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Nội dung Text: TEST UNIT 1,2 - GRADE 12

  1. TEST UNIT 1,2 GRADE 12 Name: …………………… PRONUNCIATION: Class: 12T……………….. 1. a. activities b. bags c. feelings d. shifts 2. a. confide b. sacrifice c. wife d. decision STRESS 3. a. measurement b. different c. Asians d. obliged 4. a. equal b. attractive c. appearance d. romantic MULTIPLE CHOICES: 5. Love is supposed to follow marriage, not …………………it a. come b. precede c. process d. advance 6. A survey …………………last year found 80% of the public in favor of the change a. carried out b. conducted c. created d. a and b 7. She’s old enough now to be attracted ……………..romantic films. a. with b. for c. at d. to 8. She …………………….decided to walk home alone a. wise b. unwisely c. wisdom d. unwise 9. My boss was very kind. He was very ………………………when I was ill a. supportive b. mischievous c. busy d. secure 10. Can you ……………………me a hand with these box? a. take b. make c. borrow d. give 11. UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful……………………to the conflict a. decision b. way c. method d. solution 12. All pilots are…………………………for their passengers’ safety a. responsibility b. irresponsible c. responsible d. responsibly 13. Columbus was one of …………………first people to cross………………..Atlantic a. the / the b. the / X c. those / X d. some / the 14. I knew I ……………………well in my exams even before I………………………the official results a. had done / received b. did / had received c. was doing / received d. did / received 15. At school I ………………….the English teacher because she ……………………..on me a. disliked / always picked b. disliked / was always picking c. had disliked / was always picking d. disliked / had always picked 16. Jim, why don’t you take some time off? You ……………………too hard lately. a. have worked b. worked c. are working d. work 17. Be quiet! The baby………………… the next room a. sleep b. is sleeping c. has slept d. has been sleeping 18. Peter ………………… another drink but I decided I …………….enough a. offered/ drank b. had offered/ drank c. offered/ had drunk d. was offering / was drinking 19. What……………….when you ………….them? a. were they doing / were seeing b. did they do / saw c. were they doing / saw b. had they done / saw 20. I …………..the same car for more than ten years. I’m thinking about buying a new one a. had had b. had c. am having d. have had 21. I’m sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we………….up tomorrow morning, the sun….. a. wake / will shine b. wake / will be shining c. will wake/ shines d. will wake / will have shown 22. While Steve ………….his car, he ……………some dents in the door a. was washing / was discovering b. washed / discovered c. was washing/ discovered d. had washed / discovered 23. Most people had written with quill pens until pens with metal points become popular in the middle A B C D of the nineteenth century 24. Please don’t phone me between 8.00 and 9.00 because I will study then A B C D 25. I haven’t visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum for 5 years. a. I last visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum 5 years ago b. The last time I visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum was five years ago
  2. c. The last time I Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum five years ago d. a & b 26. To our surprise, he left the party without saying a word. a. He was surprised us by leaving the party without saying a word b. He surprised us when he leaves the party without saying a word c. We were surprised when he left the party without saying a word d. He was surprised by leaving the party without saying a word 27. The / free time /he have /the books /read. a. The less free time he has, the less books he can read. b. The less free time he has, the fewer books he can read. c. The fewer time he has, the fewer books he can read. d. The fewer time he has, the less books he can read. 28. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad. A. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out. B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn’t go out . C. It was so bad weather that we couldn’t go out. D. It was such bad a weather that we couldn’t go out . READING: What do you do if you’re a woman with two young children? You have to spend a lot of time and energy (29)………….care of them. What do you do if you are also divorced and have (30)……… You have to look after the children and earn (31)……to feed and (32)………. them. What happens if you are also only twenty-four years old and have hopes and dreams (33 )………… a (34)………….life in the future? You look after the children, go to work and go to university, all at (35)………….same time. That has been Nancy Wesley’s life for two years now. 29. a. take b. taking c. taken d. to take 30. a. no b. not c. any d. not any more 31. a. money enough b. enough money c. too money d. many money 32. a. clothes b. dress c. clothe d. clothing 33. a. for b. about c. with d. upon 34. a. the best b. more good c. better d. best 35. a. the b. a c. any d. X Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that country. However, this is not necessary true. Often, the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we rea lize how little we actually know about the culture of this country. Books and talks about other people’s culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate national character, and sometimes a lot of information they contain is untrue. In a study recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything they thought was typical of Britain and would interest a foreign visitor there. Most mentioned Shakespear e, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper. Although all of these characters can be found in British culture, they do not show the real interests of ordinary British people. They are, in fact, simply stereotype- that is, general character which people wrongly think are typical. What is surprising is that they were suggested by British people themselves as representing their culture. If people have such a wrong impression of their own culture, how much false would their impression of other culture be! 36. If we stay a long time in a foreign country,……… a. we will sometimes forget about culture of your own country b. we can often learn a lot about the culture of the foreign country c. we will usually realize our own ignorance about its culture d. we can seldom find out anything about at all about its culture 37. It’s hard to learn about a country’s culture from books because such books…………. a. concentrate on the dangers of the foreign country b. exaggerate national character c. take no notice of cultural differences d. contain little information about culture 38. When asked about their own culture, many British people…….. a. argued they knew little British culture b. said they themselves were not typical of British people c. gave incorrect answer d. were surprised by the question asked 39. It is easy to………. a. know a lot about your own country’s culture b. know the culture of other countries c. give exact information about your own country d. describe stereotypes of your country 40. Which of the following is not mentioned as a typical thing of Britain in the survey? a. English castles b. fish chips c. the Beetles d. Shakespeare
  3. TEST UNIT 1,2 GRADE 12 Name: …………………… PRONUNCIATION: Class: 12T……………….. 1. a. crooked b. cursed c. wicked d. joked 2. a. physical b. because c. Asian d. clothes STRESS 3. a. mischievous b. comfortable c. family d. attempt 4. a. marriage b. contractual c. attitude d. partnership MULTIPLE CHOICES: 5. With greatly increased workloads, everyone is under………….now. a. pressure b. responsibility c. worry d. anxiety 6. The gate needs to be………… that it can close properly a. put b. ended c. mended d. got 7. Overall responsibility…………..the school lies with the head teacher a. in b. for c. with d. on 8. What could be more………….than a wedding on a tropical island? a. romance b. romantically c. romanticism d. romantic 9. The children stood in a little group disciplined, and………. a. mischievous b. obedient c. confident d. active 10. Would someone ……………..responsibility for bringing John home? a. make b. give c. put d. take 11. She……………her career to bring up the children a. confided b. sacrificed c. obliged d. determined 12. After ten years of……………., they are divorcing a. marrying b. marriage c. married d. marry 13. ……….summer I spent in the USA was one of ……….best in my life a. The / X b. A / the c. X / X d. The / the 14. While Susan was trying to get onto the platform, a man………….her handbag a. grabbed b. had grabbed c. was grabbing d. has grabbed 15. ‘………….the Titanic yet?’-‘Yes, I…………it last night. Why?’ a. Have you seen/ have seen b. Did you see / saw c. Have you seen / saw d. Were you seeing / was seeing 16. When I ………….home last night, I discovered that Jane………a beautiful candle-lit dinner a. arrived / had prepared b. arrived/ prepared c. had arrived/ was preparing d. was arriving/ prepared 17. You look really great! …………….at the fitness center? a. Have you been exercising b. Did you exercise c. Are you exercising d. Will you exercise 18. It’s a nice picture. ……………it yourself? a. Have you painted b. Did you paint c. Were you painting d. Are you painting 19. What………..when the accident…………? a. did you do/ was occurred b. did you do / occurred c. were you doing / occurred d. have you done / occurred 20. Ever since he ……………, he…………quietly in the corner a. arrives / has sat b. arrived / has been sitting c. has arrived / was sitting d. arrives / is sitting 21. Once it stops raining, we………….the game again a. would start b. started c. will start d. has started 22. Frank………. a TV show when Karen………home a. was watching / got b. watched / was getting c. has watched / got d. had been watching / got 23. The official objects to them wearing long dresses for the inaugural dance at the country club. A B C D 24. The students have registered for classes before the semester started A B C D 25. This is the first time I’ve been skiing a. I’ve been skiing one before b. I haven’t been skiing for a long time c. I’ve never been skiing before d. Never before I have been skiing 26. John /study /hard /not /fail /exam . a. John is studying hard in order not to fail the exam. b. John is studying hard in order that not fail the exam c. John is studying hard not to fail the exam.
  4. d. John is studying hard so as to fail the exam. 27. People think that Tom was responsible for the accident. a. It is thought that Tom was responsible for the accident b. Tom is thought to be responsible for the accident c. Tom is thought to have been responsible for the accident d. a& c 28. Nha Trang is one of the beautiful seasides in Viet Nam. How glad I am to spend my holidays in Nha Trang. A. How glad I am to spend my holidays in NhaTrang , one of the beautiful seasides in Viet Nam B. Nha Trang is one of the beautiful seasides in Viet Nam, how glad I am to spend my holidays in it C. Viet Nam , Nha Trang is one of the beautiful seasides , how glad I am to spend my holidays in D. None is correct. READING: Member of the same cultures (29)……..a common body gestures. That is they tend to read a given nonver bal signal in (30)……..same way. If two people read a signal in a different way, it is partial evidence (31)…….they came from different cultures. (32)……….example, when an American is sitting on a chair and putting his foot on a table, which means “he is relaxed and at home here”; (33)………….., a man from Columbia perceives the gesture as disgusting. An understanding of the role which gestures (34)……….in a culture is very important to sensitive communication. Gestures (35)………..into three kinds: autistic gestures, technical gestures and folk gestures. 29. a. share b. use c. compete d. appear 30. a. the b. a c. any d. X 31. a. which b. this c. that d. for which 32. a. In b. As c. With d. For 33. a. as b. when c. meanwhile d. therefore 34. a. compare b. play c. mean d. show 35. a. divided b. have divided c. divide d. are divided Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but does not really and then creates problems because of misunderstanding what was said. No one wants ‘soap’ when he asks for ‘soup’. So, if you do not understand what is said to you, admit it and ask the person to repeat or explain. It is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standing there feeling stupid because they cannot understand the conversation. They may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something that you do not want them to hear. If you must use your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion, at least translate for your American friends so that they do not feel left out. You should learn a few more polite English expressions, and you will be ready to face the world of Americans with confidence. The polite response to a compliment about your looks or your words is ‘thank you’ – a smile and a nod is not enough. The response to ‘thank you’ is, of course, ‘You are welcome’. If someone asks ‘How are you?’, do not give your medical history. But just say, ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’. What should you say when someone sneez es? It may not seem logical, but the correct response is ‘God bless you’. 36. Americans………. a. do not like those who cannot speak English b. would rather someone pretended to understand what they say c. sympathize with those who have some trouble understanding English d. often talk impolitely 37. When communicating with Americans, you…….. a. should pretend to understand thoroughly b. needn’t use English in front of them c. should speak in your native language d. should not use your native language in front of them 38. Americans ……… a. feel comfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language b. feel uncomfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language c. want you to translate what is said into your native language d. feel left out when communicating with a foreigner 39. The writer has advised us…….. a. not to use English to communicate with Americans b. never to keep our friends standing alone c. to let Americans out when we want to talk secretly d. to learn some polite English expressions 40. When you thank an American, he will ………….. a. smile and nod b. response politely ‘ you are welcome’ c. say ‘ God bless you’ d. compliment about your words
  5. TEST 1,2 GRADE 12 Name: …………………… 1. While Susan was trying to get onto the platform, a man………….her handbag Class: 12T……………….. a. grabbed b. had grabbed c. was grabbing d. has grabbed 2. ‘………….the Titanic yet?’-‘Yes, I…………it last night. Why?’ a. Have you seen/ have seen b. Did you see / saw c. Have you seen / saw d. Were you seeing / was seeing 3. When I ………….home last night, I discovered that Jane………a beautiful candle-lit dinner a. arrived / had prepared b. arrived/ prepared c. had arrived/ was preparing d. was arriving/ prepared 4. You look really great! …………….at the fitness center? a. Have you been exercising b. Did you exercise c. Are you exercising d. Will you exercise 5. It’s a nice picture. ……………it yourself? a. Have you painted b. Did you paint c. Were you painting d. Are you painting 6. What………..when the accident…………? a. did you do/ was occurred b. did you do / occurred c. were you doing / occurred d. have you done / occurred 7. Ever since he ……………, he…………quietly in the corner a. arrives / has sat b. arrived / has been sitting c. has arrived / was sitting d. arrives / is sitting 8. Once it stops raining, we………….the game again a. would start b. started c. will start d. has started 9. Frank………. a TV show when Karen………home a. was watching / got b. watched / was getting c. has watched / got d. had been watching / got READING: What do you do if you’re a woman with two young children? You have to spend a lot of time and energy (10)………….care of them. What do you do if you are also divorced and have (11)……… You have to look after the children and earn (12)……to feed and (13)………. them. What happens if you are also only twenty-four years old and have hopes and dreams (14 )………… a (15)………….life in the future? You look after the children, go to work and go to university, all at (16)………….same time. That has been Nancy Wesley’s life for two years now. 10. a. take b. taking c. taken d. to take 11. a. no b. not c. any d. not any more 12. a. money enough b. enough money c. too money d. many money 13. a. clothes b. dress c. clothe d. clothing 14. a. for b. about c. with d. upon 15. a. the best b. more good c. better d. best 16. a. the b. a c. any d. X PRONUNCIATION: 17. a. activities b. bags c. feelings d. shifts 18. a. confide b. sacrifice c. wife d. decision 19. To our surprise, he left the party without saying a word. a. He was surprised us by leaving the party without saying a word b. He surprised us when he leaves the party without saying a word c. We were surprised when he left the party without saying a word d. He was surprised by leaving the party without saying a word 20. People think that Tom was responsible for the accident. a. It is thought that Tom was responsible for the accident b. Tom is thought to be responsible for the accident c. Tom is thought to have been responsible for the accident d. a& c 21. The official objects to them wearing long dresses for the inaugural dance at the country club. A B C D 22. Love is supposed to follow marriage, not …………………it a. come b. precede c. process d. advance 23. A survey …………………last year found 80% of the public in favor of the change a. carried out b. conducted c. created d. a and b 24. She’s old enough now to be attracted ……………..romantic films. a. with b. for c. at d. to 25. She …………………….decided to walk home alone a. wise b. unwisely c. wisdom d. unwise
  6. 26. My boss was very kind. He was very ………………………when I was ill a. supportive b. mischievous c. busy d. secure 27. Would someone ……………..responsibility for bringing John home? a. make b. give c. put d. take 28. She……………her career to bring up the children a. confided b. sacrificed c. obliged d. determined 29. After ten years of……………., they are divorcing a. marrying b. marriage c. married d. marry 30. ……….summer I spent in the USA was one of ……….best in my life a. The / X b. A / the c. X / X d. The / the Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but does not really and then creates problems because of misunderstanding what was said. No one wants ‘soap’ when he asks for ‘soup’. So, if you do not understand what is said to you, admit it and ask the person to repeat or explain. It is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standing there feeling stupid because they cannot understand the conversation. They may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something that you do not want them to hear. If you must use your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion, at least translate for your American friends so that they do not feel left out. You should learn a few more polite English expressions, and you will be ready to face the world of Americans with confidence. The polite response to a compliment about your looks or your words is ‘thank you’ – a smile and a nod is not enough. The response to ‘thank you’ is, of course, ‘You are welcome’. If someone asks ‘How are you?’, do not give your medical history. But just say, ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’. What should you say when someone sneezes? It may not seem logical, but the correct response is ‘God bless you’. 31. Americans………. a. do not like those who cannot speak English b. would rather someone pretended to understand what they say c. sympathize with those who have some trouble understanding English d. often talk impolitely 32. When communicating with Americans, you…….. a. should pretend to understand thoroughly b. needn’t use English in front of them c. should speak in your native language d. should not use your native language in front of them 33. Americans ……… a. feel comfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language b. feel uncomfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language c. want you to translate what is said into your native language d. feel left out when communicating with a foreigner 34. The writer has advised us…….. a. not to use English to communicate with Americans b. never to keep our friends standing alone c. to let Americans out when we want to talk secretly d. to learn some polite English expressions 35. When you thank an American, he will ………….. a. smile and nod b. response politely ‘ you are welcome’ c. say ‘ God bless you’ d. compliment about your words STRESS 36. a. mischievous b. comfortable c. family d. attempt 37. a. marriage b. contractual c. attitude d. partnership 38. Most people had written with quill pens until pens with metal points become popular in the middle A B C D of the nineteenth century 39. I haven’t visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum for 5 years. a. I last visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum 5 years ago b. The last time I visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum was five years ago c. The last time I Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum five years ago d. a & b 40. John /study /hard /not /fail /exam . a. John is studying hard in order not to fail the exam. b. John is studying hard in order that not fail the exam c. John is studying hard not to fail the exam. d. John is studying hard so as to fail the exam.



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