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Tài liệu ngữ pháp: Tiếng Anh trung học cơ sở

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Nội dung Text: Tài liệu ngữ pháp: Tiếng Anh trung học cơ sở

  1. LESSON 1 : TENSES ( Caùcthì ) 1. SIMPLE PRESENT: (HTÑ) Affir : S+V1 /Vs, es Ex : Water boils at o100 c. Neg: S+ do/ does + Ex : Tom doesn’t feel hungry. not+ V1 Inter: Do/ does+S +V 1  Ex : How oftendo you go to school? …? *(Be):am,is, arenot; (have):has/havenot+got=do / does+not+have Dieãntaû:  Tình caûm,caûmgiaùc,nhaänthöùcôû hñoäng.  Thoùi quen, phong tuïc, taäp quaùn.  Chaân lí, söï thaät hieån nhieân. Vôùi : EVERY (day, year…), ALWAYS, OFTEN, USUALLY, SOMETIME, SELDOM, RARELY, NEVER, EVER, ONCE / TWICE / THREE TIMES + ( a day/ week/ month…), all the time, now and then . . .. Notes : Qui taéctheâm es ñoái vôùi ñoängtöø coù S soáít : - Caùcñoängtöø taäncuønglaø : o, sh, ch, x, s, vaø z . - Caùcñoängtöø taäncuønglaø y maøñöùngtröôùc y laø moät phuï aâm ta ñoåi y    i + es ( Shestudies, Tom tries,  He plays . . .). 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( HTTD) S + am/ is/ are ing + V Ex: We are studying English now. S + am/ is/ are + not Ex: She isn’t writing when he + Ving comes. Am/ Is/ Are + S + Ving Ex: What are you doing while I am ? doing? Dieãn taû :  Hñoäng ñang xaûy ra ôû Htaïi vaøo luùc noùi vieát.  2 hñoäng ñang keùo daøi // ôû Htaïi (while: trong khi).  1 hñoäng ñang keùo daøi ôû Htaïi thì coù 1 hñoäng ngaén ñoät ngoät xaûy ra(S+ V1/ Vs, es) Vôùi : AT PRESENT , AT THE MOMENT , NOW, RIGHT NOW, JUST NOW, ,… ! 3. PRESENT PERFECT: (HTHT) S + has/ have + 3 ed V Ex: I’ve just opened the door. Ex: We have studied English for many years. S + has/ have + not Ex: Jack hasn’t come recently. + V3ed Has/ Have + S + V3ed? Ex: How long have you studied English? 1
  2. Dieãn taû:  Hñoäng Qk ko roõ tg.  Hñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra.  Hñoäng baét ñaàu trong Qk, vaãn coøn tieáp tuïc ôû Htaïi & coù theå tieáp tuïc ôû Tlai. Vôùi: BEFORE, ALREADY, RECENTLY= LATELY, EVER, NEVER, YET , JUST, TWICE, SEVERAL TIMES, SINCE + moác TG, FOR + khoaûng TG, UP TO NOW=UP TILL NOW=SO FAR… 4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: (HTHTTD) S + has/ have + been ing.+ V Ex: We have been studying English for many years. S + has/ have + not + been + Ving. Has/ Have + S + been + Ving? Dieãn taû: - Hñoäng baét ñaàu trong Qkhöù, tieáp tuïc ôû Htaïi & coù theå ( nhaán maïnh tính lieân tuïc) - since + moác TG ;  for + khoaûng TG. 5. SIMPLE PAST (QKÑ) S + 2Ved Ex: I saw him yesterday. S + did + not Ex: She didn’t come last week. + V1 Did + S + V1 ? Ex: Did Mr. Lee phone an hour ago? *(Be) : was / were wasn’t, weren’t Dieãn taû: - Hñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra & chaám döùt hoaøn toaøn trong Qk ( xaùc Vôùi: - YESTERDAY, AGO ,LAST (night, week, year…) 6. PAST CONTINUOUS (QKTD) S +was/were + Ving Ex: We werewatchingTV at 7 pmyesterday. S +was/were + not + Ving Ex:I waswritingwhile my fatherwasreading. Was/ were + S + Ving ? Ex: Shewassleepingasthetelephonerang. Dieãntaû:  Hñoängxaûyra ôû 1 giôø / khoaûnggiôø Qk xaùcñònh ( at 7pm, from6 to 7, …)  2 hñoängdieãnra // ôû Qk. (while: trongkhi)  1 hñoäng Qk ñang keùo daøi thì 1 hñ ngaén ñngoät xaûy 2 ) ed ra (S + V Vôùi: AT THAT TIME, AT THAT MOMENT… 7. PAST PERFECT (QKTD) S + had +3edV Ex: Last night I went to bed after I dad done my homework. S + had + not + V3ed 2
  3. Had + S + V3ed ? Dieãn taû: - Hñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc 1 moác TG ôû Qk hoaëc tröôùc 1 hñ Qk Vôùi :       ( tröôùc: S+ had +V3ed ; sau: S + V2) 8. SIMPLE FUTURE (TLÑ) S + will / shall + 1 V Ex: I’ll buy it tomorrow. S + will / shall + not + V1 Will / Shall + S + V1? *Note: will not =won’t ; shall not =shan’t. Dieãn taû:  Hñ seõ xaûy ra trong tlai.  Lôøi yeâu caàu (Will you + V1…? ); Ñeà nghò ( Shall I / we Vôùi: TOMORROW, SOON, NEXT (week, month,…) 9. FUTURE PERFECT (TLHT) S + will / shall + have 3ed +. V Ex: We’ll have already finished the work by the time you get back Dieãn taû:  Hñoäng seõ hoaøn taát trong tlai. * Notes:           1) Near future: (Tlai gaàn) S + am/ is / are + going to + V1 : seõ, saép söûa, döï ñònh… Ex: I’m goingto buy it tomorrow.           2)Moät soá ñoäng töø sau ñaây thöôøng khoâng duøng vôùi thì tieáp dieãn  Be : Ex: I ama studentnow.  Nhöõngñoängtöø chæveàgiaùc quan: see,hear,feel, look (troângcoùveû), smell, taste,recognize.  Nhöõngñoängtöø chæveàcaûm xuùc: like, dislikelove, hate,wantwish, desire,refuse,forgive.  Nhöõng ñoäng töø chæ veà lí   trí: understand, know, think, realize, suppose, believe, remember, forget, mind,expect,recollect.  Nhöõngñoängtöø chæsöï baét ñaàu, tieáp tuïc, keát thuùc: begin,continue,finish…     LESSON 2:            PREPOSITIONS ( Giôùi töø) A.   COMMON PREPOSITION: I.  Prep. Of Place:  1. IN: ôû trong( 1 nôi/ vuøng/khuvöïc/ quoácgia/ thaønhphoá/…) Ex: in theroom/Asia/ Britain/ London/… in bed/newspaper/magazines/theworld/… 2. ON: ôû treân Ex: on thetable/theboard/thefloor/ … on TV/ theradio/ telephone/theway/ thestreet/horseback/… 3. AT : ôû taïi (ñòañieåmnhoû). Ex: at thedesk/thestation/theairport/72 PhamNgu Lao street…. 3
  4. at home/school/ work… 4. FROM : töø (nôi xuaátphaùt). Ex: Mr. Mac Donaldis from Scotland. 5. TO: ñeán(ñích) . Ex: Elizabethwentto thestore. 6. BETWEEN : ôû giöõa(2 ngöôøi / vaät). Ex: Mai is sittingbetween NamandNga. 7. AMONG: ôû giöõa, trongsoá Ex : The letteris somewhereamong thesepapers.     II. Prep. Of Time 1. IN:    1977(1890,2008…) thesummer(winter…) April (May, August…) themorning(afternoon,evening…) time:kòp luùc anhour - Ex : I will arrivein anhour. 4
  5. 2. ON : holiday weekend Monday 15, October October 15th 1977 Monday morning Christmas day time : ñuùng luùc fire : ñang chaùy 3. AT: 7 o’clock night midnight noon (the)weekend Christmas theendof themoment 4. SINCE (+moácTG): keåtöø … Ex: He hasstudiedEnglishsince1900. 5. FOR (+1 khoaûngTG) : ñöôïc… Ex: _________________ for 17 years 6. FROM: töø 7. TO : ñeán Ex: I livedin villagefrom 1977to 1992. III. Some Other Prep. : 1. By : baèng,bôûi. Ex: Theycanenrichthesoil by usingfertilizers. * by bus/car/ train/plane/… 2. On foot: ñi boä 3. For : cho , vì, ñeå(chæmuïc ñích) . Ex: Whatwould you like for breakfast? Ex: Somepeoplereadfor pleasure. 4. With : vôùi , baèng. Ex: He wentwith her. Ex: I canwritebetterwith my own pen. 5. About : veà. Ex: Whatdo you think about her? 6. Of : cuûa. Ex: The windowof theliving room. B. PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES: 1.  Adj +  TO : acceptable,accustomed,agreeable,contrary,harmful, important, kind, likely, lucky, open,pleasant,similar,familiar, helpful, (but:it’s verykind of you.) 2.  Adj +  IN :  interested,rich, successful 3. Adj +  OF : afraid,ahead,aware,capable,confident,full, tired,sure,proud 4. Adj +  FOR : available,difficult, late,perfect,useful, famous,responsible,sorry(S.O) 5. Adj +  FROM  : absent, different,safe,far 6. Adj +  AT  : clever,present,quick, skilful, good,bad,(angryat  something/ with someone) 7. Adj +  WITH : acquainted,crowed,friendly, popular,busy,bored,pleased,fed up 8. Adj +  ABOUT : confused,sad,serious,worried,sorry(S.T) 5
  6.     C. VERB + NOUN ( PHRASE) + PREPOSITION: 1. catch sight of : troâng thaáy 11. make room for : doïn choã 2. give place to : nhöôøng 12. make use of : söû duïng 3. give way to : nhöôïng boä ,traùnh 13. pay attention to : chuù yù ñöôøng cho 14. put a stop to : laøm döøng 4. keep pace with : theo kòp, 15. put an end to : chaám döùt 5. lose sight of : maát huùt, khoâng 16. set fire to : chaâm 6. lose touch with : maát lieân laïc 17. take account of : chuù yù 7. lose track of : maát daáu 18. take advantage of : lôïi duïng 8. make allowance for: chieáu coá 19. take care of : chaêm soùc 9. make fun of : cheá nhaïo 20. take note of : chuù yù 10.make a fuss over/ about 21. take notice of : chuù yù : cuoáng quyùt veà vieäc             D.  GO  + PREPOSITION: 1. after: ñuoåi theo 7. down: giaûm giaù up: 2. ahead: ñöôïc tieán haønh 8. on: tieáp tuïc 3. along: tieán trieån 9. off: noå 4. away: ra ñi, rôøi khoûi nôi naøo 10. out: taét 5. back: trôû veà 11. over: xem xeùt kyõ 6. by: troâi qua( thôøi gian) E. CAÙC TRÖÔØNG HÔÏP KHAÙC 1. belong to : thuoäc veà 13. look up : tra töø ñieån 2. on the contrary : ngöôïc laïi 14. look out : nhìn ra ngoaøi 3. on the whole : noùi chung 15. look for : tìm kieám 4. be up to = depend on : tuyø 16. laugh at : cöôøi nhaïo 5. listen to : laéng nghe 17. good at : gioûi veà caùi gì 6. suffer from : bò, chòu 18. good for : toát cho caùi gì 7. free from : giaûi phoùng 19. prevent… from : ngaên … khoâng 8. write …to : vieát … cho… 20. be in bed : naèm treân 9. wait for.. : chôø 21. regard … as : xem nhö 10. ask …for.. : hoûi xin 22. be divided into : ñöôïc chia thaønh 11. look at : nhìn 23. take part in : tham gia vaøo 12. look after : chaêm 6
  7.   LESSON 3: WORD FORM ( Töø Loaïi ) A. PARTS OF SPEECH: I. Noun (n) 1) n +V : laømS cho V 2) V +n : laømO cho V 3) prep.+n : laømO cho prep.            4) be(laø) +n : laømC ( C : complement:boångöõ)                 5) adj +n                             Ex: Peoplecanseenewfilm at thecinema. S O O He is a scientist. C * Notes: - a, an,the - this, that,these,those - some,any,many,… +n - my, your, Tom’s, …           II.  Adjective (adj.): 1) adj +n 2) adv +adj 3) be(thì, laø ), look coùveû), feel, become, taste(coùmuøi), smell ( coùvò), get, grow,remain, stay, turn,seem, appear, sound, … + adj Ex: Thatyounggirl is verybeautiful. III. Adverb (adv): 1) S +V i +adv Ex: Theyarrivedsafely. 2) S +V t +O +adv Ex: Shedid thehouseworkdisappointedly. 3) S +V aux +adv + V main Ex: He cansurelydo it 4) adv +adj Ex: He is reasonablyright. 5) adv +adv Ex: Jack runsveryquickly. 6) S +V +adv Ex: We haveboughtit at thatstorerecently. ( or: adv +S +V +…. ) (or: Recentlywe haveboughtit at thatstore.) IV. Verb (v) : V ñöùngsauS. Caùchìnhthöùc cuûaV coønñöôïc duøngôû nhieàuvò trí khaùc.   Participle: Presentparticiple( V ing) Pastparticiple( V 3ed) 1) Usedin Continuoustenses( V ing) 2) Used in Perfecttenses& Passivevoice(V3ed) 3) Usedas Adj: Ving  Activemeaning V 3ed Passivemeaning Ex: a/ The matchexcitesthefans. The matchis exciting. The fansareexcited. b/ The childrenhaveseenaninterestingfilm. The childrenareinterestedin thefilm.
  8. B. FORMATION OF  N,  ADJ,  V: I. V + suffix       n : V +-tion, ation : conservation,preservation,prevention -ment : development -er : fertilizer -ing : poisoning,dirtying - age : drainage -0 : safeguard II. n + suffix  adj       : ­ ful : harmful, useful, delightful, successful,hopeful,helpful, peaceful - less : childless,odourless,speechless,restless,careless,harmless,treeless - ly : manly,brotherly,worldly, hourly, yearly, daily. n + - like : childlike,godlike,lifelike,statesmanlike =adj - y : dusty,snowy, rainy, sandy,dirty, healthy. - ish : foolish,selfish,childish - al : magical,agricultural,industrial, natural. III. OUT +  Vi  Vt  (toát hôn, nhanh hôn, laâu hôn) : outnumber, outgrow, outlive, outrun, outweigh IV. UNDER + n / V      n / V( thaáphôn,beândöôùi, keùmhôn): undergrowth, undercharge V. OVER +  n/ Adj /V  n/ Adj / V      ( quaùgiôùi haïn,vöôït, quaùnhieàu) overcoat, overanxious, overact. C. WORD FORM CHARTS: 1. satisfy (v) satisfied(past.Part) 2. disappoint(v) satisfying(pres.part) disappointed(past.Part) satisfactory(adj) disappointing(pres.part) satisfactorily (adv) disappointedly(adv) satisfaction(n) disappointment(n) 3. tolerate(v) tolerated(past.Part) tolerant(adj) tolerable(adj) tolerably(adv) tolerance(n) 4. important (adj) importance(n) 5. difficult(adj) difficulty(n)
  9. 6. determine (v) determination (n) 12. attract(v) attracted(past. Part) 7. tend (v) attractive(adj) tendency(n) attractively(adv) attraction(n) 8. occupy (v) occupied (past. Part) 13. reason(v) occupation(n) reasonable(adj) occupational (adj) reasonably(adv) reason(n) 9. potential (adj) / (n) 14. absorb(v) 10. expect(v) absorbed(past. Part) expected (past. Part) absorbent(adj) / (n) expecting(pres. part) absorptive(adj) expectant(adj) absorption(n) expectantly(adv) expectation(n) 15. deafen(v) deaf(adj) / (n) 11. prefer(v) deafness(n) preferential(adj) preferentially(adv) 16. militarize(v) preference(n) militaristic(adj) military(adj) / (n) militarily(adv) militarism(n)
  10. LESSON 4 :             ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME ( Meänh Ñeà Traïng Töø Chæ Thôøi Gian) I. PRESENT TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: Ex: 1/ a. We alwaystakeour umbrellaswhen it rains. b. We aresingingas shecomes. 2/ a. I usually reada newspaperwhile I amwaitingfor thebus. b. I’m writingwhile theyaretalking. 3./ He goeshomeafter hehasfinishedhis work. 4/ a. Shehasplayedthepianosince shewasfive. b. I’ve felt muchbettersince I’ve beenhere. 5/ a. Shegreetsmeas soon as sheseesme. b. He continueshis journeyas soon as hehasfinishedhis meal. Main Clause Adverbial Clausesof Time (Mñeàchính) (MñeàTraïngtöø chæTG) 1. S + V 1 / s / es WHEN  = AS S +V 1 / s / es S +AM / IS / ARE +V ing (ñang…) WHENEVER 2. S+V 1 / s / es WHILE =AS S +AM / IS / ARE +V ing (ñang…) S +AM / IS / ARE +V ing(ñang…) 3. S+V 1 / s / es AFTER S +HAS / HAVE +V 3ed 4. S +HAS / HAVE +V 3ed SINCE S +V 2ed ÑAÕ CHAÁM DÖÙT S +HAS / HAVE +V 3ed Vaãncoøn 5. S + V 1 / s / es AS SOON AS S +V 1 / s / es UNTILL = TILL S +HAS / HAVE +V ed Hoaøntaát 3 II. PAST TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: EX: 1/ a. I satnearthewindowwheneverI tooka bus. b. It wasraininghardwhenI gotthere. 2/ a. I methimwhile I waswalkingdownthestreet. b. I waswritingwhile hewasreading. 3/ He smokedafterhehadfinishedhis meal. 4/ He hadfinishedhis mealbeforehesmoked. 5/ a. He left as soonasI told him. b. He left assoonashehadfinishedhis work. Main Clause(Mñeàchính) Adverbial Clausesof Time(MñeàTraïngtöø chæTG) 1. S + 2V WHEN  = AS S + V2 S + WAS / WERE + V ing  WHENEVER (ñang…)
  11. 2. S + V2 WHILE =AS S +WAS / WERE +V ing (ñang…) S + WAS / WERE + V ing  (ñang…) 3. S + 2V AFTER S + HAD + 3V ED 4. S + HAD + V3ED BY THE TIME S + V2 BEFORE 5. S + V2 AS SOON AS S + V2 UNTILL = TILL S + HAD + V3ED Hoaøn taát II. FUTURE TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: EX: 1/ a. We’ ll go whenwe want. b. I’m gointto wait until you havefinishedyour homework. 2/ We will havefinishedthework by thetimeyou getbacktomorrow. Main Clause(Mñeàchính) Adverbial Clausesof Time(MñeàTraïngtöø chæTG) 1. S +WILL / SHALL +V 1 WHEN =AS S +V 1 / s / es OR: S + AM / IS / ARE GOING TO + AS SOON AS S +HAS / HAVE +V 3ed Hoaøntaát V1 UNTILL = TILL 2. S +WILL / SHALL +HAVE +V 3ed BY THE TIME S+V 1 / s / es                                                                 Hoaøntaát BEFORE Note: Khoângduøngthì Tlai trongMñeàTraïngtöø chæTG Duøngcaùcthì Htaïi thaytheá. LESSON 5 : MAKING & ANSWERING QUESTIONS ( Döïng& TraûLôøi CaâuHoûi) Types Questions Answers Yes, Spron. + Vpreceding Q. Yes - No Inter.form? No, Spron. + Vpreceding Q. + NOT Or Inter. form + A or  Affir. form+A/B B? Wh Wh +Inter.form? Affir. form Ex: 1. Uncle Ho /  die / 1969? - Did Uncle Ho die in 1969?  Yes, hedid. 2. Faraday / writer or scientist? - Was Faradaya writeror a scientist?  He / Faradaywasa scientist. 3. When / Tom / go / school? - WhendoesTom oftengo to school?  He/Tomoftengoesto school in themorning. Notes: 1. When“Wh” is theSubjector ModifiestheSubject Affir. formis usedin theQ. Ex: a/ Who can swim?  Nam can swim. b/ How manystudentsareabsenttoday?  Two studentsareabsenttoday.
  12. 2. Tag Question: Ex: The weatheris nice, isn’t it ?  Yes, it is. 3. Commands: V1…( Haõy…): List/  Mention/  Name/  Give… Theyare/ It is … Ex: NamesomeEnglishscientists.  They/ SomeE. scientistsareNewton,Faraday,… LESSON 6:        ACTIVE or PASSIVE VOICE ( Chuû Ñoäng vaø Thuï Ñoäng Caùch) A: S + V + O P: S + BE +3ed V+ by O (chia thì theo ñoäng töø cuûa caâu Active)                                    (A : Active              P : Passive) Ex: 1/ A: Tom eatsappleseveryday. P: Applesareeatenby Tom everyday. 2/ A: Theysawhimin theshop. P: He wasseenin theshop( by them) ACTIVE PASSIVE V 1 / Vs/es  Am/ is /are V 2ed    Was / were                                           Am/ is /are Am/ is /are + V ing + being +V3ed Was/ were Was / were Has / have Has / have ed + been  + V3 Had Had Will (would) Will (would) Shall (should) Shall (should) Can(could) Can(could) May (might) May (might) +V3ed Must + V1 Must + be  Be goingto Be goingto Be ableto Be ableto Haveto Haveto Oughtto Oughtto Usedto Usedto
  13. Notes:  1/ A: S + V + O I + OD P: S + BE + V 3ed + OD + by + O OR: ( S +BE +V 3ED + for/ to + OI + by + O) Ex: A: Lan gaveMary somebooks. OI                 OD P: Mary was given some books by Lan.                    OR: (Some  books were given to Mary by Lan.) 2/  A: S +V + (THAT) + S + V …. P: S+ BE + V3ed + TO + V1 OR: IT + BE + V3ed + by + O + (THAT) S            V :    SAY KNOW THINK BELIEVE REPORT RUMOUR TELL CLAIM PROVE CONSIDER… Ex : A : They say that they has been ill. P : He is said to have been ill. (or : It is said that he has been ill.) *CLEFT SENTENCES: 1. S1 + VA (PRESENT) + that + S2 + VB (PRESENT)  IT + IS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PRESENT)  S2 + IS/ ARE + V3 (A) + TO + inf ( of V B) Ex: ­ People say that prevention is better than cure  It’s said that prevention is better than cure Prevention is said to be better than cure ­ People say that he is a good student  It’s said that he is a good student  He is said to be a good student 2.  S1 + VA( PRESENT) + that + S2 + VB( PAST)  IT + IS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PAST)  S2 + IS/ ARE + V3 (A) + to have +V3 (B) Ex: ­ They say that three men were arrested after the murder  It’s said that three men were arrested after the murder  Three men are said to have been arrested after the murder 3. S1 + VA ( PAST) + that + S2 + VB ( PAST)
  14.  IT + WAS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PAST)  S2 + WAS/ WERE + V3 (A) + to have +V3 (B) Ex: ­Everybody believed that he had died of AIDS  It’s was believed that he had died of AIDS  He was believed to have died of AIDS LESSON 7: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ( Caâu Ñieàu Kieän) Types and Use If Clause( MñeàIF) Main Clause( Mñeàchính) (Loaïi vaøCaùch duøng) 1. FuturePossible V 1 /s /es will ÑK coù theå xaûy IF +S + do /does+not+V S + shall +V 1 1 ra ôû HT&TL can *BE: am,is ,are may 2. PresentUnreal: V 2ed would ÑK khoâng theå IF +S+ did not + V 1 S+ should + V1 xaûyra ôû HT&TL could *BE: were might 3. PastUnreal: would ÑK khoâng theå IF + S + had+ V 3ed  S+ should +have+V 3ed  xaûyra ôû QK. could might Ex: 1. If it is fine, we will go. 2. I’d fly everywhereif I werea bird. 3. If you hadmetthepresidentyesterday,whatwould you havedone?  Sentence Transformation: A/ UNLESS    =      IF … NOT If +Neg. form = Unless+Affir. form am/is/ arenot am/is/ are do /does not 1 +V V 1/s /es If +S + did not+V 1  = UNLESS +S + V 2ed werenot were hadnot+V 3ed  had+V 3 ed  Ex: If you didn’t studyhard,you’d getbadmarks. = Unlessyou studiedhard,you’d getbadmarks. Note: Neáucaâuvôùi Mñeà IF Kñònh,Mñeà chínhôû theåPûñònh, ta coùtheåchuyeånsang UNLESS = caùchñoåi Mñeà chínhthaønhtheåKñònh.
  15. Ex: If you arelazy, you can’tbesuccessful = Unlessyou arelazy, you canbesuccessful.
  16. B/ CAÙCH VIEÁT CAÂU ÑIEÀU KIEÄN TÖØ TÌNH HUOÁNG T. HUOÁNG CHO: 1.Coù töø “OR” : vieát ñk loaïi 1 2. H.taïi : loaïi 2 3.Q. khöÙ : loaïi 3 4.Coù töø “SO”: vieát xuoâi S+V SO S +V  IF + S + V , S +V 5.Coù töø “BECAUSE”: vieát ngöôïc S +V because S +V  IF + S + V , S+V 6. Phuû ñònh vieát khaúng ñònh & ngöôïc laïi Examples : 1. I amnotclever, so I won’t bea doctor. If I wereclever,I would bea doctor. 2. John wassick because heatemuchcake. If John hadn’teatenmuchcake,he’d nothavebeensick. Tröôøng hôïp  khaùc : 1. 1 but S+ can /will+ V S +must/haveto +V1 IF + S + V1/Vs,es         , S + can/ will + V 1 ( Ñk 1) Ex: I’ll let you borrowthebook  but  you mustpromiseto returnit nextweek.  If you promiseto returnthebooknextweek,I’ll let you borrowit. 2.  1 Vor S +will /can+V1  S + will/ can + V1 unless you + V1 Ex: Work hard or you’ll fail theexam.  You’ll fail theexamunless you work hard.  LESSON 8: UNREAL WISHES ( Öôùc Muoán Khoâng Theå Xaûy Ra)
  17. could 1 +V : Tình huoáng Htaïi / Tlai , traùi vôùi khaû naêng S + wish + (that) would / should + V1 : Tình huoáng Tlai + S + V 2 / were; didn’t+ V 1 / weren’t : Tình huoáng Htaïi If only hadn’t + V 3 : Tình huoáng Qkhöù Ex: a) I wish I (can fly) could fly. b) We wish it (be) would be sunny soon. c) If only we (see) saw a UFO now. d) He wishes he (meet) had met her yesterday.  Sentence Transformation: S+besorry Whata pity + ( that) S + V a It is a pity S + regret + V ing / S + V S + do / does not like + Ving / to v1 S + wish + ( that) + S + V   Note:  ­ TheâmS ( neáuthieáu) ­ Kñònh  Pñònh ( vaø ngöôïc laïi) ­ Htaïi  Qkhöù; ­ Qkhöù  Qkhöù hoaøn thaønh Ex: I’m sorry that I didn’t come yesterday.  I wish ( that)I had come yesterday. Ex: Mr. Taylor doesn’t like living in a small house.  Mr. Taylor wisheshedidn’t live in a small house. S + would like / would love + to V 1 / to have + V3ed b.    S+wish + ( that) S +V 2 /  S +had+V 3ed Ex: I’d like to havemether.  I wish I had met her.          LESSON 9:      GERUND AND INFINITIVE ( Danh Ñoäng Töø & Ñoäng Töø Nguyeân Maãu) A. GERUND (Ving) : ñoùngvai troøV & N cuøngmoätluùc.
  18.         Vai troø: 1. S ( Ex: Learning Englishis easily.) 2. O - Sauprep. (Ex: We areinterestedin studying English.) - SaumoätsoáV (Ex: I enjoyswimming.) 3. C  (Ex: Conservationis thesafeguarding andthepreservationof natural resources.)               Notes: The + V ing + of + n ( Ex: The reclaiming of land.) B. GERUND OR INFINITIVE : I. Caùc ñoäng töø ñöôïc theo sau baèng ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu ( To+V1) Theoqui luaätthoângthöôøng,ñoängtöø naøoñuùngsaumoätñoängtöø khaùcthì phaûiôû daïng nguyeânmaãu (TO +V1) Ex: a) I would like to speak to Mr. Duran. b) Mary askedJohn to help her. c) My brotherwantsto become a pharmacist. d) Every bodyis expectingher to   come . II. Caùc ñoäng töø & cuïm töø ñöôïc theo sau baèng Ving : 1. acknowledge 26.mind 2. admit 27.miss 3. appreciate 28.practise 4. avoid 29.prevent 5. celebrate 30.prohibit 6. consider 31.propose 7. delay=postpone 32.quit 8. deny 33.recall 9. detest 10.discontinue 35.resent 11.discuss 36.resist 12.dislike 37.risk 13.endure 38.suggest 14.enjoy 15.escape 40.tolerate 16.explain 41.understand 17.fancy=imagine 42.beaccustomedto =beusedto 18.feel like 43.bebusy 19.finish 44.beworth 20.forgive 45.can’thelp 21.include 46.can’tstand 22.involve 47.getusedto =becomeaccustomedto 23.justify 48.look forwardto 24.keep(continue)’s no good 25.mention’s no use III.  Caùc ñoäng töø ñöôïc theo sau baèng Ving / To V1 nhöng khoâng doåi nghóa: 1. continue 5. begin 2. dread 6. hate 3. like 7. love 4. prefer 8. start Ex: Shestartedto learn Englishwhenshewas5 yearsold.  Shestartedlearning Englishwhenshewas5 yearsold.
  19. IV. Caùc ñoäng töø ñöôïc theo sau baèng Ving / To V1 nhöng doåi nghóa: 1. FORGET, REGET, To V1 : seõ xaûy ra ( Tlai) + REMEMBER Ving : ñaõõ xaûy ra ( Qkhöù) Ex: a) Remember to sent John a present.Todayis his birthday. b) I remember meeting you somewherebeforebutI’m sorryI forget your name. 2. TRY + To V1 : coá gaéng laøm. Ving : thöû laøm. Ex: a) Shetries to pass theentranceexamto thecollege. b) Try knocking at thebackdoorif nobodyhearsyou at thefrontdoor. 3. STOP + 1To V : döøng laïi ñeå laøm vieäc gì khaùc. V ing : döøng laïi khoâng laøm vieäc gì (ñang laøm) nöõa. Ex: a) Feelingsleepy,thedriverstopped  to  drink  a coffee b) Thatold mantriedto stopsmoking becauseof his badcough. 4. NEED + To :V caàn phaûi laøm ( yù chuû ñoäng). 1 Ving : caàn phaûi ñöôïc laøm ( yù bò ñoäng). Ex: a) Tom needs to work harder. b) The grassin frontof thehouseneedscutting. V. Moät soá tröôøng hôïp khaùc:                              1. ADVISE                                   To V 1 Ex: The police allow us to go there             ALLOW                +                          PERMIT              RECOMMEND V ing   Ex: The policeallow going there.
  20. 2. FEEL HEAR V+o /  Ving ( ñang) Ex: We saw David jog SEE jogging in the WATCH HELP 3. MAKE +O + V1 Ex: Please let me go. LET NOTICE BID 4. WOULD RATHER + V1 Ex: I’d rather drink tea than coffee. HAD BETTER ( not ) You’d better not go out. LESSON10 : CLAUSES & PHRASES  OF CAUSES & EFFECTS (Meänh Ñeà Vaø Cuïm Töø Chæ Nguyeân Nhaân Vaø Keát Quaû) S + be / Vord + SO + adj / adv + THAT + 1. ( quaù… ñeán Ex: The tea is so hot that I can’t drink it. He drove so badly that he couldn’t pass the driving test. S + V + SUCH + (a/ an) + adj + n + THAT + 2. ( quaù… Ex: It is such hot tea that I can’t drink. He was such a bad driver that he couldn’t pass the driving test. 3. S + be / V    + TOO + adj/adv + (for +O) + TO ord ( quaù.. neân khoâng theå…) * Boû ‘for O’ khi O naøy = S hoaëc chæ chung chung. * Boû O cuûa ‘to V’ khi O naøy = S Ex: The tea is too hot  for    me  to drink. He drove too badly to pass the driving test. be +adj 4/ S + ________ + enough + (for +O) + To V 1 (+ V ord + adv (ñuû… ñeå…)



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