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Research on dynamics of the concrete vibratory table for laboratory works

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The article presents the scientific basis for studying the influence of the eccentric shaft rotation speed on the compaction quality of the concrete mixture. In this regard, the dynamic model of the table-type concrete vibrator is first developed and solved by the numerical method.

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  1. HỘI NGHỊ KH&CN CƠ KHÍ - ĐỘNG LỰC 2021 RESEARCH ON DYNAMICS OF THE CONCRETE VIBRATORY TABLE FOR LABORATORY WORKS NGHIÊN CỨU ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC THIẾT BỊ BÀN ĐẦM RUNG HỖN HỢP BÊ TÔNG PHỤC VỤ TRONG PHÒNG THÍ NGHIỆM TIEN VI NGUYEN*, DINH VU DANG Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University *Email: pouring concrete is the consolidation or vibration of Abstract concrete. The quality and durability of normal The article presents the scientific basis for concrete directly depend on the number and the shape studying the influence of the eccentric shaft of voids, so, to produce durable concrete, it is rotation speed on the compaction quality of the necessary to reduce the amount of air that is trapped concrete mixture. In this regard, the dynamic inside the concrete, which is usually done by vibrating model of the table-type concrete vibrator is first the concrete in the mixing stage or the casting stage. developed and solved by the numerical method. Concrete vibrators, if used properly, will help Then, the reasonable eccentric shaft rotation consolidate concrete and will reduce the number of air speed is estimated to improve the compaction pockets inside the concrete mass. The cement- quality of fresh concrete materials. In addition, concrete mixture will be of high quality if it is the observed results serve as the guideline and compacted to suitable compaction by compacting suggestions for designing and using such types of machines including a concrete vibrator table. This construction machines. machine allows changing some of the structural and working parameters to determine the influence of this Keywords: Concrete vibratory table, compaction parameter on the quality of compaction of the quality, rotation speed of eccentric shaft. concrete mixture. The scope of this paper shows the Tóm tắt influence of the eccentric shaft rotation speed Bài báo trình bày cơ sở khoa học nghiên cứu ảnh parameter on the quality of compaction of the hưởng của tốc độ quay trục lệch tâm đến chất concrete mixture. lượng đầm chặt của hỗn hợp bê tông. Về vấn đề 2. Determining the effect of eccentric shaft này, mô hình động lực học của đầm bàn rung bê rotation speed on vibration parameters of the tông lần đầu tiên được phát triển và giải bằng concrete vibratory table phương pháp số. Từ đó, thông số tốc độ quay trục 2.1. Structure and working principles lệch tâm được lựa chọn một cách hợp lý để nâng cao chất lượng đầm chặt hỗn hợp bê tông tươi. Ngoài ra, các kết quả đạt được đóng vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình tính toán, thiết kế và khai thác, sử dụng các loại máy đầm rung bê tông tương tự. Từ khóa: Đầm bàn rung bê tông, tốc độ quay trục lệch tâm, chất lượng đầm chặt hỗ hợp bê tông. 1. Introduction Nowadays, there have been many studies on the influence of concrete mixture's compressive strength Figure 1. Diagram of the principle and structure of and waterproofing ability. The results show that the the concrete vibratory table flexural and tensile strength of the product concrete 1 - Body, 2 - Electric motor, 3 - Vibrating cluster, depends on the percentage of voids of the concrete 4 - Main springs, 5 - Extra springs, 6- Concrete mold. mixture. One of the most important steps when 300 SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT (10-2021)
  2. HỘI NGHỊ KH&CN CƠ KHÍ - ĐỘNG LỰC 2021 The torque from the motor is driven through the 2.3. Dynamic model belt transmission which rotates the eccentric shaft, With the above equipment, when building a creating excitation force on the vibrating table thanks computational model, the following assumptions need to eight springs mounted on the top and bottom, the to be made: compactor will vibrate and transmit the vibration - The survey center of the vibrating table does not force to the concrete block inside molding, making the change during the working process concrete mix compact. Thus, the compaction force - Neglecting damping force of support springs and acting on the vibrating table is generated from vibration cluster 3 and depends on the rotation speed compression springs. of the eccentric shaft. - The stiffness and geometric dimensions of the main and auxiliary springs at the supports are the same. 2.2. Model parameters - Consider the table to be absolutely rigid and the *Vibrational mode: For effective tightening, the eccentric radius to be unchanged. correct vibration mode should be determined, including * Setting paradigmatic calculation: the oscillation speed-v (m/s) or the intensity of the oscillation-W (cm2/s3). To be able to break the link between the core particles, the value of v and W must be reached a certain number. The Oscillation speed-v associated with amplitude oscillation and frequency of oscillation through the following expression: v = Aωsinωt (m/s) with A - amplitude of oscillation, m; ω - frequency of oscillation, rad/s; t - oscillation time, s. For each type of concrete, the effective speed of oscillation to tighten the mixture will vary from v min to v max. According to [4], it could get the best concrete mixture quality, the amplitude range of concrete vibrators usually ranges from 0.4mm to 0.8mm, frequencies range from 22Hz to 66Hz, and acceleration is less than 70m/s 2. * Forming vibration time: The vibration time has a direct effect on the tightness of the concrete. If it is Figure 2. Calculation diagram of vibration table too short, the concrete cannot reach the required compactness. On the other hand, too long a vibration Symbols used: M - Mass of vibrating part (kg); C1 time will reduce the concrete intensity. The reasonable - Extra spring stiffness (N/m); C2 - Main spring vibration time is within from 2 to 4 minutes depending stiffness (N/m); L1 - Initial length of extra spring (m); on the properties of the concrete mixture. L2 - Initial length of main spring (m); Mg- Weight of * Method and oscillating direction: Oscillating vibrating part (N); Flt - The centrifugal force (N): perpendicular to the surface of concrete for higher Flt = mω2rcosωt, m (kg)- eccentric mass, r (m)- compaction efficiency in the tangent direction. eccentric radius, ω (rad/s) - the eccentric shaft rotation Besides, in the same fluctuates perpendicular to the speed; M - Moment of inertia of the vibrating part concrete surface, the top to bottom direction is more (N.m); F1, F2 - Elastic force of spring (N); x01, x02 - effective from bottom to top. Initial compression of the spring (m). * Oscillating properties: Harmonic and non- The differential equation of motion of the harmonic oscillations affect the compaction of vibrating table is as follows: concrete mix differently. Mx + 4 F2 - 4F1 = Mg + Flt (1) * The mass of concrete mixture: The volume of concrete mix put into the mold directly affects the According to [2] and [3]: amplitude of vibration of the mold. As the volume of concrete loaded into the mold increases, the amplitude of vibration decreases. SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT (10-2021) 301
  3. HỘI NGHỊ KH&CN CƠ KHÍ - ĐỘNG LỰC 2021 Substituting the values into equation (1): Table 1. Working parameters-influenced angular Mx + 4 x(C1 + C2 ) = Q (t ) (2) velocity With: ω Amplitu Speed Acceleratio Frequenc 2 Q(t ) = - 4C2 x02 + 4C1x01 + Mg + mw r cos wt (rad/s) de (mm) v (m/s) n (m/s2) y (Hz) Let z1 = x, z2 = x , equation (2) becomes: 209.3 0.60 0.16 38.4 33 261.7 0.58 0.17 39.58 41 ìz =z ï 1 2 314 0.55 0.19 41.03 49 í 1 (3) ï z1 = éëQ (t ) - 4 z1 ( C1+C2 ) ùû î M *Comment: When ω is changed, the survey From equation system (3), we can see that all of system has i = ω/ω0 = 4÷5, that is, the survey system the parameters (M, r, x01, x02) are constant. Moreover, oscillates stably after the resonance region. the extra spring is arranged above to create the initial * About the rule: When changing the angular compression and it affects the oscillation lightly so C1 speed of the eccentric shaft and fixing other is chosen as a constant. Then, equation system (3) parameters, the amplitude, velocity, and acceleration depends only on C2, m ,and ω. Equation system (3) is parameters oscillate periodically. This is consistent solved by using Matlab (using function ode45) with with the structural characteristics of the vibrating initial conditions of: x(0) = 0, ̇ (0) = 0, ̈ (0) = 0. table placed on the spring bearings and the dynamic calculation model of the device. 3. Results and discussion * About the value: When increasing the eccentric Values of some parameters : C1 = 10000N/m; C2 = shaft angular speed ω, the value of amplitude 160000N/m; m0 = 0.8kg; r = 0.04m; M = 90kg. We decreases but the speed and acceleration both increase. keep the values of C1, C2, m0, r, M and only change ω Specifically, with m0 = 0.8kg when increasing ω = by the values of: 314rad/s; 261rad/s and 209.3rad/s; 209.3rad/s to ω = 314rad/s, the amplitude value we get the following graphs (Figure 3). decreases from A = 0.60mm to A = 0.5 mm; speed From the results on the graphs, the maximum increases from v = 0.16m/s to v = 0.19m/s; values of amplitude, velocity, and acceleration of the acceleration increases from a = 38.4m/s2 to a = compactor can be shown in the Table 1. 41.03m/s2. Figure 3. Variation of the amplitude, velocity, and acceleration with the changing of the angular velocity ω 302 SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT (10-2021)
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