Summary of thesis for PHD of pedagogy: Educating living skill for high school students through extracurricular activities
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Objective of the research To strengthen and improve the effectiveness of life skills education for high school pupils by the way of integrating the life skills education with out-of-class-hour educational activities in high schools.
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Nội dung Text: Summary of thesis for PHD of pedagogy: Educating living skill for high school students through extracurricular activities
- 24 The work is completed at that basic knowledge and formed personality dignities are essential EDUCATION UNIVERSITY - THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY and adequate to conditions of particular pupils. 5. Study on reality indicated that high school pupils either are blind about or lack basic living skills. Educational forces are fully aware of the nature and necessity of education on living skills to Scientific advisor: ASSOC. PROF. DR. Bui Van Quan pupils but are still embarrassed in procedures, methodologies and contents of education to particular objectives. 6. The thesis has drawn out propositions on methodologies of educating living skills to high school pupils with integrated contents, designed educational themes flexible to particular activities. 2. Propositions Critic 1: ........................................................... 1. Education on living skills to high school pupils would be Critic 2: ........................................................... effective, help enhance education quality meeting the social demand when it is disseminated widely together with the target of eliminating Critic 3: ........................................................... exam result-dependant mentality. Proper investment in this activity to help schools organize well recreation activities could help improve education quality and facilitate development of private schools. 2. The Ministry of Education and Training should early draw out programs on educating living skills to pupils of different education The thesis will be defended at the State Thesis Appraisal Council levels, including high school education. This could be an important basis for schools to actively select forms of organizing education on living held at: skills to pupils in appropriate to particular school circumstances. THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY 3. Pedagogy schools should hold training course for teachers to At ……. hours …date …. month …. year ….. meet the demand for education on living skills, and organizations of recreation activities at high schools should be short-listed to ensure main criteria of presentation skills and procedures. Pedagogy schools should also conduct researches, outline methodologies to improve education skills, living skills, and skills of organizing recreation activities for students, satisfying the requirement for renovating high school education. For further information about the Thesis, please refer to: 4. Localities need to provide support in forms of facilities, precinct and investment in national-standardized school to facilitate - Vietnam National Library; schools in organization of recreation activities in line with the - Center for School Materials - Thai Nguyen University; education targets and the targets of education on living skills. - Library of Education University - Thai Nguyen University.
- 23 0 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 3 PRONOUNCED SCIENTIFIC WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS Surveys showed that methodologies of educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities are feasible, make 1. Phan Thanh Van (2004), "Educating legal awareness and change high school pupils’ living skills in terms of awareness, behavior for students", Education Magazine, Issue No. 83, Special manners and behaviors. subject of the 1st quarter of 2004. CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSITIONS 2. Phan Thanh Van (2009), " Educating living skill for students 1. Conclusions in the emulative movement "Building friendly school, active 1. Living skill is a practical index of personality, a manifestation of students”", Education Magazine, Issue No. 214, term 2-5/2009. personality behaviors, and a decisive factor of education quality in line 3. Phan Thanh Van (2009), "Educating living skill - Necessary with the new standards on human personality development and mature for children", Education Magazine, term 1-11/2009. under the impacts of living environment and education activities. For 4. Phan Thanh Van (2010), "Integrating the objective of many countries in the world, living skills is an important target and educating living skill in extracurricular activities", Education content in the high school education programs. 2. Education on living skills is an important and urgent task of Magazine, Issue No. 239, term 1, 6/2010. the education system, is an education result as well as an important tasks of every school activities, particularly recreation activities. Results built up for high school pupils via recreation activities comprise a lot of diversified contents but are confined in living skills among juvenile, which could be an important basis for them to enter the social life securely. 3. Results of the thesis indicated that living skills to be built up for high school pupils via recreation activities are basis skills of evaluation, communication, tense encounter, and positive conflict resolution. The outcomes of forming these skills are to educate pupils about positive living style in the modern society, to build up or change their behavior positively in appropriate to the targets of developing learners’ comprehensive personality via helping them acquire proper knowledge, dignity, behavior and skills. 4. Education on living skills via recreation activities is a process of designing, operating constituent formants of education activities under an integral viewpoint. The defined principle is based on advantages of contents and program on high school education in order to educate living skills to high school pupils, but is to ensure
- 1 22 PREFACE The post-test average point of capacity of two separate groups is meaningful at the reliability of 95%. 1. Reasons to choose the topic Pre-test and post-test analyses on experiment group The rapid development of areas of economics, society and Table 3.5: Frequency distribution of pre-test and post-test results international integration has created multilateral effects, affect to the Test results (%) Turn N process of formation and development of personality of the young Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Pre-test 96 0.8 2.2 25.9 71.2 3.7682 generation. This reality makes the educators and the nations in the Post-test 96 14.9 27.1 42.7 15.3 6.3579 world pay special attention to the education of life skills for the Comparison + 14.1 + 24.9 + 16.8 - 55.9 2.5897 young generation, including of high school pupils. Based on the data, we are aware that high school pupils’ post- Awareness of the life skills, as well as the institutionalization test manners and behaviors relating to living skills are better than the of education of life skills is not specific in general education in pre-test ones. The proportion of high school pupils with pre-test Vietnam, especially in guiding the life skills educational activities for points at level 3 was 0.8%, but the post-test one was 14.9% pupils at all levels, education levels is also limited. In recent years, (difference + 14.1%). The proportion of high school pupils with pre- status of offenders in juvenile people tends to increase, especially in test points at level 2 was 2.2%, but the post-test one was 27.1% urban areas and big cities. There are many different reasons, those (difference + 24.9%). The proportion of high school pupils with pre- lead to the above situation. test points at level 1 was 25.9%, but the post-test one was 42.7% One of the reasons is that, the high school pupils have not (difference + 16.8%). The proportion of high school pupils with pre- accessed to the life skills educational programs yet; the exploitation test points at level 0 was 71.2%, but the post-test one was 15.3% of the strengths of the educational activities outside the class hours in (difference - 55.9%). The pre-test average point was 3.7682, and the order to implement the education of life skills for pupils in schools is post-test one was 6.3579 (difference + 2.5897). still limited. It is also the reason for the author to choose the thesis General changes in high school pupils’ living skills of titled: "Life skills education for high school pupils through out-of- experiment group (in terms o knowledge, behavior and skills) class-hour educational activities" to research. Experiments showed that methodologies of educating living 2. Objective of the research skills to high school pupils via recreation activities are feasible, make To strengthen and improve the effectiveness of life skills change high school pupils’ living skills in terms of awareness, education for high school pupils by the way of integrating the life manners and behaviors. Via experiments, pupils of the experiment skills education with out-of-class-hour educational activities in high group were provided with basic living skills of evaluation, effective schools. communication, tense encounter, and positive conflict resolution. 3. Objects and subjects of research Based on the aforementioned results, it could be said that the 3.1. Objects of the research experiment supposition was proven. Life skills educational process for high school pupils and out- of-class-hour educational activities in high schools.
- 21 2 Based on those analyses, we come to a conclusion that pre-test 3.2. Subjects of the research variances on capacity of these two groups are not very different. The Life skills educational measures applied for high school pupils average point of pre-test capacity of two different groups is through out-of-class-hour educational activities. meaningless within the reliability of 95%. 4. Research hypothesis Comparison of control and experiment groups after tests If the proposed measures which are feasible according to Table 3.3: Frequency distribution of post-test results for orientation of component integration of life skills education with experiment and control groups Test results (%) elements of out-of-class-hour educational activities, they can improve Group N Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 the efficiency of life skills education for high school pupils. Experiment 96 14.9 27.1 42.7 15.3 6.3579 5.Tasks of the research Control 96 0.7 3.2 29.7 66.4 3.8724 5.1. Systematize theoretical issues of life skills, life skills education, The data on the table 3.3 indicated that: Colum EVA means testing life skills education for high school pupils through organizing the out implementation under a supposition that post-test points of experiment side class hour educational activities. and control groups have the same variance and use test model S. Value 5.2. Survey the actual status of life skills education for high school of Sig = 0.9 < 0.1 so that supposition is turned down (at the reliability pupils through organizing the outside class hour educational activities of 95%), which means that variances of two groups are equal. Value of in some high schools. significance level on two-side test = 0.02 < 0.05; so value T is valuable 5.3. Propose some measures of life skills education for high school pupils at the reliability of 95%. Variances averaged at 1.978 means that at the through out-of-class-hour educational activities and experimentation of reliability of 95%, average point of capacity of the control group is some proposed measures. 0.1978 lower than that of the experiment group. Standard error of this 6. Scope of research variance is 0.01636. The reliability of 95% indicated difference in the average point of capacity of the experiment and control group varies 6.1. Contents of the research from 2.111 to 2.578. - The basic life skills needed for high school pupils education defined clearly in the research thesis are: valuation skills, Tale 3.4: Test T on control and experiment groups after test communication skills, skills to cope with emotional stress and skills Test S gives to resolve conflicts positively. equality of Test T give equality of averages - Experimentation of life skills education for high school pupils variances through out-of- class-hour educational activities is implemented with Sig 95% CID F Sig T Df MD Std.ED the program of out-of- class-hour educational activities in class 10, (2-t) L U EVA class 11 high schools. - Experiment 7.321 0.09 12.549 3331.887 0.02 1.978 1.636 2.111 2.578 6.2. Research areas - Control 12.549 335.114 0.02 1.978 1.636 2.111 2.578 The researches were conducted in Ho Chi Minh City with three The aforementioned data analyses comes to a conclusion that high schools representing 3 development areas of the city: urban post-test variances on points of capacity of two groups are different. area, rural area and area with difficulties.
- 3 20 7. Methodology and research methods Content 7.1. Methodology Based on assessment of the necessity and feasibility of Apply methodology of dialectical materialism, historical methodologies, two following methodologies were selected for materialism and the system approach, integrated approach. pedagogic experiments: 7.2. Research methods - Using types of activities and forms of organizing recreation education flexibly so as to realize the targets of educating integrated living skills. 7.2.1. Group of theoretical research methods - Designing themes for education on living skills in appropriate to the Use documentation research method, methods of analysis, content, activities to realize themes of recreation education at high schools. collective one, generalization and systematization in order to create Experiments the theoretical framework for the subject of the thesis. Experiments were carried out at the first term of the 2008-2009 7.2. 2. Group of reality research methods school year. Before experiments, we carried out pre-test on control - Methods of investigation by questionnaire, interviewing, expert and experimental objectives. used method, testing method, experimental one to reality explicit and Pedagogic experiments applied model of experiment as follows: research results in order to prove the scientific hypothesis. R1: O1 X O2 7.2.3. Supporting methods R2 O3 Y O4 - Method of observation: research actual status and research results. In which: - Method of mathematical statistics: To be used to treat the R1 is experimental group experimental educational results and survey results by questionnaires. R2 is control group 8. Protected arguments X is experimental interferences Y is other impacts - Life skills education is the objective and responsibilities in the O1, O2 are results of pre-test and experiment of task of comprehensive education of high school education. methodologies for experimental objectives. - Life skills education for high school pupils through out-of-class-hour O3, O4 are results of pre-test and experiments of methodologies educational activities is operating at the same time elements of life skills on control group (time of O1 is the same as O3, and time education and other elements of out-of-class-hour educational activities of O2 is the same as O4) to implement the objectives of the two activities. Assessment criteria and tools - Integration is the effective way to implement life skills In order to assess results of experiments, we use two systems of education for pupils through out-of-class-hour educational activities assessment: and not to overload the high school pupils’ activities. - A system of assessing efficiency of methodologies which take 9. New contribution of the thesis effects via changes in high school pupils’ awareness, manners and 9.1. On the theoretical side behaviors to living skills. Contribute to develop the theory on life skills education - A systems of assessing feasibility of experimental methodology. through out-of-class-hour educational activities by the conclusions: 3.2.2. Result Analyses pre-tests on control and experiment groups - Life skills education is determined as a task of high school In order to analyze data of pre-tests on control and experiment education in order to develop the comprehensive personality for high groups, we use T-test with two separate models. Result data is school pupils in the context of international integration. processed by SPSS program.
- 19 4 Result of survey on feasibility of methodologies - Integration is an effective method to implement life skills Survey showed that most of the methodologies are of great education for high school pupils and simultaneously help to reduce feasibility. All methodologies could be implemented successfully and the load for high school education. none received any rejects. Power impacts implementation of the - Life skills education for high school pupils through out-of- methodologies differently but assessments are consented, so the class-hour educational activities are integrated the structural elements points for general impacts total 65.9. of education with structural elements of the out-of-class-hour In short, surveys showed that almost all surveyed people agreed educational activities and operate simultaneously those elements with methodologies proposed by the author with the majority according to the defined educational objectives. considering the methodologies necessary and feasible. This means that 9.2. On the practical side proposed methodologies are appropriate and can meet the requirements Results of the research thesis confirmed: for educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities. - Pupils in high school is limited in life skills. One of the 3.2. PEDAGOGIC EXPERIMENTS reasons of this situation is that, the high school education does not 3.2.1. Overview pay attention adequately to life skills education issues for pupils; not Purpose yet define the effective methods to educate the life skills for pupils. - Check feasibility and efficiency of proposed methodologies of - Integration of educational objectives with the goal of the out- educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities. of-class-hour educational activities; design educational subjects - Affirm positive impacts of experimental methodologies on suitable with the contents/activities to implement the theme of living skills of high school pupils in terms of awareness, manners and education programs of out-of-class-hour activities,... are the measures behaviors. to implement the integrated method in order to educate life skills for pupils in the high schools effectively. Objectives 10. The outline of the thesis Due to difficulties in negotiating locations for experiments (a few The thesis consists of 145 pages, in which: Introduction (8 schools, high schools agreed to allow the author to organize pages). Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical basis (59 pages); Chapter experiments at schools), experiments were only carried out at two 2: Life skills education measures for high school pupils through out- high schools namely Binh Phu and Nguyen Khuyen High Schools in of-class-hour educational activities (37 pages); Chapter 3: Pedagogic Ho Chi Minh City in the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 academic years. Experimentation (29 pages). Conclusions and recommendations Sample of the experiments are following: (3 pages). The scientific works have been published relating to the Table 3.2: Sample of experiment thesis (1 page). References (8 pages). The appendix (27 pages). The Number of pupils participants thesis presents 28 tables, 3 diagrams and two graphs. No. School names Experimental Control Total group group 1 Nguyen Khuyen High School 50 50 100 2 Binh Phu High School 46 46 92 Total 96 96 192
- 5 18 Chapter 1 Objectives THE THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS ON LIFE SKILLS Objectives of the referendum on the necessity and feasibility of EDUCATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS THROUGH OUT- methodologies are those who involve in implementation of those OF- CLASS-HOUR EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES methodologies. - Rectors, deputy rectors at high schools: 25 people. 1.1. OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH - Education researchers and managers: 20 people. 1.1.1. Researches abroad: - High school teachers: 45 people. The researches on life skills education in the world are Content plentiful. According to summary of the UNESCO, it can generalize Sending questionnaires under the referendum to objectives to define the main contents in these researches as follows: The researches the necessity and feasibility of methodologies. Methodologies that are identify the goals of life skills education; The researches identify the considered necessity are those can resolve problems defined during programs and the forms of life skills education. Programs, life skills education living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities. education documents are designed for non-formal education is Feasible methodologies are those which meet requirements set for them. widespread and in variety of forms. Methodology 1.1.2. The domestic researches Using the methodology of statistics to process collected data via - Mainly, the topics analyze and clarify the real situation ahead questionnaires and using the methodology of assessment by the of the urgency of life skills issues, do not focus on solving the tasks Crown Agents International Training Center (Worthing, Brightain, of theoretical research in a systematic way yet, the form of life skills Great Britain) on the basis of effects of particular groups of education for pupils, students and pupils in general and high school participants in implementation of those methodologies to analyze the pupils in particular. collected results. - The topics mentioned to the forms of life skills education in 3.1.2. Results of survey details and without specific trial results so convincing ability is not Result of survey on necessity of methodologies high. Some research topics are relatively complete: theoretical Table 3.1: Result of referendum on necessity of methodologies researches, and assess the actual situation and propose measures of life skills education but on the pupils. Levels - Therefore, it is necessary to exploit the internal resources of Methodologies Very Necessary Unnecessary necessary the school activities in high schools in order to implement effectively 1. Integrating the targets of educating educational contents for life skills pupils at this level. living skills with the targets of 75.8 22.2 2.0 1.2. SOME BASIC THEORETICAL ISSUES ON LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION recreation activities FOR PUPILS IN HIGH SCHOOLS 2. Designing themes for education on 1.2.1. Concepts living skills in appropriate to the 73.9 24.7 1.4 Life skills content, activities to realize themes of - Life skills is a concept used extensively in all age groups in recreation education at high schools different areas of social life. However, up to now, this concept is still 3. Using types of activities and forms of organizing recreation education in a status without a clear and complete definition. 77.2 22.2 0.6 flexibly so as to realize the targets of - Author of thesis shows the consistency with the conception of educating integrated living skills life skills of UNESCO. Accordingly, the life skills concept is used in 4. Other supporting methodologies 63.3 35.0 1.7
- 17 6 - High school managing boards must consider educating living the research thesis is: "ability to make the behavior and the oneself skills to pupils is the school’s comprehensive task in order to make change suitable with the positive behavior and help people control, plans for guiding educating living skills to high school pupils via manage effectively needs and challenges in daily life". recreation activities. - There are many classifications of life skills, although the - Participant in educating living skills to high school pupils via classification is under any way, some skills are still considered the core recreation activities, particularly head teacher, cadres of the school’s skills such as: evaluation skills, communication skills, skills to cope trade unions must be trained about educating living skills and with emotional stress; conflict solving skills in a positive ways; self- recreation activities. awareness skills, decision-making skills, goal setting skills… Author of the thesis has limited the life skills studied in the research to educate CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 2 high school pupils through out-of-class-hour educational activities are Based on theoretic analyses and reality on educating living skills: evaluation skills, communication skills, coping skills with skills to high school pupils via recreation activities, the author of this emotion, stress and conflict solving skills in a positive way. thesis has drawn out some methodologies of implementation of Life skills education educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities. The concept of education is also understood in different These methodologies reflect quite fully the need of integrating broad, narrow meanings, at the level of social and school. From education on living skills to high school pupils with recreation connotation of the concept life skills and the concept of educational activities at high schools, as following: activities presented in the thesis, the author thinks that, life skills - Integrating the targets of educating living skills with the education is a process with specific educational activities in order to targets of recreation activities. organize and control the pupils to know how to transfer knowledge (what pupils know) and attitudes, values (what pupils think, feel, - Designing themes for education on living skills in appropriate believe) into real action (what to do and how to do) in a positive to the content, activities to realize themes of recreation education at way and constructive nature. high schools. Life skills education for pupils is to educate them with active - Using types of activities and forms of organizing recreation lifestyles in modern society, to develop or change them behavioring education flexibly so as to realize the targets of educating integrated toward positive goals suitable with comprehensive development of living skills. personality of learners as a basis to help the pupils have the - Other supporting methodologies. knowledge, values, attitudes and appropriate skills. Chapter 3 1.2.2. The necessity of life skills education for high school pupils PEDAGOGIC EXPERIMENTS and other structural elements of life skills education for high 3.1. SURVEY ON NECCESITY AND FEASIBILITY OF METHODOLOGIES school pupils 3.1.1. General issues on surveying necessity and feasibility of The necessity of life skills education for high school pupils proposed methodologies Life skills education for pupils is inevitable demand set out Purpose from the following aspects: as social requirements; educational points To define necessity and feasibility of proposed methodologies to of view; cultural perspective, politics, according to the requirements create a basis for selection of methodologies for pedagogic experiments. of sustainable development.
- 7 16 The structural elements of life skills education for high realize the targets of educating living skills. Besides, the methodology school pupils will enhance efficiency of integrating the targets of educating living Life skills education for high school pupils as well as the skills with the targets of recreation education as well as designing processes, and other educational activities in high schools have the themes of educating living skills during implementation of the contents determined structure, in which the elements of the objectives, contents and activities under particular themes of recreation activities. and methods are the elements that make the difference between life Contents and procedures of implementation skills education with other educational processes, and activities. - Changing forms of activities so as to realize particular themes 1.2.3. Factors affecting the characteristics of life skills education in the recreation education program. in high school pupils in big cities - Designing forms of organizing to organize main forms of Factors affecting life skills education for high school pupils activities that are defined in the recreation education program. - Psychological characteristics of high school pupils. Conditions for implementation - The elements of the educational programs in high schools. This methodology requires high schools to have sufficient - The elements of family and social environment. facilities; particularly have functional classrooms. On the other hand, in of life skills educationfor high school pupils order to implement this methodology, tight coordination between head in big cities teacher and teachers of physical training, music, and fine arts at the From the characteristics of social and economic development, schools is also required. The relation between the school with the educational development of big cities, it is possible to identify two community, units and organizations in the locality is an important factor main features of the life skills education for high school pupils in big to implement this method effectively. cities as follows: In the big cities, there is not only needs to be 2.2.4. Other supporting methodologies educated on life skills of the high school pupils but life skills Purpose and meaning education requirements for high school pupils are also very high. Life Supporting methodologies are aimed at enhancing capacity of skills education for high school pupils in big cities has some participants in education on living skills and recreation activities for advantages but also face many difficulties. high school pupils as well as satisfying conditions to educate living 1.3. OUT-OF-CLASS-HOUR EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND LIFE skills to high school pupils via recreation activities effectively. SKILLS EDUCATION ISSUES FOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS Contents and procedures of implementation 1.3.1. out-of-class-hour educational activities in high schools - Changing viewpoint about educating living skills, enhancing Position and role of out-of-class-hour educational activities awareness of the integral viewpoint in educating living skills to high in high schools school pupils. Out-of-class-hour educational activities are the continuation of - Enhancing capacity of participants in education on living skills activities in class, aim to help pupils develop comprehensive and organizing recreation education at high schools. personality. out-of-class-hour educational activities are in order to - Promoting the most role of pupils implement aspects of education in schools, so the contents of Conditions for implementation educational activities are focused on the following basic contents: In order to implement the aforementioned supporting Activities associated with cultural contents in schools, physical methodologies synchronically, the following conditions are required:
- 15 8 Conditions for implementation activities, sports, arts, and social - political activities , professional 2.2.2. Designing themes of education on living skills appropriate to labor, issues of friendship, love , marriage, family, issues to preserve contents and activities to realize the theme of recreation education and develop the cultural and national values, prevention of social at high schools evils, the issues of the role of youth in building nation in the period Purpose and meaning of industrialization, modernization, problems of peace and friendship, This methodology fosters creating comprehensive education vocational education, etc... contents, which would be consistent to the contents of educating The tasks of out-of-class-hour educational activities in high schools living skills with the contents of recreation education. Out-of-class-hour educational activities undertake following Contents and procedures of implementation three objectives: Designing themes of educating living skills appropriate to themes of * Educational tasks of perception recreation activities at high schools is implemented under the following steps: To help high school pupils have the knowledge of - Analyzing the program on recreation education at high schools so as to define which themes could be designed into themes understanding of the traditional values of the nation as well as good of educating living skills. values of humanity, consolidate, broaden the knowledge learned in - Designing themes of educating living skills in integration class (through the forms of club activities by subject, picnics, with the contents and the themes of recreation education. activities on the theme …); have political consciousness, ethical, Conditions for implementation legal and healthy lifestyle, sense of right and responsibility for In order to implement this methodology, the following oneself, family, school and society; have consciousness of the career conditions are required: orientation, choose profession suitable with personal ability and - Teachers must have a full understanding about the program, profession development requirements in the society. schedule programs on recreation education for particular class * Educational tasks of skills blocks, particularly the blocks directly have lectures on and organize Continue to practice the basic skills created from the secondary recreation activities. schools in order to base on that basis to develop a number of key capabilities - Teachers should acquire contents of basic living skills when such as: self-improvement capability, adaptability, communication skills, educating pupils, have skills of designing educational activities, and problem solving skills, consistency skill, capability for political- social designing teaching on the basis of a positive viewpoint. activity, organizing and management capacity, capacity of cooperation, - Infrastructure at schools must meet minimal requirements of share, negotiation in order to help pupils live safely, healthy, adaptive with a facilities for designed themes. non-stopping changing life. - Teachers must have skills of designing handouts to pupils. * Tasks of attitude. 2.2.3. Using types of activities and forms of organizing recreation To educate the pupils with the ideal of the life for a tomorrow education flexibly so as to realize the targets of educating integrated of career,to have belief in the future, the sense and spirit of national living skills pride. To know how to express the attitude ahead of life issues, take Purpose and meaning responsibility for their own behavior; actively struggle with the This methodology is aimed at diversifying forms of implementing wrong expression of themselves and of the others (for self- recreation education, attracting pupils in recreation activities, so as to improvement); to know how to accept and evaluate the beauty in life.
- 9 14 To foster them positivity , actively and creatively engaged in group viewpoint about the purposes of educating living skills to high school activities, school and social work, eto ducate them the spirit of pupils via recreation activities. Teachers have not yet fully solidarity, peace and friendship. understood about the integration of educating living skills to pupils Content of out-of-class-hour educational activities in high schools with recreation education. Content of out-of-class-hour educational activities in high 3. Based on the reality, it is believed that educating living skills schools education is conducted according to the major topics, each to high school pupils is of great necessity, educating living skills to topic includes a variety of content broken down, major themes are pupils is to educate them about positive living in the society, either designed for all three grades, but the operational goal, the operation building or changing their behaviors adequate to the purpose of contents in the grades are not the same that are designed the fostering learners’ comprehensive personality development by concentric structure on spiral along with the objectives and content of providing them with proper knowledge, dignity, behavior and skills. activities on a gradually improving. Content of activities are Chapter 2 systematically designed, inheritance, the performance of previous METHODOLOGIES OF EDUCATING LIVING SKILLS TO classes is the foundation and the precondition for conducting HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS VIA RECREATION ACTIVITIES educational activities in the next classes, while the content of 2.1. PRINCIPLES OF PROPOSING METHODOLOGIES activities in the following classes to consolidate the results of the 2.1.1. Principle of ensuring targets lower classes… 2.1.2. Principle of ensuring inherence Characteristics of out-of-class-hour educational activities 2.1.3. Principle of ensuring feasibility in high schools 2.1.4. Principle of ensuring sysmtematism Content of activities conducted according to the topic, normally, 2.2. SOME METHODOLOGIES OF EDUCATING LIVING SKILLS with the implementation activities of a certain topic of out-of-class-hour TO HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS VIA RECREATION ACTIVITIES education programs depends very much on the script and the MC (Master 2.2.1. Integrating the targets of educating living skills with the of ceremony) as to the design of the script. The results of out-of-class-hour targets of recreation education educational activities are reflected through the growth of personality of the Purpose and meaning pupils, not by grades. These results must be tested through relationships Integrating the targets of educating living skills with the targets and exchange activities then reviewed and evaluated. Content of out-of- of recreation education is among methodologies of educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities on the basis of class-hour educational activities can exploit the strengths to educate life integral education viewpoint. skills for high school pupils. Contents and procedures of implementation 1.3.2. The Nature and principles of life skills education for high Access based of orientation of integrating the targets of educating school pupils through out-of class-hour educational activities living skills with the targets of recreation education including: The nature of life skills education for high school pupils - Designing targets of education on living skills. through out-of- class-hour educational activities - Analyzing the targets of recreation education so as to integrate Life skills education for high school pupils through organizing with the targets of educating living skills. out-of class-hour educational activities is that the teachers organize a - Indicating the integral target of educating living skills and variety of activities in order to stimulate pupils to participate positively recreation education.
- 13 10 Methodology of educating living skills to high school pupils and actively in the processes of operation, thereby forming or changing via recreation activities the behavior to their pupils in the positive way to develop the * Reality on application of methodologies comprehensive personality of the pupils, help them live safely and Only 40 out of 250 surveyed teachers said they had used healthy, actively in the daily life. Essentially, life skills education trained methodologies of educating living skills to pupils, 80 teachers through out-of- class-hour educational activities are to implement the said they learned methodologies from their colleagues and 130 integrated out-of- class-hour educational activities with life skills teachers said they had used personal experience in modern education. In other words it is the process of implementation of life educational methodologies. skills education and out-of- class-hour educational activities in * Reality on access to methodologies integrated perspective. Iintegrated point of view in organizing Most of surveyed teachers acquired knowledge about educational activities in high schools is reflected in two forms: firstly, methodologies of educating living skills to pupils but their an educational goal should be implemented through various understanding was different. The methodology of using objects and educational activities (and other different educational activities but pictures is the most popular, followed by playing someone’s part, together make a certain educational goal); secondly, an educational games, team-work activities and providing living skills via activity while implementing several educational objectives. organizing activities to attract pupils’ participation. Principles for implementation of life skills education CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 1 through out-of- class-hour educational activities in high schools 1. The term of living skill is used in this thesis refers to “the - Principle of approaching the activity and personality in life ability to make someone’s manners and changes appropriate to skills education for pupils through organizing out-of- class-hour positive behavior so as to help him/her control and manage his/her educational activities. demand and challenges in daily life effectively”. Living skills are - Life skills education for high school pupils through out-of- classified into different types but “regardless of types, some living class-hour educational activities must come from the rights and skills are always considered core skills such as evaluation skills, duties of the pupils. communication skills, tense encounter skills, positive conflict - To promote the advantages of out-of- class-hour educational resolution skills, self-conscious skills, decisive skills and targeting activities to educate life skills for high school pupils. skills, etc.” The author has confined living skills in this thesis on 1.4. ACTUAL STATUS OF LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION FOR HIGH educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities SCHOOL PUPILS THROUGH OUT-OF-CLASS-HOUR EDUCATUONAL to evaluation skills, communication skills, tense encounter skills, and ACTIVITIES positive conflict resolution skills. 1.4.1. Actual status of life skills and the needs to be educated in youth 2. Practical studies showed that almost all high school pupils lack 1.4.2. Survey results of the actual status of life skills of high basic living skills. A few pupils could have access to information school pupils about common living skills and particular skills regularly. Although To assess the actual status of life skills education for high teachers have been aware of the nature and the necessity of educating school pupils through out-of- class-hour educational activities, topics living skills to pupils, they are still hesitant in methodologies. Survey were surveyed over 500 high school pupils and 250 teachers in high showed that only a small number of teachers had appropriate schools in the area of Ho Chi Minh city.
- 11 12 Awareness of the teachers and the pupils about the life skills 1.4.3. Actual status of life skills education for high school pupils To understand the awareness of teachers and high school pupils through out-of- class-hour educational activities about the life skills, the thesis author have listed the different notions 1.4.3. Reality of educating living skills to high school pupils via of life skills (including precise, full notion) and ask the teachers, recreation activities pupils to select those notions according to their own opinions. Teachers’ awareness of education on living skills for high school pupils via recreation activities Survey results showed that, the percentage of teachers who Teachers’ awareness of the nature and necessity of educating have the right idea about the life skills is 53.6%, the left opinions also living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities. chose the same content but not the life skills (precise definition). For Surveys showed that: Only ten out of total 250 surveyed pupils, the percentage of correct opinions is only 13.2%. Thus, most teachers know roughly about educating living skills to high school of the high school pupils do not have the correct perception of the life pupils via recreation activities while 180 teachers though that skills yet. educating living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities is The actual status of information receipt related to the life skills an integration of education on living skills with recreation education. of high school pupils: The survey results showed that: 50.52% of In fact, some high schools have applied this form of educating living pupils have received information about the life skills and concept of skills to pupils. Regarding the necessity of educating living skills to life skills at occasionally level. There are 33.8% of the pupils high school pupils via recreation activities, 50 of 250 surveyed considering that, they have never heard about the concept of life teachers are still either hesitant or thought that educating living skills skills and specific names of life skills. In which, skills such as to high school pupils via recreation activities is unnecessary but 180 conflict solving skills in a positive way, the skills to cope with teachers confirmed the necessity of educating living skills to high emotions that the percentage of pupils said that they "never heard" at school pupils via recreation activities. Teachers’ viewpoint about purposes of educating living the highest (62.4%, and 46, 8%). In the listed life skills, there are skills to high school pupils via recreation activities 57.6% of high school pupils were asked to mention that they Surveys indicated that, almost all teachers are not fully regularly listen this skills. aware of integrally pedagogic view in modern education so they Assessment of the teachers on the actual status of life skills of did not think that educating living skills to high school pupils via high school pupils recreation activities is utilizing the view in education on living The above results show that, life skills of high school pupils are skills to high school pupils. very much limited. Most of the pupils need the assistance on order to Application of educating living skills to high school pupils implement the basic life skills. Some life skills pupils have already via recreation activities received information on the frequency (communication skills), but no Generally, teachers at high school have applied educating pupil was assessed by the teachers to implement the skills in a handy living skills to high school pupils via recreation activities but the way. The basic life skills such as conflict resolution in a positive move is not very popular. As many as 100 out of 250-survyed way, dealing with emotions, stress; evaluation are skills that pupils teachers did not apply the methodology regularly, 90 teachers said are still embarrassed when performing. they had applied it and only 60 teachers said they applied it regularly.

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