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Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality

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Be aware of Marketing , Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing concepts Identify the similarity and the differences between Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing List characteristics of Services and Marketing - Mix Components Classify the differences between marketing and sales.

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Nội dung Text: Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality

  1. Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality Hanoi Open University ­ Faculty of Tourism Lecturer: Tran Nu Ngoc Anh    
  2. Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality Course Objectives  Understand strategic marketing concepts and strategic marketing tools in the tourism industry  Ability to establish a strategic marketing plan for tourism organizations  Ability to make presentation and to communicate the strategic marketing terms in English Content Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Chapter 2: Introduction to strategic marketing Chapter 3: Macro marketing environment analysis Chapter 4: Micro marketing environment analysis Chapter 5: Market analysis Chapter 6: Pricing Chapter 7: Positioning the Product Chapter 8: Advertising and Publicity Chapter 9: Effective sales of travel products and services Chapter 10: Implementing the marketing plan
  3. Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality Duratio n o f the Co urs e 60 periods (04 credits) 12 lessons (indoor class) Exams Participation:     10% of the total mark  Course Project: 30% of the total mark         & condition to take the final exam  Final exam:       60% of the total mark (multi ­ choice + open questions) If students do not do the course project,  he/she will be not allowed to take the final exam.
  4. Strategic Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality Course Project Establish a strategic marketing plan for a tourism organization that you know well, including following compulsory requirements: 1. Introduction to the organization 2. Macro environment analysis for the selected organization 3. The analysis of the organization 4. The competitor analysis (Analyze with at least 2 main competitors) 5. The market analysis and questionnaire designed 6. Mission statement, Goals and Objectives 7. Marketing strategies (9Ps) 8. Marketing tactics  positioning statement  the cover of print ad (A4 size) 9. Marketing tactics  letter persuading customers to buy services, sales promotions … 10. Implementing the marketing plan Pre s entation & Powe r Po int - Slide s
  5. Chapte r 1 Introduc tion to Marketing & Touris m Marketing Le arning Obje c tive s    Be aware of Marketing , Service Marketing & Tourism  Marketing concepts   Identify the similarity and the differences between  Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing  List characteristics of Services and Marketing ­ Mix  Components  Classify the differences between marketing and sales.
  6. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Marketing Research  Find wants and fill the m (R S T  PDB  MM  I  C)  Pus h - Pull S trate g y  3R (Re tain lo yal c us to me rs , Re trie ve lo s t c us to me rs , Re c ruit ne w c us to me rs )  Partic ipants : All s taff o f an o rg anizatio n  Marke ting Mix: 4P (Pro duc t, Plac e , Pro mo tio n, Pric e )
  7. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Marketing mix - 4P 4P of Marketing +Product +Place +Promotion +Price
  8. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing + Product S¶n phÈm cèt lâi B¶o hµnh Bao b× S¶n phÈm hiÖn thùc S¶n phÈm bao quanh H×nh  Nh÷ng lîi  §Æc  thøc  H×nh  Phôc  Ých c¬ b¶n  tÝnh  tÝn  d¸ng vô  mang l¹i s¶n  dông b¸n phÈm Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng L¾p ®Æt S¶n phÈm bæ sung DÞch vô bao quanh/dÞch vô ®Þnh 
  9. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Chu kú s è ng cña s ¶n phÈm Doanh sè Thêi gian   H×nh thµnh              T¨ng tr­ëng (PT)              Tr­ëng thµnh      Suy tho¸i               vµ b∙o hßa
  10. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Chu kú s è ng cña s ¶n phÈm Establishment Growth Mature Decline Revenue Low Increase Max Low fast Cost High Average Low Low Profit Loss Increase High Low Customers Pioneers Increase Big No Late Followers Competitors Few Increase Stable Decrease
  11. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing + Place         Kho tµng           Hµng hãa       Kho tµng   Hµng hãa (Chuçi) Trung VËn t¶i Ng­êi s¶n xuÊt VËn t¶i Ng­êi mua gian Th«ng tin
  12. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing + Place Kªnh trùc tuyÕn (MC) Kªnh ng¾n (MRC) Nhµ s¶n  Ng­êi tiªu  xuÊt ­ ng­ Kªnh dµi (MWRC) dïng ­ ng­ Ng­êi êi lµm  êi mua Ng­êi  marketing Kªnh dµi ®Çy ®ñ  b¸n lÎ b¸n  (C) (M) (MJWRC) bu«n (R) M«i  giíi (W) (J)
  13. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Tourism Services Research  Intangibility  Inseparability  Variability  Perish ability  No ownership  "4S" Model in USA (SEA, SUN, SHOP, SEX or SAND)  3H  Model  in  USA  (HERITAGE,  HOSPITALITY,  HONESTY)
  14. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing & Tourism Marketing What is SERVICE ? S mile for everyone E xcellence in everything we do R eaching out to all guests with hospitality Viewing every guest as special Inviting guests to return Creating a warm atmosphere E ye contact that shows we care
  15. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Product & service Marketing Research Service Marketing = Product Marketing Products - Customers = Services Products - Consumers S taff is the b rid g e o f Pro d uc ts to c us to m e rs
  16. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Tourism Marketing Research Touris m Marketing = Products - Touris ts Servic es  touris ts ’ expec tations bus ines s obje ctives
  17. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Marketing mix - (9P) In tourism 4P of Marketing 5P of Marketing in Touris m +People +Product +Place +Packaging +Promotion +Positioning +Price +Programming +Partnership
  18. Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing and Tourism Marketing Introduction to organization (presentation 1)  Overview of the organization – Organization History – Organizational Chart – Operational Activities – Main Services  Business Assessment (2007-2011) – Revenue – Tourists, Target markets – Occupancy Rate – Others  Marketing Assessment (2007-2011) (optional) – Organizational Chart of Marketing Department – Applied Marketing Strategies – What achieved, what not?
  19. Chapte r 2 Intro duc tio n to S trate g ic Marke ting Learning Obje ctive s    Be aware of Strategic Marketing Plan concept, components of  a strategic marketing Plan for Tourism and Hospitality  Organizations and the importance of strategic marketing for  Tourism and Hospitality.  Practise to write Mission Statements for Tourism Industry and  Tourism Organizations.  Classify Objectives, Strategies and Tactics and practise to  formulate Objectives, Strategies and Tactics for Tourism  Organizations.  Be able to apply SWOT matrix to analyse the tourism  organizations’ business environment.
  20. Chapte r 2 Intro duc tio n to S trate g ic Marke ting Main content 1. Strategic Marketing Planning  2. The Mission Statement 3. Objectives, strategies, tactics 4. SWOT matrix in Tourism Industry 5. Discussions and Practices



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