
  5. 198 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ĐÀO TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC... 28. November 2014 on innovating general education programs and textbooks and Decision No. 404/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2015 approving the project to innovate general education programs and textbooks. These documents are considered to lay the foundation for fundamental and comprehensive innovation in general education, creating an important legal basis for the construction and promulgation of the comprehensive general education program (Dang Thi Minh Hien, 2018) according to Circular No. 32/2018/TT- BGDDT dated December 26, 2018 of the Minister of Education and Training (Ministry of Education and Training, 2018). 3. THE NECESSITY OF PROMOTING PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN TRAINING TOURISM HUMAN RESOURCES The training model linking educational institutions and businesses was proposed by German philosopher Willhelm Humboldt. According to him, universities in addition to training functions must also have research functions and cooperate with industries. Scientific research in modern schools demonstrates its function in promoting social knowledge innovation. Cooperation between universities and businesses is understood as direct or indirect interaction, personal or non-personal transactions between educational institutions and businesses to bring benefits to both parties. Including: cooperation in research and development, exchange of personnel (academics, students and experts), commercialization of research and development results, design and popular training and learning programs lifelong, development enterprises and administration. Therefore, these cooperation is also considered a cooperation between the two fields of academia and production – business. To concretize this, in 1810, Willhelm Humboldt founded the University of Berlin with a difference compared to other universities at that time by shifting the focus to research to help training activities, especially develop technology fields for military and civil purposes. His university contributed to making Germany strong. Studies by foreign scientists show that this relationship has helped universities promote the implementation of research with
  6. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 199 high practical application and significance, especially in industrial production industries. According to statistics from Clarivate Analytics, based on research assessments on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database from 2007 to 2016, Korean universities are among the top research schools in publishing industry research. Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), founded by Korean Steel Company POSCO in 1986, tops the ranking of universities with the highest proportion of publications with 23% of scientific publications. Similarly, Korean universities that have partnerships with the multinational electronics corporation Samsung have also proven the value of cooperative relationships between schools and businesses. On the part of universities, the rate of scientific publications can be significantly increased. On the business side, businesses can promote their names, brands, and recruit high-quality human resources from universities. In addition, with the school’s strength in research, this cooperative relationship has also helped businesses solve their problems and difficulties thanks to the school’s research based on actual operations business and production of the enterprise. Through cooperation with businesses, universities have the conditions to change their organizational and management structures towards efficiency, bringing higher profits but still adding value to learners, especially in the context of higher efficiency on the scene of universities being transformed into financial autonomy mechanisms. The school has a practical basis to adjust and update programs, teaching and research methods to suit the actual needs of businesses and employers. Accordingly, learners have the opportunity to practice while still in school, as well as have many opportunities to rub and immediately apply the knowledge they have learned into practice. This will directly impact learners, helping them feel the necessity of the subject and become more focused on the subject. The school’s training mechanism will follow a process opporsite to tradition, in which the initial step is to clearly understand the required skills of the person needing training on the basis of cooperation with
  7. 200 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ĐÀO TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC... the enterprise and then select the program. Appropriate program and direction of enrollment and training. Important conditions for successful linkage are leadership awareness and determination, a clear development strategy as well as good support policies and an effective specialized team. In this study, the author also introduced a simulation of a training process model associated with business needs, as well as conditions to ensure the success of training associated with business needs, which includes Leaders of all parties need to have unity in awareness and determination to implement; The parties need to have a clear development strategy; The parties need to have a specialized department to implement; Universities need to be highly autonomous and have the necessary support in terms of policy mechanisms, finance and land from the Government and localities. In terms of sub-sectors: the entertainment industry has the highest labor growth rate, due to the formation of many entertainment areas, the demand for labor working for this industry is increasing rapidly. The travel industry has a fairly high labor growth rate of 13.19%/year, due to the increasing demand for travel of people in recent years, a number of tourist markets have been formed, so travel agencies have high demand to recruit more workers. After the COVID-19 pandemic, people’s demand for tourism increased, Ho Chi Minh City’s tourism industry faced the risk of a serious shortage of human resources. The reason is that during the pandemic, about 72% – 82% of the industry’s workforce lost their jobs, many people switched to other jobs and were not ready to return to the tourism industry. Ho Chi Minh City has about 1,018 businesses, including 759 international travel businesses, 163 domestic travel businesses, 76 travel agencies and 20 representative offices of foreign travel businesses; Mainly in districts 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, Tan Binh, Phu Nhuan. Regarding the number of tour guides, Ho Chi Minh City has about 7,200 tourguides issued with cards, of which international tourguides account for 46.86% with 3,374 people and domestic tour guides are 3,826. According to calculations by the Center for Human Resource
  8. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 201 Demand Forecasting and Labor Market Information of Ho Chi Minh City, in the period 2024 – 2030, Ho Chi Minh City needs about 67,000 – 73,000 workers in the tourism industry; in which, the highest demand for human resources is in 9 service industry groups (including tourism) with about 38,800 – 42,000 workers, accounting for 58%. According to the Vietnam Tourism Association, the tourism industry is currently facing a large demand for labor, especially in tourist accommodation establishments and administration. Data from the Association shows that about 485,000 workers are needed for tourist accommodation facilities with capacity above 70%, of which about 45,000 people are needed for administrative positions. Forecasts for the future of Vietnam’s tourism industry are also very positive. By 2025, the country is expected to need from 950,000 to 1,050,000 accommodation rooms, and by 2030, this number is expected to increase from 1,300,000 to 1,450,000 rooms. This means that the demand for labor in accommodation establishments will increase significantly, with more than 800,000 workers needed by 2025 and more than 1 million by 2030. In the period from 2022 to 2030, additional an average of over 60,000 workers each year. As of December 2023, the total number of workers in the tourism industry who have received basic training or higher is about 23% of the total workforce in the industry. If we add workers trained in the form of vocational training for less than 3 months, the proportion of newly trained workers reaches 42% (less than 50%). Tourguides are considered to have university degrees or higher, accounting for 71.3%, college graduates accounting for 18%, and other qualifications accounting for 10.7%. In the specialist field of tourism marketing, the rate is 84.2%, while in the field of reception, the rate is 65.3%. Among the total number of workers trained from basic level up, service fields such as room, bar, table, and kitchen,... workers with intermediate and basic qualifications account for a large proportion: kitchen staff (85.6%); service staff (72.4%); housekeeping staff (70.7%); bartender (75.5%) (Vietnam National Tourism Administration, 2023).
  9. 202 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ĐÀO TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC... With the speed of development and the need for tourism human resources to meet today’s new needs, human resource training is even more urgent. This requires synchronous coordination between relevant parties, creating the ecosystem follows a closed model so that tourism industry have the human resources operating in every position of the industry most effectively. 4. SOME RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REPRESENTATIVE ACTORS IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP 4.. Goverment It can be said that in PPP the most important component is , the state. In terms of PPP the state has many different academic , definitions. However, there is quite a basic consensus of opinion that the State exercises the right to manage all economic, social and administrative aspects of the country for the common benefits. From practical research, it shows that promoting university- enterprise cooperation as a foundation for developing technical progress and improving human resource levels to serve economic growth requires the role of the State. University business cooperation is a partnership between two main subjects defined by Davey and colleagues as all types of direct and indirect interactions, personal and non-personal in nature between universities and businesses for mutual benefits and mutual support. However, in the process of development, university-enterprise cooperation attracts the attention of the State as it means to contribute to socio-economic development at the national, regional and local levels, meeting social concerns,... The State, with its role in coordinating resources and ensuring national institutions for economic growth and social development, becomes an indispensable component when considering university- business cooperation in growth-enhancing ecosystems. The State needs to build and realize appropriate policies to create conditions and invest in universities and businesses to participate in multifaceted cooperation as a foundation for the Embassy, contributing to improving scientific and technical progress
  10. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 203 and human resources qualification. These are two important factors creating growth of national economy. State investment in projects serving the social community and other government investments also provides a partner role in the Council. Reasonable investments will bring high efficiency and promote university and business development in the innovation ecosystem. The important role of the state is not only to coordinate and proactively positively impact universities and businesses to promote cooperation, but also to be an information channel to direct the attention of stakeholders and the community. Co-participation has become an important new driving force in developing university- business cooperation. The social community is an important factor with rights and responsibilities in economic growth. This is a subject that needs in-depth research. The forms of state sponsorship that can be mentioned are financial sponsorship, capital resources, human resources, and physical facilities. 4.2. Universities The initiative of universities in university-enterprise cooperation comes from the reality of changing economic structure from industrial economy towards knowledge economy and started in developed countries in the 1990s. Knowledge economy development on the foundation of innovation and especially in the context of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution with rapid changes in scientific and technical progress has placed universities in a more important role in a cohesive whole. into national prosperity and power. Knowledge becomes capital as well as university is no longer simply about developing and transferring knowledge but more importantly promoting the trade of developed knowledge in the global knowledge economic environment. The university is considered an important component with the task of promoting the transfer and commercialization of scientific and technical advances through supporting start-ups and innovation,
  11. 204 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC TẾ ĐÀO TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC... making a fundamental contribution to the transformation process. change to an intellectual economy. To effectively support startups, universities need to cooperate strategically with businesses, take advantage of all cooperation opportunities, improve cooperation efficiency, and create conditions for creativity to connect with the market as an environment for startups joint. To create motivation for cooperation and attract the attention of businesses, it is necessary to support and encourage investment policies from the state. With their role, universities need to build appropriate institutions to promote, seize opportunities and expand strategic cooperation activities in many forms, and at the same time propose action programs that bring Proactive connection with business needs. Universities need to have plans and specific content on the time to bring students to actual businesses to avoid affecting the production and business process of businesses, participate in innovation projects to solve businesses’s problems, and coordinate Collaborate with businesses to improve the quality of human resources through training as well as promote lifelong learning according to the specific needs of human resources and businesses... Periodically summarize and evaluate the appropriate cooperation process. University-business cooperation needs to be based on the principle of mutual benefits and mutual development on the foundation of supporting business activities associated with training activities. 4.3. Enterprises Enterprises with the nature of the most active and flexible economic sector in the economy always pursue opportunities to survive, expand their networks and develop. Businesses are always looking for new types of opportunities related to improving technology, markets and productivity to build competitive advantages and accumulate benefits. The flexibility and dynamism of businesses in finding creative innovations to serve their problems also contributes to promoting creative development. University- business cooperation is a trend that helps businesses open up opportunities to access scientific and technological advances,
  12. PROMOTING PUBLIC PRIVATE COOPERATION... 205 promote innovation in technology adaptation and find market advantages as well as opportunities to improve productivity labor through improving the quality of human resources. The relationship between supply and demand of human resources for businesses in the recruitment process is increasingly changing and is a benefit that cannot be ignored in university-business cooperation. Enterprises need to proactively describe the skills and qualifications of the professional positions they want to recruit and order training schools according to the described title as a form to “tailor-made” for their recruitment activities for some specific industries. This is the demand, right and responsibility of businesses to support training. In recent years, the need to develop and innovate production activities has increased, businesses have begun to look to universities to ask about strategic cooperation. Businesses always want to recruit quality human resources who work effectively. In addition, businesses participating in product development in the direction of invested research, expanding brands and product images in schools are also benefits achieved by businesses in cooperation activities with universities. This is a mutual relationship that brings short-term and long-term benefits to the parties involved. The more specific and clear the incentive policies and promotion mechanisms of the State as well as the cooperation strategies and cooperation goals of enterprises are, the more practical they are to promote the cooperation process. REFERENCES 1. Bui Thi Nhu Hien (2023), “Phát triển nguồn nhân lực hướng tới du lịch bền vững tại Việt Nam”, Tạp chí Công thương (5). 2. Ha Van Hoang (2011), “Hợp tác phát triển khoa học và công nghệ giữa trường đại học và doanh nghiệp ở Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập”, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế tại Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, ngày 15/11/2011, Hà Nội. 3. Ha Van Hoi (2011), “Hợp tác giữa Nhà trường và doanh nghiệp trong đào tạo, nghiên cứu: nhu cầu, lợi ích và biện pháp thực hiện”, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế tại Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, ngày15/11/2011, Hà Nội.
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