Accounting education
The purpose of the encapsulation of the research objectives into four stand-alone pieces was to enable specific aspects of the findings to be more readily accessed by future researchers and members of the teaching profession. Each piece corresponds to a research objective and reflects a research question. The research questions were formulated to tackle aspects of the research problem. The research outcomes could contribute to the growing body of knowledge about music activities delivered by classroom teachers.
140p runthenight05 01-03-2023 13 4 Download
This study aims to investigate the impact of the selection process of organisers on members’ opinions of organisers’ performance and accountability. In doing so, it examines the attitudes and perceptions of union members towards the differing selection processes of organisers, the characteristics of organisers (including gender, age, experience and education), and their possible impact on union democracy.
176p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 1 Download
This thesis aims to develop a new comparative approach to the study of public sector innovation by examining legislative and regulatory frameworks in a public sector context. The novelty of this approach is exemplified in providing a systematic and detailed account of regulation in the public sector. However, given the sheer breadth of public sector services, a specific area of focus is needed. This thesis will concentrate on public school education as an example of a public sector service to build a series of case studies.
298p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The focus of this study is on threshold concepts in the accounting discipline, in particular, to identify threshold concepts in the undergraduate accounting subject area of financial accounting, and to understand how and why threshold concepts are conceived and construed. An outcome of the identification and understanding of threshold concepts in financial accounting from this study is the potential to inform teaching and learning practices and approaches and in what ways they may contribute to enhancing the teaching and learning of undergraduate accounting students.
252p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The primary objective of this research is to provide an account of the ways in which elite higher education institutions adapt and respond to external institutional logics for social inclusion practices. In particular, it explores and investigates the pattern of elite public universities’ social inclusion practices as a result of government higher education policy frameworks and higher education market features. It also aims to uncover variations between the four selected elite universities in Australia and Malaysia in regard to social inclusion practices.
403p runthenight04 02-02-2023 17 4 Download
Whilst the level of CQ and the factors that influence CQ have been investigated among business students, it has not been applied to the academics responsible for their education. In the context of CQ, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the capacity or preparedness of university academics to deal with the increasing phenomenon of multiculturalism in the classroom. This research addressed this gap through an examination of the level of CQ exhibited by Australian accounting academics.
305p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The dissertation focuses on cost accounting and higher education service cost calculation at four (04) training institutions directly under the Ministry of Finance.
28p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 21 2 Download
Through researching the thesis author has synthesized and given a system of research works related to the topic in three main research directions: Researches on legal framework and application of international public accounting standards. Published researches on organization of accounting work in non-business administrative units; Published researches on organization of accounting work at public educational institutions.
28p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 39 3 Download
This article aims to determine management support, the quality of accounting information systems and the quality of accounting information. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification method (verificative research).
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 33 5 Download
This study focuses on a small, impoverished area in Cape Town, which is located on the Western Cape of South Africa. Those who are familiar with Nelson Mandela and his role in the anti-apartheid movement might recall that off the coast of Cape Town is where he spent 27 years in the Robben Island political prison. Cape Town’s cultural history is rich and violent.
32p fugu897 03-07-2019 36 4 Download
This paper aims to synthesize that research with the thoughts from local professionals and educators in the Northwest Arkansas area into a list of proposals that best suit the University of Arkansas. In doing so, other universities may take a similar approach in investigating which adjustments best serve their students and recruiters.
30p fugu897 03-07-2019 50 5 Download
Công ty Cổ Phần Kỹ Nghệ Lạnh (SEAREFICO - Sincerity Excellence Accountability Resposiveness Education Fairness Innovation Cooperation Objective) được thành lập từ năm 1993 và đã luôn là công ty dẫn đầu trong nước trong lĩnh vực cơ điện lạnh, đặc biệt là các sản phẩm phục vụ cho công nghiệp chế biến thủy sản, súc sản, rau quả, rượu bia, sữa và các sản phẩm của sữa… Ngày 04/9/1999 Bộ Thủy sản đã ra quyết định cổ phần hóa SEAREFICO với vốn điều lệ là 12 tỷ đồng. Từ đó đến nay Công ty luôn được khách hàng tin tưởng chọn...
51p chumvolum 02-05-2013 225 63 Download
THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN ECONOMIC TRANSITION AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION IN POST-COMMUNIST COUNTRIES The answer appears to be no. Note that the within-MSA gradient of school average SAT scores with respect to student characteristics is 1.74 (from Column A of the same table). Even at the upper limit of the confidence interval, a move from unified governance to complete decentralization accounts for just over ten percent of this gradient.
156p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 44 7 Download
KHU VỰC VĂN PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC # 1 LỊCH ngân sách So sánh chương trình giáo dục tion TÀI KHOẢN QUỸ NĂM KẾT THÚC Tháng Sáu 30, 2009 Truants thay thế và Giáo dục Tùy chọn Ngân sách phương sai tích cực (tiêu cực) thực tế Doanh thu các nguồn Nhà nước nguồn địa phương Lãi suất liên bang nguồn thu nhập
8p meobu3 11-01-2012 56 4 Download
Lưu ý 13 - HỆ THỐNG GIÁO VIÊN nghỉ hưu của tiểu bang Illinois (Tiếp theo) Văn phòng Khu vực Giáo dục # 1 làm cho các loại khác các khoản đóng góp của người sử dụng lao động trực tiếp đến TRS. • 2,2 đóng góp công thức
10p meobu3 11-01-2012 51 4 Download