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Nội dung Text: Tiếng Hoa cơ bản với 500 ký tự
- 500 BASIC CHINESE CHARACTERS A Cracking Course CHINESE - ENGLISH - VIETNAMESE Beijing Institute of Languages HQC Vll;N NGON NGa sAc KINH ,r~ (!] »; "~~ i! EXJ KY Tu' 500 TIENG HOA co BAN The Most Practical & Cracking Elementary Course for Learning & Writing Essential Chinese Characters TONG HQP: LY CHINH CHUYEN VIEN HOA VAN CAO CAP HIEU DINH: TRAN MINH KIIANH (M.A.) H(>C VItN NGON NGU BAC KINH ' ,.., ? ? NHA XUA T BAN TRE
- yi (nhat) --- one (NU) 1 m{,t (so) 1. CB - Stroke order - Thu tt1 net : 1-1 2. * 1$ - Scripts - Ki~u chu : ~Jl-1 *-1*- - - rr11 ~11 But thuong Tong Khai L~ Hanh Thao 3. tlm -Tips - Gqi y: Using a horizontal stroke to indicate the meaning of "one". - is a self-explanatory character; it is also the simplest Chinese character. m--~~"-"~~·ru M 0~~~~*~~~0 Dung gach ngang - ghi so 1, day la chu Han don gian nhat. 4. 96 flf: - Component - Thanh phin : j!~lJll],j;- Cau true: D 5. Mm - Radical - BQ thu : (- (yi) : one : Bq nhat] Some frequently used characters containing - radical are: -=-, ,;_, .L, T, Ji., ;f., "Ji, etc. vA-1t~ita1~ m ~~" .z., .=-, J:., T, A, ~, 7i" -f O Bq thu nay co cac chu thuong dung: -=-, ,;_, .L, T, Ji., ;f., "Ji ... 6. ,rffl i&J - Frequently-used words or phrases -Tu thtrong dung: -Ji./' yfgong (A) altogether (P) tat ca, t6ng cong' -;t yldlng (AJ) definite, certainly (T) nhat dinh -# yfyang (AJ) same (T) gio'ng nhau -AJL yldianr (N) a little, a bit (D) mot it, met chut -~JL yl hulr (N) a little while (D) mot choc, met lat -~ -JJ yl qi Ylyue (A) together January (P) cung nhau (D) thang 1, thang gieng -~ Ji- yl xie wanyl (N) (N) (C) some, a few, a little in case (D) (L) mot so' van nhat 7. !* >.) - Exercise - Bai t~p: Practice the following basic strokes - !~ ..::J v:< T JL :.ff'~.$.~ if!b - Tap vie't cac net co ban : c #t : heng ) horizontal ngang '\ c A: dian) dot cham c ~: shu ) vertical XO A') ~ ( ..fH_ : ti) rising hat J c ;fit: pie) down stroke to the left ph.iy J L \. c ~: gou) hook m6c A, \... c ~ffe: na ) down stroke to the right mac 17L c ~Jr: zhe ) turning gap
- -·· er (nhi) two (NU) 2 hai (S) 1. C8 - Stroke order - Thu tq net : I -1-=-I 2. *1*- Scripts - Ki~u chtr : .- ffl~~ ~~ --- ~.:J; ,ff .:J; ~.:J; Butthudng T6ng Khiii L~ Hanh Thao 3. -~ - Tips - Gqi y With the bottom line longer than the top one, the self-explanatory character -=. consists of two horizontal strokes. ffl-=-#H~~"-=-" ~ ~tl ~ , r#ttl:J:.#t*--~ 0 Dung 2 gach ngang .:::.. M ghi so 2, gach du6'i dai hem gach tren, 4. 86ftf: - Component - Thanh phd n : it:#JOOiF -+- Cau true: EJ 5. Sii- Radical - BQ thu: [ - (y1) : one : 89 nhat ] 6. fltfflii.1- Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : .z: }] Eryue (N) February (D) thang hai +-=. }J Shl'eryue (N) December (D) thang 12, thang chap + .:::_~ shl'erfen (A) more than 100 per cent, (P) het sire, rat extremely ~M-=- x.i.._~_- Xlnqql'er (N) Tuesday (D) thir ha (ngay trong tuan) 1~ /W duyi-wu'er (IE) unique, unparalleled (tn) doc nhat VO nhi, c6 mot khong hai _,;.(_-r,_- t'Jl, -r- shucyl-bu er (IE) mean what one says, (tn) n6i mot khong hai, stand by one's word noi mot la mot hai la hai ~ -~-=- shuyt-shuer (IE) count as one of the very best, (tn) nhat nhi ranking one of the highest -~::J...i,_- ./J /'J yl fen wei er (IE) one divides into two (tn) met tach thanh hai -~-- n .t-. t:.1 yl qiong er bai (IE) poor and blank (tn) mot ngheo hai trang' (mot la ngheo v~ cong nong nghiep, hai la kern v~ van h6a khoa hoc ky thua t). 7. !$>:) - Exercise - Bai tJj.p : Read aloud the following - fi}J ~ - T~p doc : ------=- ' --- ' -=----=- ' 2
- san (tam) a three (NU) a 3 ha (S) 1. U - Stroke order -Thu tt! net: 1-1::13-I I I 2. !j:1$ - Scripts - Ki~u chii : --- -- - ~ - 4M.t:f *-~ ~-4, ....., ;ft-4, .J- ff-4' ~-4, ~ ~ But thtrong' T6ng Khiii L~ Hanh Thao 3. -~ - Tips - Gcji y : The self-explanatory character 3- consists of three horizontal strokes.The middle stroke is the shortest while the bottom one is the longest. ffl.3-~~~"3-" ,f~-~~,T~-~* 0 Dung 3 gach ngang 3- M ghi s6 3, gach giira ngan, gach duc5'i dai. 4. Sill= - Component - Thanh ph,n : -+-+- ~t:#Jlll iF ::: Cau true: 5. Sm - Radical - B nhat ] 6. #tfflii.J- Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thu'ong dung : Sanyue (N) March (D) thang ha sange yue (NU) three months (S) 3 thang San Guo (N) the Three Kingdoms (D) 3 nude, Tam Qu6e (Chinese dynasty) ~.Jfij;_ XTngqTsan (N) Wednesday (D) thir tu (ngay trong twin) ;.._ i, JRiil sanyanliangyu (IE) in a few words (tn) dam cau ha dieu, doi lai 3-,~-=-~ sanxineryl (IE) be of two minds, half-heartedly (tn) hai long z.s. JRj JRj sansanliangliang (IE) in twos and threes (tn) tung top doi ha nginri, top nam top ha 7. ~'3:) - Exercise - Bai bjp : J\ t±: ~ -1 f ;fU ~ 3- @J a~= Ttm 3 net gi6ng nhau trong cac chir : * Find out the same three strokes in each of the followings characters : 3
- sl (tu) four (NU) 5 b6n (S) 1. U- Stroke order -Thu tt1 net: J, JnJnJ~JeiJ 2. !j!f$ - Scripts - Kilu chu : r§J rm ~ 29 ~ Let) @ ~~q: ~#. ~"17 jft "17 fj-17 ~"17 f-17 But thuong' T6ng Khai L~ Hanh Thao Tri~n 3. film - Tips - Gqi y : It is so strange that inside the character "four" is "eight. Jl--.t•t£- , S :f- 'f IEfl ~ 1'- »: o L~ that, trong chir S (tu') lai c6 chir /'\.. (bat: 8). 4. Silf: - Component - Thanh phdn : ~t ~lj Ill 7F : Cau true: D 5. Sm - Radical - BQ thu : [ Cl (wet) : enclosure : 89 vi] Some frequently used characters containing Cl radical are: ~, ro, ffil, @1, ®l, m, 00, IE, rm' lil' ll], etc. I!), v:-< o 1t ~ T a1 ~ m :f- ~ " ~, lil, lfil , @1, ®l , m, oo , l!l , oo , rm , lil , 111 ,, -f O Bl? thu [l co cac chir thuong dung: ~, fil, ffil, @1, ®J, 00, El], IIl, 00, lffl, ~, Jll ... 6. jltffliiJ - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : s}J Slyue (N) April (D) thang 4 S-1'-}1 slge yue (N) four months (D) 4 thang ~~ slchu (N) all around, every where (D) khap noi ~J!l slzhou (N) all around (D) xung quanh ~~ sljl (N) the four seasons (D) hon mua KJIJJ~ Xingqisl (N) Thursday (D) thu narn (ngay trong twin) ~llfl/'\..~ simian bafang (IE) all directions (tn) hon phuong tam Inning, ha b~ hon hen ~~ .E..~ slfen wulie (IE) fall apart, be all split up (tn) chia narn xe bay 7. ~'3:) - Exercise - Bai t~p : Locate the component " ~ " ( QJ7 ) in each character, and count the number of strokes in each character : ~~"S"(QJ:7)~~:f-'f~~I,#~~~:f-~~~ Xem xet vi trf cua " ~ " ( QJ7 ) trong cac chir va de'm net : 4
- WU (ngO) five (NU) 4 rrarn (S) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tl! net : l-lrl11l_a_l I *1*- Scripts x 2. - Ki~u chu: Ii__ Ji 4M.t:f ~~ ~-4, H-4' ~-4, ~-=J; But thuong Tong Khai L~ Hanh Thao Tri~n 3. film - Tips - G
- ' liu (Ive) six (NU) 4 sa u (S) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tlf net : 1, 1-'-lrli-l I 2. :.j:1$ - Scripts - Ki~u chu : . -/ ~ \ -2.- /'\ --"'" ' _._ ..,, m~-1 But thuong *-1*- T6ng ~-=ts Khai j)t-=J, L~ 3. lam - Tips - Gqi y: As an even number numeral, the character /\ is symmetrical. Note that the even number Chinese numerals-=-, ~, /\, /\.. all include the same two equal parts as indicated. *"1~Ai"if,f* ).i:t" .z;; ~, *, »:» -f ntt.-1 ~biif-f-~:i-3-=- o o Chu /\ hai hen can d6i. Chu y: Cac chu s6 chan -=-, ~, /\, /\.. d~u co th~ chia doi. 4. ISftl: - Component - Thanh phd n : i!~lJIII ,r; ..!- + »: Cau true : B 5. 96g - Radical - BQ thu : [ »: (ba) : eight : B9 bat) 6. ffl'ffliiJ - Frequently-used words or phrases -Tu thuong dung: /\ 't uuchu (N) the six domestic animals (D) luc sue (cha, bo, Ion, (dog, ox, pig, fowl, goat, horse) ga, de, ngua) . *A t.iuyue (N) June (D) thang 6 /\~}J liuge yue (N) six months (D) 6 thang ~»l* XTngqiliu (N) Saturday (D) thu bay (ngay trong twin) /\ ffe~iA. liuqln buren (IE) refuse to have anything to do (tn) khong nhan ca nguoi than :* - '/,~,s,r santou liubl (IE) with all one's relatives and friends (with) three heads and six arms - super human (tn) ba dau sau tay 7. !$>.] - Exercise - Bai tlj p : 1. Read aloud the following telephone numbers : ~ ~ vA "F lf?3t-;- .lYi : Doc cac s6 dien thoai : 415-323-6514 512-463-5566 631-135-2462 2. Convert the numbers into Chinese characters : 4~ r J•Jtt-1 it~ h\~ -1 Viet cac s6 bang chir Han : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ___ , __ , _ 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, ___ , __ , _ 6
- qi (that) seven (NU) 2 bay (S) 1. Q - Stroke order -Thu tlf net: 1-1~1 2. !j:f$. - Scripts - Ki~u chti : ~ ~ ~ ffl .t. :f ~ #. ~"11 tt-41 ~"11 ~"11 But thuong Tong Khai Hanh Thao 'I'rien 3. -~ - Tips - Gqi y: Chu -.\::; dao nguoc van la 7. * ~ ~>l It is still seven (7) when you turn the character -.\::; upside down. ~~ " -.\::; " :f1J•Ji± 7 (-=f-). 0 4. Sfll: - Component - Thanh phd n : ft ~ti lll 1F : Cau true: B 5. IS'i" - Radical - B
- ba (bat) eight (NU) 2 tam (S) 1. 8- Stroke order -Thu tlf net: I/ IAI 2. *1* - Scripts - Ki~u chu : J \ .)\. I t m-f.-1 ~#. ~-=t; f.-=J; But thuoug' Tong Khai Tri~n 3. -~ - Tips - GQ'i y : The character i\.. looks like Papa's moustache. "i\.." :f1t~~a~/',.:f~ 0 Chu /\.. giong' bq rau chu i\.. (bat) cua ho. 4. Sftf: - Component - Thanh phdn : tt~lJOO 1F : i\ . . Cau true: D 5. IS"i" · Radical - BQ thu : [ i\ .. (ba) : eight : 89 bat] Some frequently-used characters containing radical /\.. are: ~' *'' :/c, /\, .Jt., wf, *' Jl_, /~, etc. vA/\..1t~~a~~ Jfl :f~" ~' /~, *' :/c, /\, .Jt., irf, *' "- . , ~ 0 Bq thu /\.. c6 cac chir thuong dung: ~' /~, *'' :J:.,, /\, .Jt., wf, *' Jl_ ... 6. fltfflii.J - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : /\..}1 Bayue (N) August (D) thang 8 /\..~ J1 baqe yue (N) eight months (D) 8 thang -f Jr /\...nj banjTn-baliang (IE) six of one and half a dozen (tn) mra can tam lang of the other - to be equal IJJ l)t/\....i:l hushuo-badao (IE) talk nonsense (tn) an n6i lung tung, n6i lao /\..-JL ~ ~ + ba jiu bu rr shl (IE) pretty close, very near ( tn) mtnri phdn chac chin 7. !5:s:J - Exercise - Bai bj.p : Locate /\.. ( ,, ) in each character, and count the number of strokes in the character: ~i th " »;» C ,, ) ~~ :f 'f 09~.f_ , #-lt.Jl@r : Tim vi tri cua /\.. ( , ' ) trong cac chtr va de'm net : 'C1 ~ ,, ' >l'J 8
- jiu (ciru) nine (NU) 2 chin (S) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tlf net : I) I 1L I 2. :.j:1$, - Scripts - Ki~u chii' : m-tq: -fu 1L *-#. -fL ~-45 -~ j}t-4, ~ tf-45 ~ ~-45 re J.-45 But thuong Tfing Khiii L~ Hanh Thao T'rien 3. film - Tips - GQ'i y : There are only two strokes in :JL, and it resembles in hook too . ..,, ~ xr-er > - /u~ / '-'FJ -l!!r o Chu :JL chi co 2 net. 4. &8fll: - Component - Thanh pha n : j!*lJl!l iF : Cau true: D 5. Sit - Radical - BQ thu : I) (pie) : left stroke : ae phay] The frequently used characters containing ) radical are: JI(, .z, j(__, ft, ,If-.,.+,*"' ff., etc. v:
- shi (thap) ten (NU) 2 muoi (S) 1. CD - Stroke order - Thu tlf net : 1-1+1 2. !j:1*, - Scripts - Ki~u chu : t + + mfl-1 ~#. 1*-=J; T .;1t -=J; + fr-=J; $-=J; But tlurcng' T6ng Khai L~ Hanh Thao 3. Wm· Tips - Gqiy : The character + looks like the cross on the top of the church. Note that G is read as "si" while + is read as "shl". +~1#.~~ J:..a1+~* i.i:t-e::1~ (sl), 0 (shi) +~ 0 Chu + (shl: thap: mmri) gi6ng cay thanh gia tren n6c nha tho. Chu y chir ~ (ta) doc la "si", con chir + thi doc la "shi". 4. ISf-1: - Component - Thanh phdn : 1t ~ti l!1 1F : + Cau true : + LJ 5. Sm - Radical - BQ thu : [ + ten : 89 thap J (shf) : 6. ffl'fflii.J - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : +JJ Shfyue (N) October (D) thang 10 +-JJ Shfyiyue (N) November (D) thang 11 +-=-JJ Shf'eryue (N) December (D) thang 12 +~ shffen (A) very much (P) rat, he't Su'C +~+~ shlquan-shfmel (IE) be perfect in every way (tn) thap toan thap my +~sto shfzl lukou (N) crossroads (D) nga tu ~+~~ H6ngshfzlhul (N) the Red Cross (D) Hoi chir thap do 7. ~:s::J - Exercise - Bai t~ p : 1. Translate the following numerals into Chinese characters - ~if - Dich cac so' sau sang chir Han : Examples - {11]-:ka - Vi d1:1: 35 ;.. + Ii- 20 - + 59 , 40 , 76 , 12 --- 2. Read aloud in Chinese the following numerals - ~ ~ r y1Jtt ,-1 - D9c cac chir so' bang tieng Han : 15, 27, 68, 92, 30, 13, 44 3. Read the pithy formula for multiplication - ~r y1j3fl}!- P ~ - I>9c cuu chuong cac so' nhan : .=:.-~ (de, make) .=:., - - ,111..no ----· -'J ~, - z: 111..~/,, ---l'J --r: -.:zi...-- + --A - '+----, ' -=---t:+~' 10
- ri (nhat) the sun, day, time (N) m~t troi, rigay, 4 thoi gian (D) 1. Q - Stroke order -Thu tt1 net: I I I n I A I El I I 08 2. !j:f.$ - Scripts - Ki~u chu : m~-1 EJ n ~#. ~-fi a 8 ;jt .:p; EJ ff-fi ~-fi 9 8 f.-45 But thuong T6ng Khai L~ Hanh Thao Tri~n 3. 1im - Tips - G
- yue (nquyet) the moon, month (N) 4 trang, thang (D) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tl! net : I) lnlJJIJJI I 2. !j:1$ - Scripts - Ki~u chii : m~-1 fl JJ *-#. }] ~-ii J=t jft-i, ftJ ff-ii ~-ii ~ JD f_-=J, But thinrng Tong Khai L¢ Hanh Thao 'I'rien 3. -~ - Tips - GQ'i y: * This is a pictographic character symbolizing the moon in crescent. ~ 1l;-'f , 1i JJ 1L av 1f3:Ik Chu tucng' hinh, giong' hmh trang luai Iiern. O 4. IS1lf: - Component - Thanh ph,n : it~lJOO 7F : Cau true: J1 D 5. &61t - Radical - BQ thu : [ }1 (yue) : the moon, meat : 89 nguy~t] The meanings of some characters containing }1 radical are related to the moon such as: JtJ:), :l, ¥JJ, -!o " RJJ, ~, ~, )}!r, Ml" -f o J1 ~~ *, etc; while some of the others are related to meat or flesh such as v:-.] - Exercise - Bai fajp : Write the dates in character - ~ tr: r §1] El Jtl:l - Viet cac ngay thang : Examples -1J•J-ko - Vi du: April 29 l!9 lJ .: : . +JL El 29 thang 4 September 23 23 thang 9 July 4 ------- 4 thang 7 February 14 14 thang 2 December 25 25 thang 12 October 1st 1 thang 10 November 30 30 thang 11 12
- re n (nhan) 1. human being (N) 2. person (N) 2 nguoi (D) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tt! net : I IAI I I I J 2. !.j:ff. - Scripts - Ki&u chu : A. A A... A A. ~ J ( m-t.'.f But thuong *-1*- To'ng ~-45 Khai ;Jt-=f; tt-:.ft Hanh $-45 Thao f.-45 L~ Tri~n 3. -~ - Tips - Gqi y : This is a pictographic character symbolizing a man. Men use only two legs to walk, this is a significant difference between men and apes. t_1t;:f, 1#.Aa11f]R A;;ffl inj~JJi!>l.st, {!,t_AlP~1ia1-:k.~1,J O O Chu tirong hinh, gicng hinh nguci A (nhan). Nguoi di bang hai chan, khac vdi loai khi. 4. &ISfll:- Component -Thanh ph,n: ~t -*lJ lll -iF : Cau true: D 5. &IS"i' - Radical - BQ thu : (A ( 1 ) (ran) : man : B(> nhan ] The meanings of characters containing A radical are usually related to person, such as: ft, 1~, ft, 4, ftt, 1t, -tt!!., /:J.., ~' v~A 1t~itav-r 1.{L, etc. ' ~5(§-fiftiA,1f B9 thu A g&m cac chir phan nhieu lien quan den con nguoi: *' -ko" ft, #1, ft, 4, ,ft, 1t,-tt!!., A_,~' vi" -f ft, #1, 1t, 4, ,ft, 1t, ,{e_,, /:J..., ~' O 1.{L ... 6. Mfflii.l - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : A ,ffl renrnen (N) people, men (D) moi nguci A~ renrnm (N) the people (D) nhan dan A~ rp Renmfnbl (N) the currency in C~ina (PRC) (D) Nhan dan t~ Ai° rencai (N) a person of ability (D) nhan tai A.:r... rengong (N/AD) manpower, manual work, man-made (D) nhan cong, nhan tao At renjia (N) household (D) gia dinh At renjia (PN) other people, the speaker itself (Dt) nguoi ta AO renkou (N) population, number of people in a family (D) nhan kh5u A~ renlei (N) mankind (D) loai nguoi tA jiaren (N) family members (D) nguoi nha 7. ->.) - Exercise - Bai t~p : Guess the meanings of the following characters - ~l'krdi7i!~:fav-:t,~ - Doan nghla cac chir: J.A. ------ IA. ------ 13
- da, da i ( dai) big (AJ) 3 to, Ion (T) 1. U - Stroke order - Thu tlj net : 1-1 r I*- I I I 2. *1* - Scripts - Ki~u chii : ~.t.:f *' * But thuong *-1*- T6ng :k ~"11 Khai fr-=Ji Hanh ~ $-=Ji Thao 3. -~ - Tips - Gqi y: A man stretching out his arms, this pictographic character symbolizes "big". A 1lfl jf n_.8,f ~ iF " k ,, 0 Nguoi dang rong' hai canh tay, c6 nghla la :k.. (dai: to). 4. Sft - Component - Thanh ph,n : it~lJOO iF : Cau true: D 5. Sit - Radical - BQ thu : [k (da) : great : 89 dai ] The frequently-used characters containing k radical are :l_, -*.., ];;_, 3*, etc. v: thu :k._ c6 cac chir thuong dung: :l_, -*.., ];;_, 6. 'Ntfflii.J - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thuong dung : *-• daqa! (A/AJ) probably, main idea (Ptr) dai kha i, co le *-* :k..t daltu dajia (N) (P) all doctor (D) (Bt) bac sI moi nguci :k..~ dalu (N) continent, mainland (D) d~i l~c :k...A daren (N) adult (D) nguni 16n kf dasheng (A) loudly (P) 16n tieng :k.. ,J' daxlao (N) big and small, size (D) to nhd, CCI :k..~ daxue (N) university (D) dai hoc :k..1ttr: dashlquan (N) embassy (D) dai Su' quan :k..}tt daduoshu (N) the majority (D) dai da so 7. !53:J - Exercise - Bai fa)p : How many men altogether are there in these four characters? tt-ttTdil~~.r-t-~~} j'A? Dem xem trong 4 chu co tat ca bao nhieu nguoi? 14
- ~!\{~ ~ir_®!-- ? tou (dau) ~- @I'))/)\\"~ .il 1. head (N) 2. first (AJ) . (~ s 1. diiu (D) 2. diiu ti0n (T) ~ ~ 1. Q · Stroke order • Thu' tl/ net : ,,,IJr·~ LI, 11-l+l*I ._______..__..__..__..__.____._________.._________....________.___.I . ~n ~ 2. !j:1$, - Scripts - Ki~u chu : * *
- ta i (thai) 1. too (A) 2. the greatest (AJ) 4 1. qua (T) 2. ctf.c ky (P) 1. Q- Stroke order -Thu tlf net: 1-1:rl*-1*-1 I 2. *1* - Scripts - Ki~u chu : jc :k. m~-1 *" But thuong ~~ To'ng ~-fj Khai * jft-=f, L~ ~ ff-fj Hanh $11 Thao 3. tim - Tips - Gqi y : A dot ", ", added to *._ (big), this self-explanatory character means "excessive" or "extremely". "*"*._ -ilj-Jf1Ja-.~t" Chu ' " ' ~ii';" ii~" (dai) them met charn ", " e6 nghla la thai qua, eve ky. ' "~~~" a1"t:,~ 0 4. S'fll: - Component - Thanh phji n : $!~£JOO 1F : Cau true : D 5. ilS'it - Radical - B
- tia n (thien) 1. sky (N) 2. day (N) 4 1. troi (D) 2. ngay (D) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tt1 net : 1-1=-lrl~I I 2. *1* - Scripts - Ki~u chu : *'- k. ! 3. ffl.{.:f But thuong !Im - Tips - Gqi y : * *-#- To'ng ~11 Khai ~ At11 L~ ' Hanh ~ ff11 ~-4, Thao ~ J_-4, Trien The sky ( - ) is above man (A) . k~A..a~J:.~ 0 Trai ( k ) & tren ngiro'i ( A ) . 4. &6f4: - Component - Thanh phin : tt~tJOO iF : Cau true: D 5. Sm - Radical - BQ thu : [ :k. (da) : big : 89 dai ] 6. ffl'fflii.J - Frequently-used words or phrases • Tu thu'ong dung : k;r tianca.i (N/AJ) talent, genius (D/f) thien tai k~ . tiankong (N) the sky, the heavens (D) Mu trci k~ tianqt (N) weather (D) thci tiet k.A- tianzhen (AJ) innocent (T) ngay tho k~ tianzhu (N) the God (D) Thien Chua, Chua ~!fk libaitian (N) Sunday (D) chu nhat ~k chuntian (N) spring (D) rnua xuan I.k xiatian (N) summer (D) mua ha ~k qiutian (N) autumn, the fall (D) mua thu ~k dongtian (N) winter (D) mua dong 7. !5:s:.J - Exercise - Bai t~ p : Fill in the blanks with characters according to the information given - J.A- ~ - Dien chir Han theo chu cho truck : 1. - ~ (zhou: week: tuan le)~ (you; have: co) --- __ (seven days: 7 ngay). 2. ,fe (ta; he: anh a'y) - }!] ..:r.1,t: (gongzuo; to work: lam viec) _ __ (five days: 5 ngay), 3.~-- (June: thang 7) i;: (qu; go to: di) El $. (Alben; Japan: Nhat Ban). 17
- fu (phu) 1. husband (N) 2. man 1. nguoi ch8ng (D) 4 2. da n ong (D) 1. Q - Stroke order - Thu tt1 net : I..__- _.__I -_...._I _...1 I_*- _ ._I _.._I _.__._.___.__.I 2. !j:1$ - Scripts - Ki~u chii : ffl~:f A ~ ~#- ~ ~-4, ~ jft-=J; A. tr-=t; i ~ -=J; ~ f_ -=J; But tl11.10"11g To"ng Khai L~ Hanh Thao 'I'rien 3. film - Tips - GQ'i y : The husband is higher than the sky. So you must respect him. ~J..~i±~o Chong ( *- ) cao hon troi ( ~ ) . Vi vay phai duce kinh trong. 4. &6flf: - Component - Thanh ph,n : ft~lJOO 1F Cau true: LJ 5. Sm - Radical - Be) thti : [ :k_ (da) : big : B(> d~i] 6. 'NtffliiJ - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tu thtiong dung : J..-kl f[jfu (N) husband and wife (D) vq chong *-~ fuqi (N) husband and wife (D) vq cheng J..A. furen (N) Lady, Madame, Mrs. (D) phu nhan ..:r...J._ gongfu (N) time, workmanship (D) cong phu, tho'i gian, cong sire >JJJ.. gongfu (N) time, workmanship, skill, art (D) cong phu iff.J.. jiefu ,.(N) elder sister's husband (D) anh r~ ~*- zhanqtu (N) husband (D) ch6ng **- daitu (N) doctor (D) bac si 7. !$>.) - Exercise - Bai bj.p : 1. Write the characters according to the pinyin, and give the Vietnamese translation - ~i..fJb-#f-{- ~ ~ i~ ~~,!!_if - Viet cac chu phien am thanh chir Han va dich sang tierig Viet: daltu _ daren _ tou tai da taitiiren -------- ----------- 2. Guess what character it is? - f-A'-f!i.!J{jt~~ ? - Do chu : This man is higher than the sky, one person equals to two persons. i.!+~A.~~~,-+A_~~~+A.o Nguci dim ong nay cao hon trc1i, mot nginri bang hai nguoi. 18
- ru (nhap) enter (V) 2 vao (fl) I 1. 1. 8 - Stroke order - Thu tt1 net : I i I IAI,I L 2. *"* - Scripts - Ki~u chu : AAA lM~~ . ~#- ~11 A #:. 11 7'.. rr15 A ~11 A l-11 But tlumng Tong Khiii L~ Hanh Thao Tri~n 3. film - Tips - Gqi y : Pay attention to the difference between A and A. ii-1; '6 A._" lP '6 A" Mi~ i,J O Chu y A khac vdi A. 4. 1Sf1: - Component - Thanh pha n : jt ~l] ril iF : Cau true: D 5. Mm- Radical - BQ thu: (A ( 1 ) (ren) : man : 89 nhan ] 6. 'NtffliBJ - Frequently-used words or phrases - Tit thuong dung : AO rukcu (N) entrance (D) loi vao, cira vao A fl rumen (VO/N) cross the threshold I (Dtan/D) vfi long elementary course A~ ruxue (VO) enter a school (Dtan) nha p hoc, den truong t!:A chilru (V) come in and go out (E)) ra vao fJoA jiaru (V) join, add (E)) gia nhap, them vao }!A jlnru (V) enter, get into (E)) di vao iltA shouru (VIN) take in, income (E}/D) thu nhap ti: .i.A}t chusheng-rusl (IE) go through fire and water (tn) vao sinh ra tu' 7. !5'3:l - Exercise - Bai tQ. p : Riddles - ~liit iJ - Do chir : 1. ~ (jlng; mirror: girong) i7 (zhong; inside: trong) A. (A person A inside a mirror - ngiroi trong guong), 2. J:.. T (xia: under: ha, dudi) JG (wu: not have: vo, khong c6) A. (Under the sky J:.. , there is no people A - dudi trO'i khong c6 nginri), 19
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