Academic essay Business administration
A degree that once was seen as the safeguard for unemployment now become somewhat irrelevant. A higher education degree cannot give sufficient tools for an entire career, but it can form the basis for effective lifelong learning. The importance of higher education will increase when lifelong learning, including its solid base, are emphasised in the future.
19p nhatdepdzai2k 30-05-2021 16 2 Download
The thesis clarifies the theoretical basis, contributes to adding academic content on competitive neutrality, competitive naturally policy, the role of competitive naturally in competitive activities in the market economy, international integration, the role of of SOEs in the economy as well as the challenges to SOEs under the conditions of applying competitive neutrality. The thesis gives recommendations for SOEs, in order to renovate competitive strategies and improve effective competition based on competitive neutrality principles.
27p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 20 2 Download
This chapter aims at providing a research background on mobile commerce. Also, this chapter postulates the research gaps. Briefly, it is the if and how the perception of risk and security simultaneously affects continuance intention to use mobile commerce under the influence of considerations of future consequences that generates the need to conduct this study. Also, based on the research gap, this study delineates the research methodology and research scope. Regarding the research methodology, this research includes two studies: the pilot study and the main study.
179p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 5 Download
This study extends the discussion of potential consequences of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s replacement of the quarterly reporting requirement for semi-annual reporting. This research summarizes the perspectives about quarterly and semi-annual reporting from reporters, critics, business executives and academic researchers, analyzes the influential parties from changing reporting regulation, and provides detailed explanation about potential impacts.
13p fugu897 03-07-2019 23 3 Download
This academic investigation for the Dublin Business School by Julia Dieterich, an MBA graduate in 2014, will discuss how to market effectively the innovative electronic car in the German automotive sector in relation to a green branding marketing approach. It could be proved that the demand for electronic cars is currently mildly growing and just will be increase in a long term. An optimized marketing approach should help to so lve this current industrial problem.
88p nguyenyenyn117 14-06-2019 18 6 Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STUDENTS IN THAI PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS This idea forms the basis of my empirical strategy. In essence, I compare the sorting parameter θ * in equation (3) across metropolitan housing markets with greater and lesser degrees of residential school choice. Let θ =θ(c,δ)= E[θ *|c,δ] be the average effectiveness sorting of markets characterized by the parameters c and δ , where c is the degree of jurisdictional competition (i.e.
170p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 98 10 Download