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The effect of quality of work life on employees’ commitment across Nigerian tech start-ups

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In this paper, staffs of 10 selected tech-start-ups located in Lagos have been surveyed using a questionnaire form. Four hypotheses were developed with a sample data of 300 employees across the different tech-start-ups.

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Nội dung Text: The effect of quality of work life on employees’ commitment across Nigerian tech start-ups

  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 41-59. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_005 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed THE EFFECT OF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ON EMPLOYEES’ COMMITMENT ACROSS NIGERIAN TECH START-UPS *Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J Business Management Department, College of Business & Social Sciences, Covenant University, Km. 10, Idiroko Road, Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria Akintayo, D. I Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I Business Management Department, College of Business & Social Sciences, Covenant University, Km. 10, Idiroko Road, Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Qualify work life is an organizational phenomenon that benefits both employers and employees alike. As such, research continues to focus on how to draw out employee commitment, given quality of work life. Ranging from increased employee productivity to balance between work life and family life, literature has it that organizational goals become more achievable, if desired quality of work life is provided by the employer. Nevertheless, little or no attention has been given to start- ups in terms of empirically carrying out studies to determine how quality of work life influences employee commitment in them. In this paper, staffs of 10 selected tech- start-ups located in Lagos have been surveyed using a questionnaire form. Four hypotheses were developed with a sample data of 300 employees across the different tech-start-ups. By carrying out a structural equation modeling and moderating the relationship with gender and marital, it was observed that employee commitment is largely influenced by quality of work life. Keywords: Organizational commitment; tech start-ups; organizational goals; quality work life; commitment. Cite this Article: Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I, The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 41-59. 41
  2. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I 1. INTRODUCTION Work life quality or Quality of work life (QWL) and job commitment have become crucial areas of interest in business and management research, particularly in relation to human resource management, where there is an ever-increasing stakeholders’ interest, thus birthing continuous research (Epie, 2009). This is attributable to the varying effects these separate but interwoven areas have on organizations’ dynamic asset; the employees. As expected, every employee in the workplace has defined obligations to perform, and expects the other employees to do the same. More often than not, expectations are either not met or partially met, posing serious challenges to workplace success and sometime negatively affecting workplace relationships. As a result, there is a need to properly manage employee related matters via the proactive management of QWL with particular attention to gender and marital status in order to promote and sustain employee commitment. It is pertinent to note that QWL and commitment are needed to facilitate the achievement goals within an organization; thus, it is difficult for either of these two terms to successfully operate independent of the other. In the context of this study, we refer to employee commitment as loyalty to the organization as a result of the provisions made by the employer referred to as QWL. QWL is not only important to the employee but also to the employer. It refers to the deliberate and concerted effort made by the employer to provide room for employees enjoy positive experiences at work which will ultimately evoke loyalty and personal commitment to the organization. QWL comprises both intrinsic and extrinsic components which keep employees happy and satisfied; thus, checking unethical practices. Successful implementation of QWL programmes reduces or completely eradicates employee dissatisfaction and increases employee commitment (Rethinam & Maimunah, 2008). QWL has generally been viewed by several management and non-management scholars as a catalyst of organizational commitment. As organizations take on their duty of providing compensation and benefit packages that are perceived to be adequate for the promotion and sustenance of employees’ wellbeing, they portray the workplace congenial where employees are seen as having a good experience; that ultimately improves the quality of personal life (QPL) (Normala, 2010). A close look at this assertion reveals that some elements in the behavior and attitude of employees could be traced to latent dissatisfaction with the provisions the employer has made available to them. Consequently, quality of work life is sometimes adequate in theory but inadequate in practice. This theoretical adequacy and practical inadequacy are a precursor to poor employee commitment and deviant behaviour (Rethinam & Maimunah, 2008) which is a problem that needs demands urgent solution. The broad divergent views on the efficacy of work-life quality; theoretical adequacy and practical inadequacy have caused several arguments in the past. While the former deals with the proposed or expected purpose of work-life quality, the latter focuses on the efficiency, congeniality and acceptance of work life quality by employees when evaluated to ascertain the degree to which set goals are met. Thus, the major challenge or problem asserted by some scholars is ensuring that QWL actually achieves the practical needs of employees; eventually leading to improved employee commitment (Pallavi & Kulkarni, 2013). Where QWL programmes fail to practically make employees’ life better, deviant behaviours comes into play (Chan & Wyatt, 2007; Osibanjo, Falola, Akinbode, & Adeniji, 2015; Osibanjo, Salau, Falola, & Oyewunmi, 2016). Apparently, deviant behaviors such as lateness, absenteeism and other corrupt practices as well as exit intentions are areas that must be deliberately tackled and put under control in order to give room to better commitment, increased productivity and efficiency. 42
  3. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups 2. LITERATURE 2.1. Quality of Work Life as a Concept Subjective (status) and objective (monetary) indicators have been identified as the kinds of indicators that point out the meaning of work-life quality (Blishe & Atkinson, 1978). Subjective indicators explain psychological improvement while objective indicators are physical indicators such as pay rise. Both forms of indicators are very important in QWL in organizations as failure in any, will lead to poor commitment on the part of employees. Generally, the employer has the responsibility of providing QWL experiences for employees so that in turn their personal life quality is positively influenced (Normala, 2010) and personal output within the organization increases. Kontz (2005) explained that as a compensation for the dedication shown by employees to the organization, the employer should take the responsibility of providing a good work-life experience. Employees generally expect to be treated satisfactorily at work, when this is in place, loyalty and commitment comes naturally (Asgari, & Dadashi, 2011). In contrast, employees must show traits that they are dependable and must work towards high level efficiency, so that they get the confidence of the organization and enjoy the gains accrued from operating ethically, devoid of behaviors inimical to organizational success. Researchers in the field of business and management have examined and defined work- life quality from varying backgrounds; among these are Adhikari and Gautam (2010) who defined QWL as the satisfaction derived by the employee from his/her work life, the authors stressed that when a smooth relationship exists amongst employees and their work environment viz socio-economic and physical aspects, QWL is said to have been achieved. Thus, employees are career development trainings, partaking in the processes that give rise to organizational decisions, occupational safety and health, balance between work and family life as well as work-based relationships. Bumin, Gunal and Tukel (2008) defined QWL as the entirety of an individual employees’ wellness in terms of the opinions held by the individual on health-related issues which ultimately influences the level to which the employee performs at work. Hence, QWL is “the extent to which the personal and professional needs of employees of an organization is met through the happenings in the organization”. QWL is also seen as “an organizational phenomenon that seeks to understand employee total wellness on the job, through carefully structured programmes for which every employee must participate (Sirgy, 2007). In another way, QWL is the result obtained if an employee is fully satisfied with work and other aspects of life which are distinguishable from work commitments (Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel, & Dong-Jin, 2001). It has several dimensions and levels, each with unique areas of satisfaction, which include non-work-related domain. The first level classified high level is life satisfaction; the next is mid-level i.e., job satisfaction (work- specific factors such as pay) and a third level classified as low level (work relationships). The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living Conditions (2002) explained that QWL is a made up of a number of parts with interrelated factors that include job satisfaction, involvement and security; safety and health; motivation, competency development and productivity as well as work-life balance. Walton (1975) formulated the eight-component model for QWL, which is still a classic reference on the subject; these QWL components include sufficient and fair monetary compensation; and the non-monetary components such as current opportunities to develop capacities in employees, opportunities for constant growth and security, safe and healthy working conditions, organizational constitutionalism, work and total life space, importance of work life to society and organizational integration. 43
  4. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I Chandranshu (2012) carried out a further improvement on the work of Walton (1975) and developed twelve components of QWL which include growth and development in career, employee’s commitment in organization, communication, flexible work arrangement, emotional supervisory support, responsive family culture, motivation, good organizational climate, organizational support, rewards & benefits, compensation and on-the-job satisfaction. To get the best with respect to monetary aspects of QWL, pay must be at par with efforts, even though fairness and adequacy are relative. Also, a functional performance management system that rewards adequately must be in place; this will facilitate fairness and adequacy. Adequacy reveals the need for periodic reviews of monetary rewards and implementation. This will facilitate adequacy per time considering current socio-economic realities. Apart from the aforementioned monetary and non-monetary components of QWL, Table 1 summarizes a further grouping of other components of QWL. Table 1 Further grouping of the components of QWL Factor Reference Intrinsic Nature of work and employees’ power or strength Baba &Jamal, 1991 Job security, training, utilization of acquired skills, career Watson, 1975; Guna & advancement, job satisfaction Ismail, 2008; Stephen, 2012 Psycho-social Importance of work life to society, Organizational integration Watson, 1975 Trust in senior management, recognition of efforts, participation in decision-making, organizational image, organization’s contribution to society Physical Safe and healthy environment, Occupational health and safety, Level Ellis & Pompi, 2002 of stress experienced at work, Work-life balance Constitutional protection of employees’ right, job security Guna & Ismail, 2008 protection of employees’ right, job security Watson, 1974 2.2. Employee Commitment There seem to be no universally agreed definition of commitment. This is evident in the many definitions from which similarities and differences are observable. While the similarities serve as the essence of commitment leading to its definition, the differences highlight the forms of commitment and the targets to which commitment can be directed – these include the team, organization, supervisor, program, occupation, union and customer. One popular definition refers to commitment as “the binding force that ties a person to an action course which is of utmost importance and channeled towards a particular event (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001). Organizational commitment can be considered from two perspectives - employee and employer; thus, the statement “be committed to your organization and your organization will be committed to you” (Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982). Rajendran and Raduan (2005) explained that organizational, career and work commitment are the types of commitments that make up employee commitment. Akintayo (2010) explained that the extent to which workers in an organization feels devoted towards organizational progress is what encompasses commitment. Ongori (2007) defined employee commitment as an emotional tie an employee feels towards the entirety of an organization. Zheng, (2010) explained commitment as the attitude exhibited by the 44
  5. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups employee towards the organization. Explanation is broad considering that employees’ attitude encompasses various components of commitment. According to O'Reilly and Chatman (1989), employee commitment is "an employee’s way of being psychologically attached to an organisation". The importance of commitment cannot be over-emphasized, infact increased rate commitment on the part of employees will ultimately yield positive feedbacks for the organization. In general, employee commitment is a pointer to employee performance (Ali, 2010; Ajila and Awonusi, 2004). The continuous dependence of organizations on committed employees to achieve set goals is a major motivation factor for continuous research on the subject of commitment (Akintayo, 2010; Tumwesigye, 2010; Osibanjo, Adeniji, Salau, Akinbola, Falola and Akinbola, 2018)). Infact this group of individuals are valuable assets and intellectual capitals to their organizations (Hunjra, 2010). Social responsiveness, style of leadership (Lo, 2009), fairness practices within organization (Ponnu and Chuah, 2010), job enrichment, employee empowerment and compensation (Ongori, 2007), educational level, personality and position (Camilleri, 2002) are some of the already discussed antecedents of employee commitment in literature. For overall organisational commitment to be achieved, individual employees must channel their efforts in the same direction. Arnold (2005) defines organizational commitment as “an individual’s identification with and involvement in a firm”. Commitment can be described as the act of an individual identifying with an organisation and its objectives with a desire to retain membership of the organisation. 2.3. Components, Stages and Benefits of Organizational Commitment Notable in the study of commitment are some underpinning theories that govern the subject. The work of Meyer and Allen (1997) explained commitment as possessing three subsets and employees fall into these three major categories; affective, normative, and continuance organizational commitment. While affective commitment is directly linked to emotional ties to the organization routed in effectiveness and efficiency at work, commitment in its normative form is based on perceived reciprocal obligation to remain in the organization. On the other hand, socio-economic cost consideration of exiting the organization defines continuance commitment. Thus, employee outcomes such as turnover intension, performance and attitude towards work have been predicted (Meyer, Stanley, Herscovitch & Topolnytsky, 2002). Summarily, when these three levels are low, turnover intension is likely to be high and vice versa. Organizational commitment can be measured by employees’ contribution level (quality and quantity of output); compliance with organizational culture and belief; identity with the organization and turnover intension. In terms of stages of organizational commitment, three developmental stages have been identified, these are; compliance, identification and internalization (O'Reilly, 1989); each connected to the different components of commitment. At compliance stage, employees are calculative and mindful of the gain they will get; thus, they accept being under the influence of others as long as they are assured of personal benefits (O’Reilly, 1989). Important considerations at this stage include remuneration and promotion, thus employees adopt attitudes and behaviors even when they do not share in the beliefs of the organization. At identification stage (connected to normative dimension) (Meyer & Allen, 1997) the individual’s decision is to stay rooted in a sense of duty and loyalty to the organization. At this stage the employee voluntarily subjects himself/herself to others to achieve a desire level of association with the firm (O’Reilly, 1989). Here, there is a sense of pride to be identified with the organization, as employees see their roles as a special identity with the organization. Internalisation which is the third stage of organizational commitment is a function of commitment in its affective form (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Here, employee finds intrinsic 45
  6. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I reward in the organization as organizational values are congruent with that of the employee. The employee develops a rapport and passion; which are key reasons not to leave; thus, employee commitment is founded on personal decision to stay. From the foregone, it can be said that employee commitment can either increase or decrease with each degree having specific identifiable characteristics that is determined by various factors that include job- related, personal and managerial factors as well as organizational structure. 2.4. Quality of Work Life and Employee Commitment QWL is directly linked to employee commitment because they influence performance as well as profitability and sustainability of the organization. When QWL initiatives are perceived and accepted as adequate, employees are happy leading to increased motivation, strength and commitment to the organization. Thus, they tend to contribute meaningfully to the achievement of organizational goals, which confirms the assertion of Howard’s bet side theory, which states that employees give more when they perceive that they will have commensurate reward in return for their service. Employee acceptance of QWL further results to visible operation of various levels of commitment as posited by the three component models, which specify the levels of commitment. Conversely, the reverse is the case when QWL is perceived as inadequate and unacceptable. When this situation arises, some deviant behaviours (adverse outcomes) come in to play, which negatively affects performance as well as corporate existence and sustainability (Osibanjo, Falola, Akinbode and Adeniji, 2015). While high commitment level is linked to the affective dimension of commitment, it entails accepting the values of the organizational and willingness to contribute meaningfully to the achievement of corporate goals as well as identifying with the organization. Partial commitment level is characterized by a fair or average degree of willingness to remain with a firm coupled with partial acceptance of organizational objectives and values. Thus, commitment here is said to be normative (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Furthermore, low employee commitment level is linked to the continuance dimension (Meyer and Allen, 1997). In this case, organizational objectives and values are not imbibed or accepted, there is an unwillingness to contribute meaningfully to organizational growth. At this level, employee stays just as a routine and possesses a high intension to exit as soon as an opportunity shows up. At this point it is noteworthy that there are obstacles to employee commitment as well as enhancers of same. Certain factors are responsible for different responses to issues related QWL. They include; individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance as well as power distance. While power distance has to do with individual opinion about accepting or rejecting hierarchies of power, individualism is concerned with self as against collectivism. Masculinity deals with emphasis on personal achievement and success at the expense of relationship and care for the vulnerable; while uncertainty avoidance has to do with taking personal risk and avoiding unpredictable situations (Hofstede, 1984). Another possible cause of differing responses is individual employee differences such as age and other preferences. Older employees seem to exhibit satisfaction with their jobs and pay than the younger ones who seem to be highly mobile (Mathieu and Zajac, 1990). Individual preferences influenced by status in an organization can also affect individual definition and acceptance of QWL even in same cultural situations. (Hofstede, 1984). Management can enhance QWL and employee commitment by the understanding and holistic application of relevant theories just as concerted effort enhances QWL and commitment on the part of employees. 46
  7. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups 2.5. Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Employee Commitment (EC) Studies based on equity theory have shown that organizational support (POS) enhances employee affective attachment to an organization. This confirms the assertions of the three- component model. POS is the perception held by an employee on the commitment level of an organization to its employees (Moorman, Blakely & Niehoff, 1998). POS, having been defined as employee perception of organization’s commitment is important as it shows how much employers value and acknowledge employees’ contribution towards the achievement of organizational goals. Rhoades and Eisenberger (2002) discovered that POS is linked to fairness, which is connected to commitment ending up in employee affective attachment to the organization. The study, which was carried out among different professionals, precisely, high school teachers, brokerage clerks and police officers revealed a high positive relationship between POS and attendance to work and performance. It is deducible that if POS is high, employee affective commitment will be high and vice versa (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, & Sowa, 1986). In proving the link between POS and employee commitment, a questionnaire was developed consisting 36 questions that represented employees’ position and expectation on the subject. A to 0.97 reliability coefficient was observed (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Another study carried out in a steel manufacturing plant proved the same; A significant and positive relationship was found to exist between innovative support and affective attachment (Eisenberg, Fasolo, & Davis-LaMastro, 1990). Using Eisenberger’s questionnaire, Stowers (2010) conducted a study on 1500 army officers; the study found POS to positively relate to the affective dimension of organizational commitment. From the foregone, it is evident that POS affects employee affective commitment, their attitude and job performance as well as organizational commitment on the long run. This is corroborated by Howard’s bet side theory. 2.6. Work-Family Conflict and Employee Commitment It is a well-known fact that humans the world over have special attachment and commitment to their families as asserted by the basic needs theory (BNT) that humans have three basic needs among which is relatedness; in most cases first allegiance goes to the family while frantic effort is made to maintain commitment to other relationships. Consequently, there is a constant conflict between relationships or commitment as each struggle to get more allegiance over the other; this goes for work-family relationship too. Work-family conflict can be defined as the counter simultaneous pull or demand for allegiance or attention from work and family of an individual. This pull from both ends creates pressure (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985); thus, giving rise to distress and tension which people make effort to balance up as the factors competing for commitment are both important. One area where this conflict is observable is time spent for work and family related matters; the time-conflict is serious, since concentrating on one will cause the other to suffer. Of particular note is overseas assignments which makes families to move in part or in full; thus, making adjustment difficult (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). Some studies show that work-family conflict can adversely affect commitment; among these studies is one carried out to examine how to improve health system among nurses. The study strongly suggested that managers should deliberately work to improve work-family relationship because it has direct bearing with low turnover intension as it was observed that nurses have had higher professional commitment to the organization when they don’t have to worry too much about family related matters (Russo and Buonocore, 2012). In a similar study carried out on army officers and their families, it was found that organizational commitment is increased as work- family relationship is improved; thus, both officers and their families show strong 47
  8. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I commitment to the army. (Stowers, 2010). Consequently, organisations are advised to improve and sustain work-family programmes. As earlier discussed, Chandranshu (2012) tested 12 QWL components he developed. It was found that good QWL breeds organizational success and achievement of set objectives as it has direct link with outcomes related to job. Examples include; turnover intension, tardiness and healthiness, absenteeism as well as improved job performance (Wright and Bonett 2007). It is asserted that management should identify gaps in quality of work life and adequately bridge the same; not making gain s at the expense of the employee who are the organisation’s assets (Abdeen, 2002) and sources for which the organization gains competitive advantage. Thus, organizations are to provide good QWL to elicit commitment on the part of the employees, which ultimately results in good job-related responses culminating in organizational commitment. The research further divides the 12 components of QWL into three broad groups of employee perception of high-quality work-life. These according to Nadler and Lawler (1983) include; futuristic and professional orientation, relationship- sustenance orientation, as well as self-deterministic and systemic orientation. While the futuristic and professional group concerns itself with career-wise growth and development, flexible work arrangements, emotional-supervisory support as well as benefits and rewards; the relationship-sustenance group bothers on on-the-job satisfaction, responsive family culture, motivation, support and compensation within the organization; while the third group concerns itself with organizational climate, emotional-supervisory support, communication, organizational commitment. Contrary to a general belief that employee commitment to QWL is mostly bound by income, a research conducted by Arie, James and Arthur (2009) to ascertain globally accepted areas of life satisfaction revealed four of life satisfaction (LS) areas and the global consensus of the level of the impact of these areas. The four LS areas are health; income; daily or job activities; as well as social contacts and family. On level of impact, social contacts and family ranked highest, then job and daily activity; health, while income had the lowest impact. Although this research was conducted both in the U.S and Holland, it is worthwhile considering the result as it relates to the effect of QWL on employee commitment in our environment with life satisfaction in view. Similarly, based on Richard E. Walton’s eight component model, a study carried out precisely on total life space; found that respondents called for improvement in work-family life balance and this was achieved. Since then, the need to improve in this area has been a global concern to date (Lewis, 1997). 2.7. Marital Status, Gender and Employee Commitment Islam et al., (2012) posited that gender and marital status have been researched to influence commitment to a certain extent. In a study carried out on married and unmarried teachers, Islam et al. (2012), found that teachers who already started a family with a spouse are more committed to the organisation than their colleagues who are not yet engaged. The need for a stable source of income was observed as the main reason for this result; thus, married teachers remained committed to the organization in order to continue to fulfil their obligations to the home. A similar study carried out in Bangladesh revealed that the percentage of married employees who derived on-the-job satisfaction was more than that of those of unmarried employees. The reason for this seems to be the need to meet up marriage-imposed responsibilities. Hence, they are constrained to seek and stick to a steady job. In the same vein, gender has been seen to affect employee satisfaction and commitment at different levels within organizations and at different domains. Some studies opine that women tend to show more commitment (Islam et al., 2012), while other studies support that men show more commitment. These varying levels of satisfaction and commitment seem to stem 48
  9. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups from individual expectations of the two groups and their values as well as their assessment criteria (Oshagbemi, 2000). It is observed that while women seem interested in socialization, men are interested in influencing decision and supervision. However, in contrasting views, another school of thought says that even though a relationship does exist between demographics and commitment, it is insignificant (Meyer and Allen, 1991). From the foregone, it is observed that while the studies cited had varying opinions on the components of QWL and organizational commitment, due considerations has not been given to how marital status and gender can moderate the relationship. As such, it can be said that there is a gap in literature of QWL and organizational commitment as marital status and gender are essentially crucial to an individual’s perception of QWL, which undoubtedly influences attitude and work-related outcomes and ultimately affects organizational commitment. Consequently, this study proposes carrying out further studies on how gender and marital status influences QWL and organizational commitment. 2.8. Quality of Work Life and Employee Commitment: The Nigerian Perspective Having discussed QWL and employee commitment from a global perspective, this section briefly looks at QWL and employee commitment in the Nigerian context. This is important because Nigerian employers and employees alike are becoming more aware of their work environment with their rights and privileges as well as challenges arising therefrom. Consequently, employees expect a balanced work and family life; the result of this desire is that employees ultimately seek ways to survive and this inadvertently leads to various reactions among which are demand for better conditions and strike action (Dada, 2006; Fapohunda, 2013). Fapohunda (2013) evaluated experiences of QWL and perceptions in four organisations in Lagos, Nigeria with a total population of 300 employees. It was revealed that some employees (34.2%) agree that they enjoy perceived organizational support. In terms of training men were rated to have more training (32%) than women (20.6%) and so had the advantage of occupying higher positions (21%) than women (13%) who were adjudged less committed than. On intrinsic indicators of QWL such as on-the-job satisfaction and motivation, women had more positive rating, while men did well on extrinsic indicators such as compensation, reward and job security. Akanji, (2012) found that female employees suffer more with respect to role overload as a result of the patrichial system that is prevalent in Nigeria; this system puts more stress on female employees who contend with work-family conflict as they have to effectively manage work and family responsibilities simultaneously. This is directly opposite of the situation of their male counterparts whose work-family responsibilities are lesser as they are generally seen as the bread winners and head of the family (Mordi, Simpson, Singh &Okafor 2010). This socio-cultural system-induced situation inadvertently affects the commitment level and height women attain at work; placing male employees in a better position (Mordi & Ajonbadi, 2012). It is believed that female employees go through occupational stresses of higher degrees due to the demand placed on them by their dual roles in the family and workplace. A study on Nigerian employees found the use of “coping strategies” as a means to work place survival. Precisely, coping strategies include positive thinking, assistance seeking strategy, avoidance/resignation strategy, as well as physical and psychological coping strategies (Greenhaus& Powell, 2006). The study further revealed that employees possess and exhibit cognitive survival and hardness traits which serve as psychological and physical coping strategy. Thus, it can be said that Nigerian employees deliberately exercise self-control in order to survive harsh organizational conditions. Assistance seeking is also quite common 49
  10. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I especially amongst female employees. Even though this strategy is sometimes successful, when it fails, it often leads to more stress in the psychological and work facets. 2.9. Tech start-ups and tech hubs Due to its slow-paced economic development, Africa has had to depend on international aids for its development (Gameli, 2015). So far, the United Nation’s effort has helped build entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at fostering technological growth, a panacea to sustainable development. Gamelli (2015) further explained that tech start-ups in Africa has brought about discussions on “Africa rising”, an opportunity for African nations to find their rightful places on the world stage with respect to development. In Nigeria, tech hubs are becoming popular with many of these small firms having started business after 2010. Popular among tech start- ups in Nigeria are Konga, Jumia, OLX, Jiji, Taxify, and Car45, all of which offer one commercial service or another with employee base ranging from 10 to 50 persons. According to Ogbari, Atolagbe, Adeboye, and Uzuegbunam (2017), Nigeria’s technological revolution started unexpectedly but has so far given room to huge investment opportunities, service improvement as well as human capital development. With all these positive impacts that have been seen, it becomes imperative to look into the QWL offered by these tech start-ups and the corresponding responses by employees in terms of commitment to the goal of the firms. Generally, research into factors that determine employees’ base in start- ups has not gained popularity. As such, Mata and Machado (1996), stated that “even though a lot of attention goes into creation of start-ups entrepreneurial businesses, the actual number of employees needed for smooth running of most of these firms is often neglected” (pp.1306). As a result, most start-ups are either over- or under-staffed leading to very low QWL. Colombo, Grilli, & Delmastro (2004) explained that analysis that relates the determining factors for the size of start-ups has not evolved. This problem therefore affects tech-start-ups in Nigeria as employers are not often guided on the effective number of persons that will get the firm’s day-to-day activities up and running. The result of this challenge is that employers want to avoid recruiting too many hands, thinking that business may not actually thrive during the early days of the business life. In situations where the business thrives beyond expectations, employees are made to over-work resulting in efforts outweighing rewards. This ultimately affects employee commitment negatively. On the other hand, some start-ups recruit so many staff without effective business projections. This often leads to delayed salaries especially in in cases where business fails to thrive as expected, particularly in developing countries like Nigeria where the labor laws are not fully effective. In general, only a few literatures on QWL and commitment in tech start-ups are in existence today. It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to examine how QWL influences employee commitment, given gender and marital status as controls 2.10. Conceptual model and research hypotheses From empirical evidences as well as the foregoing discussion, this study has developed a conceptual model to guide its findings. Figure 1 is a conceptual sketch for the current study. In addition to the model, the following hypotheses have been postulated: H1: Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is positively related to employees’ commitment H2: Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is positively related to employees’ marital status H3: Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is positively related to employees’ gender 50
  11. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups H4: Employees’ commitment in Nigerian tech start-ups is positively related to employees’ gender Figure 1 Conceptual model 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY For progress in this study, data were gathered by the administration of instrument on the employees recruited into randomly selected from 10 tech start-ups in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial hub. The sample was made up of employees from the service sectors. Administration of questionnaires was carried out by the researchers after seeking permission from their employees. Questionnaires pointed out the importance attached to anonymity of the respondents and educational usage of results. 400 questionnaires were distributed, 375 were retuned. However, only 300 of the questionnaires returned were useful for further analysis. 3.1. Instrument Previous studies on QWL and employee commitment served as the basis for selection of research instrument. Specific amendments were however carried out so that instrument suits the ongoing study. Hence, this study made use of the scale proposed by Donaldson, Sussman, Dent, Severson and Stoddard (1999) to measure the perception held by tech start-up employees of QWL. For employee’s commitment, a 5-item scale developed by Weng, McElroy, Morrow and Liu (2010) was used. Items were measured using a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 1= strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree so as to show the extent to which the different constructs agree. Table 2 shows question under each of the major constructs used for this study. 51
  12. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I Table 2 Further grouping of the components of QWL Quality Work Life Employee Commitment The tech start-up where I work provides a good I would consider spending the larger part of my work-life 1. 1. working environment for its employees. with this firm. 2. I am happy at the tech start-up where I work 2. I take on-the-job problems as mine. On-the-job assignments at my work place is not Not quitting my job at the moment is stems from an internal 3. 3. stressful. desire, which is quite important for me I get along well with colleagues at my place of Quitting my job at the moment is almost impossible for me, 4. 4. work even if I wanted to. 5. I have good supervisors at work. 5. I do feel obliged to remain with my employer. Regardless of whether it would be to my advantage, leaving 6. My job security is good. 6. my job this moment is not the best of decisions. 3.2. Data analysis Table 3 shows that the tech-start-up business is mostly controlled by females. They make up 54.3 per cent of the employee base across all the surveyed tech start-ups. Unmarried employees represent only 41.3 per cent, while 58.7 are married. From table 4.1, it is very clear that a large percentage of participating tech start-ups have recruited between 1-25 employees. The research also shows that a large number of respondents worked with start-ups within the service sector, which occupies 97% as compared to the 3% from the manufacturing sector. This study makes use of the two-step approach i.e., model estimation preceding structural relationship examination (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). Study items (QWL, commitment, gender and marital) were treated as first-order factors in alignment with a six-item scale for QWL factor and employee commitment respectively. The researcher made use of LISREL 8.8, calculating model estimates by inputting covariance. Table 4.2 shows measurement model results. Adjusted goodness-of-fit index values were given as 0.80 and 0.76 respectively, showing a marginal fit. In structural modeling studies, there is a chance that inconsistences may affect both the GFI and the AGFI, this may be the result of the sampling features (Hoyle & Panter, 1995). Hence to be sure of this, three other fit indices were been checked in order to arrive at highly robust to sampling features (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson & Tatham, 2006). Examples include; Normed fit index, incremental fit index as well as root mean square approximation. Values around 0.80 have been noted as showing adequate fit for the incremental fit and the normed fit indices while values lower than 0.070 for root mean square approximation (Bryne, 2001). Table 4 shows adequate fit for the different indices. Table 3 Respondent’s demographic units Sub-construct Frequency Percentage (%) Marital status Married 176 58.7 Single 124 41.3 Total 300 100 Gender Female 164 54.3 Male 136 45.7 Total 300 100 Employee population 1-25 203 67.7 >26 97 32.3 Total 300 100 Tech start-up sector Manufacturing 9 3 Service 201 97 Total 300 100 52
  13. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups 4. RESULTS Coefficient alpha as well as reliability (composite) show internal consistency generated within LISREL (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Table 4 shows that, coefficient alpha and α-values both ranged from 0.76 to 0.77. In LISREL, AVE is a measure of the variation captured by a construct relative to the error in measurement as well as latent construct correlations. AVE greater than 0.50 means that the construct is valid (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Table 4 shows that both constructs used in this study were found to be valid. In addition, considering a significant value (p
  14. Osibanjo, A. O., Waribo, Y. J, Akintayo, D. I, Adeniji, A. A. and Fadeyi, O. I Table 6 Structural Equation Modeling Results (2) Path Hypothesis Coefficient (β) Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is 1 0.091a positively related to employees’ commitment Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is 2 0.073a positively related to employees’ marital status Quality of work life in Nigerian tech start-ups is 3 0.066a positively related to employees’ gender Employees’ commitment in Nigerian tech start-ups is 4 0.061a positively related to employees’ gender 4.1. Structural model results As a first impression, this study found acceptable CFA measurement model fit resulting in the verification of structural model fit, which is followed by a confirmation of the hypothesis developed. With a recommended statistic of the structural model indices given as; χ2/df =2.9612; GFI=0.93; CFI=0.98; IFI=0.98; NFI=0.97; RMR=0.49 and RMSEA= 0.080, the model was adjudged sufficient as indicated in table 4.2, Path estimates show that the inter- relationship between QWL and employee commitment is significant at p
  15. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on Employees’ Commitment Across Nigerian Tech Start-Ups corroborated by Howard’s bet side theory. Secondly, management should address employees’ needs specific to gender and age groups so as to ensure that every employee benefit from QWL. Furthermore, organizations should pay more attention to the implementation of work- life balance by ensuring that work-family conflict is reduced, if not completely eliminated. This will reduce work related stress and promote good work-related outcomes among employees who are the organisation’s assets (Abdeen, 2002) as well as sources by which the organization gains competitive advantage in a changing business environment (Akintayo, 2010; Tumwesigye, 2010). It is noteworthy to stress that attention must be paid to relevant principles and theories needed to achieve improve employee commitment in start-ups. Examples include the expectancy theory, which emphasizes employees’ quest for remuneration and benefits to be commensurate with effort in order to be satisfied, motivated and give their best to the organization (Greenberg, 2011). Employers must not lose sight of the influence of bet-side as they move towards better rewarding organization or regulate effort to match pay. Thus, to gain and retain employee commitment, QWL should be robust and attractive as well as tailored to meet the needs of the diverse workforce whose reward expectations vary, in this way, employees will be motivated and committed to achieving organizational success (Wright and Bonett 2007). In general, organizations must deliberately evoke employee commitment to remain relevant in an evolving business environment. 6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS So far, it has been observed that Nigerian employees endure so much to keep both work and family roles going successfully even in the face of perceived inadequacy of QWL; thus, it is safe to say that QWL may not automatically translate to true organizational commitment; rather true organisational commitment is contingent on individual decision rooted in ethical and personal considerations. Conclusively, it is needful to increase organizational support through improved QWL as it directly affects organizational commitment and employee performance as well as profitability and sustainable growth of a business. This way, the chances of leaving the vital tool (commitment) required from the organisation’s asset (employees) will be reduced. As a result of the observations gathered so far, the following suggestions are put forward: 1. Perceived organizational support (POS) must be increased in organizations if they are to gain and retain continued employee commitment and excellent performance. 2. Organisations should work towards reducing conflict borne out of poor work-life balance by implementing strategies that will allow employees remain effective outside the work place 3. QWL should address specific areas such as gender and age to ensure that all category of employees is adequately catered for. Periodic review of the efficacy of QWL scheme in place should be carried out considering the prevailing socio-economic realities. 4. Organizations must always have ethics and organizational justice as their watchword in determining QWL initiatives and its administration. REFERENCES [1] Abdeen, T. (2002). Company performance: Does quality of work life really matter? Management Research News, 25, pp. 8–10. [2] Adhikari, D.R. &Gautam, D.K.,2010. Labour legislations for improving quality of work life in Nepal. Int. J. Law Management, 52: 40-53. 55
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