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Basepand dạng sóng gi (t) là tần số dịch bởi một tàu sân bay sóng đến một tần số đó là lớn hơn nhiều so gi (t), được gọi là bandpass dạng sóng si (t), i = 1, ..., M. (M-phân dạng sóng xung loại). • Nguồn mã hóa: chuyển đổi A / D (đối với souces tương tự) và loạibỏ các thông tin dư thừa chuyển đổi định dạng (đối với digizing). • Channel mã hóa, cho tốc độ dữ liệu nhất định, có thể suy ra xác suất của lỗi, PE, tại các chi phí của truyền BW hoặc...

Chủ đề:


  2. Mục tiêu: • Học phần này, tiếp theo học phần Các hệ th ống truyền thông, có mục tiêu cung cấp cơ sở cho các học phần Truyền thông không dây, Truyền thông di động. Đánh giá kết quả học tập: • Bài tập ở nhà nộp cho giảng viên: 30% tổng điểm • Thi hết môn học: 70% Tài liệu tham khảo: – Bài giảng (Dựa trên bài giảng của Uppsala University và cuốn 1 ) – 1. Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications, Bernard Sklar – 2. “Digital Communications”, Jonh G. Proakis, McGraw-Hill, 2001 – Internet 2
  3. What is Digital Communication? • Digital Communication is any message passed through digital devices • Digital Communication can be easy and quick to use • E.g. of digital communication are: – E-mailing - Computers – Texting - Cell Phones 3
  4. A basic digital communication system Transmitter Source Channel Data Source Modulator Encoder Encoder Bit Error Rate (BER) / Symbol Error Rate (SER) channel Receiver Source Channel Demodulator Data Sink Decoder Decoder 4
  5. Nội dung môn học Contents of the course 1. Source coding / Mã hóa nguồn 2. Channel coding / Mã hóa kênh 3. Modulation (Baseband and passband signaling) / Điều biến 5
  6. Week 1: • Need to know before studying a DCS – Classification of signals – Random process – Autocorrelation – Power and energy spectral densities – Noise in communication systems – Signal transmission through linear systems – Bandwidth of signal 6
  7. 7
  8. Key blocks: • Formatting: transforms the source information into bits. • Modulation: the process by which message symbols or channel symbols are converted to waveforms that are compatible with the requirements imposed by the transmission channel. • Pulse modulation: transform each symbol from a binary representation to a baseband waveform. 8
  9. Key blocks: • Bandpass modulation: basepand waveform gi(t) is frequency translated by a carrier wave to a frequency that is much larger than gi(t), called bandpass waveform si(t), i = 1, … , M. (M-ary pulse waveform types). • Source coding: converts A/D (for analog souces) and removes redundant information  formatting transformation (for digizing). • Channel coding, for a given data rate, can deduce the probability of error, PE, at the expense of transmission BW or decoder complexity. 9
  10. Classification of signals • Deterministic and random signals – Deterministic signals: whose values are completely specified for any given time. Thus, a deterministic signal can be modeled by a known function of time. • E.g. x(t) = 5.cos10t – Random signals: also called non deterministic signals are those signals that take random values at any given time and must be characterized statistically . • E.g. Noise in electronic circuits 10
  11. Deterministic signals Random signal 11
  12. Classification of signals … • Periodic and non-periodic signals A periodic signal A non-periodic signal • Analog and discrete signals A discrete signal Analog signals 12
  13. Classification of signals .. • Energy and power signals: as ways to measure a signal. – A signal is an energy signal (tín hiệu năng lượng) if, and only if, it has nonzero but finite energy for all time: - – A signal is a power signal (tín hiệu công suất) if, and only if, it has finite but nonzero power for all time: - – General rule: Periodic and random signals are power signals. Signals that are both deterministic and non-periodic are energy signals. 13
  14. The energy of this signal is the shaded region A simple, common signal with infinite energy 14
  15. Bài tập Phân loại tín hiệu: energy signals hay power signals 15
  16. Autocorrelation • Correlation = a matching process. • Autocorrelation = matching of a signal with a delayed version of itself • Autocorrelation function of a real-valued energy signal x(t): • The autocorrelation function provides a measure of how closely the signal matches a copy of itself as the copy is shifted τ units in time. • Autocorrelation of a power signal – For a periodic signal: • Autocorrelation of a random signal – For a WSS process: 16
  17. Remind: Cross-correlation • The cross-correlation function describes the general dependency of x(t) with another random process y(t+τ), delayed by a time delay, τ 17
  18. Random process 1. The collection of random signals is called a random process. 2. Each signal in this collection is referred to a realization or sample function of the process. Random variables Real number Sample functions or realizations (deterministic function) time (t) 18
  19. Random process … • Wide sense stationary (WSS): If the mean and autocorrelation function do not change with a shift in the origin time. • Ergodic process: A random process is ergodic in mean and autocorrelation, if and 19
  20. Spectral density • Energy signals: – Energy spectral density (ESD): • Power signals: T0 1 2 x(t) dt = ∑n =-∞ cn ∞ ∫ 2 Px = 2 T0 T0 - 2 – Power spectral density (PSD): • Random process: – Power spectral density (PSD): 20



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