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Hành chính Quỹ tài sản tiền mặt Tài khoản phải thu Các khoản đầu tư từ các quỹ khác từ các chính phủ khác Tổng tài sản NỢ PHẢI TRẢ VÀ QUỸ SỐ DƯ NỢ Do Do Các khoản phải trả Do các quỹ khác Quỹ thu nhập hoãn lại Tổng nợ phải trả SỐ DƯ không hạn chế trách nhiệm và quỹ Tổng số dư 3.465 $ 9.765 $

Chủ đề:


  1. S UPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION This is trial version
  2. C ALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE O F ACCOUNTS GENERAL FUND June 30, 2009 Jerseyville Administrative Testing Office Account Fund Center ASSETS $ $ $ 328 13,999 Cash Accounts receivable 9,765 Investments 24,216 Due from other funds Due from other governments $ $ $ 24,544 13,999 Total assets 9,765 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ $ Accounts payable 446 171 1,869 Due to other funds 4,260 8,035 Deferred revenue 6,300 446 8,035 Total liabilities FUND BALANCES 5,964 3,465 24,098 Unreserved $ $ $ 9,765 24,544 13,999 Total liabilities and fund balances This is trial version57
  3. C ALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS (Continued) GENERAL FUND June 30, 2009 Regional Initiative ROE/ISC Direct Fund Services Operations ASSETS $ $ $ Cash Accounts receivable Investments 15,022 Due from other funds 35,286 44,743 Due from other governments 22,533 1,127 $ $ $ Total assets 37,555 45,870 35,286 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ $ Accounts payable Due to other funds 37,553 Deferred revenue Total liabilities 37,553 FUND BALANCES Unreserved 2 45,870 35,286 $ $ $ Total liabilities and fund balances 37,555 45,870 35,286 This is trial version 58
  4. C ALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS (Continued) GENERAL FUND June 30, 2009 Macoupin Virden-Girard County Committee Totals o f 10 El iminations Monies ASSETS $ $ 14,450 $ $ Cash 123 9,765 Accounts receivable 15,022 Investments 15,509 (1,869) 117,885 Due from other funds 23,660 Due from other governments $ (1,869) 180,782 $ $ $ Total assets 15,632 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ Accounts payable 617 (1,869) 37,553 Due to other funds Deferred revenue 13,152 25,447 13,152 63,617 Total liabilities (1,869) FUND BALANCES Unreserved 2,480 117,165 (1,869) $ $ $ Total liabilities and fund balances 15,632 180,782 $ This is trial version59
  5. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES I N FUND BALANCES G ENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 30, 2009 Jerseyville Administrative Testing Office Fund Center Account Revenues: Local sources 32,731 25,807 66,727 $ $ $ State sources On-behalf payments 277,821 Interest Total revenues 310,552 66,727 25,807 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 929 77,118 Purchased services 15,681 12,476 6,202 Supplies and materials 4,567 5,412 587 Capital outlay 850 Other objects 1,068 Debt service: Principal 1,749 Interest 597 On-behalf payments 277,821 Total expenditures 302,194 17,888 84,975 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 7,919 (18,248) 8,358 Other financing uses: Transfers out Net change in fund balances 8,358 7,919 (18,248) Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 24,212 (4,893) 16,179 Fund balances, end o f year 3,465 24,098 $ 5,964 $ $ This is trial version 60
  6. C ALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Continued) GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS F or the year ended June 30, 2009 Regional Direct Initiative R OE/ISC Operations Services Fund Revenues: Local sources 23,770 $ 300 $ $ State sources 80,088 On-behalf payments Interest Total revenues 80,089 23,770 300 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 67,628 Purchased services 10,301 15,896 500 Supplies and materials 962 65 1,196 Capital outlay Other objects Debt service: Principal Interest On-behalf payments Total expenditures 80,087 15,896 565 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 2 7,874 (265) Other financing uses: (7,725) Transfers out Net change in fund balances 2 7,874 (7,990) Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 37,996 43,276 Fund balances, end o f year $ 2 $ 45,870 $ 35,286 This is trial version 61
  7. CALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Continued) GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS For the year ended June 30, 2009 Macoupin Virden-Girard County Committee Totals Monies o f 10 Revenues: 223,097 $ $ 72,762 1,000 $ Local sources 6,500 86,588 State sources 277,821 On-behalf payments Interest 1 587,507 Total revenues 72,762 7,500 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 46,957 192,632 91,788 Purchased services 23,325 7,407 Supplies and materials 11,686 93 Capital outlay 2,046 Other objects 1,068 Debt service: Principal 1,749 Interest 597 On-behalf payments 277,821 Total expenditures 70,282 7,500 579,387 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 2,480 8,120 Other financing uses: Transfers out (7,725) N et c hange in fund balances 2,480 395 Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 116,770 Fund balances, end o f year $ 2,480 117,165 $ $ This is trial version 62
  8. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 B UDGET ARY C OMPARISON S CHEDULE G ENERAL F UND A CCOUNTS R OE/ISC O PERATIONS - PROJECT #09-3730-00 F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2009 Variance Actual with Final Budgeted Amounts Original Final Amounts Budget Revenues: $ $ State sources $ $ 80,088 80,088 80,088 Interest 1 Total revenues 80,088 80,089 80,088 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 70,088 67,628 (1,290) 66,338 Purchased services 9,000 11,750 10,301 1,449 Supplies and materials 1,000 1,000 962 38 Capital outlay 1,196 1,000 (196) Total expenditures 80,088 80,087 80,088 Excess o f revenues over expenditures $ $ $ 2 2 Fund balance, beginning o f year Fund balance, end o f year $ 2 This is trial version 63
  9. C ALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS EDUCATION FUND June 30, 2009 Truants Alternative/ Regional Optional Safe Mini Grants Education Schools ASSETS $ 2,702 $ $ Cash 30,000 Investments 11,330 37,553 Due from other funds Due from other governments 22,664 32,880 $ $ Total assets 33,994 103,135 $ LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES 670 $ $ $ Accounts payable Payroll1iabilities payable 2,867 8,993 632 Claims payable Due to other funds 31,078 49,918 Deferred revenue Total liabilities 6 0,213 3 3,945 F UND BALANCES Unreserved 49 42,922 $ $ $ Total1iabilities and fund balances 33,994 103,135 This is trial version 64
  10. C ALHOUN, GREENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F A CCOUNTS (Continued) EDUCA TION FUND J une 3 0, 2009 Adult Adult Adult Education ­ Education ­ Public Education ­ Performance State Basic Assistance ASSETS Cash $ $ $ Investments Due from other funds Due from other governments 5,871 6,812 12,407 Total assets 6,812 12,407 5,871 $ $ $ LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ $ $ Payroll liabilities payable 1,483 5,359 1,835 Claims payable Due to other funds 4,036 5,323 9,201 Deferred revenue Total liabilities 14,560 5,871 6,806 FUND BALANCES Unreserved (2,153) 6 Total liabilities and fund balances 6,812 12,407 5,871 $ $ $ This is trial version 65
  11. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F A CCOUNTS ( Continued) E DUCATION FUND J une 30, 2009 Adult Regional National Education ­ System o f School Federal S upport Provider Lunch Basic A SSETS $ $ $ Cash 3,383 Investments Due from other funds Due from other governments 6,911 37 6,911 $ $ $ Total assets 3 ,420 LIABILITES A ND F UND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ Accounts payable $ 395 Payroll liabilities payable 1,619 Claims payable Due to other funds 15,632 34 Deferred revenue Total liabilities 395 15,632 1,653 F UND B ALANCES Unreserved 3,025 (1,653) (8,721) $ $ Total liabilities and fund balances 3 ,420 6,911 $ This is trial version 66
  12. CALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS (Continued) EDUCATION FUND June 30, 2009 English Language Learners Mathematics Professional and Science Preschool Development Partnerships Monitoring ASSETS Cash $ $ $ Investments Due from other funds 11,497 Due from other governments 11,497 Total assets $ $ $ LIABILITES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ $ $ Payroll liabilities payable Claims payable 12,752 Due to other funds Deferred revenue 12,752 Total liabilities FUND BALANCES ( 1,255) Unreserved 11,497 Total liabilities and fund balances $ $ $ This is trial version67



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