Additional reading
The general aim of this study is to identify the major causes of difficulties in reading skill experienced by first-year English majors at Haiphong Private University. In addition, the study is expected to give some solutions for students to deal with their reading difficulties.
67p queencongchua3 26-09-2019 141 14 Download
(NB) The following collection of texts is collected from various textbooks. The texts are shortened, simplified and adapted to fit the skill level and interests of the learners in addition to meet the demand of the society. The collection, with 6 units, provides the learners with the technical terms in building with the hope that they can read, understand, and translate simple technical textbooks, and magazines in English.
41p nganga_09 14-10-2015 160 33 Download
Thesis 'You are what you wear: The examination of fashion leadership and general leadership among african american and caucasian" provided for to the read contents: Additional Variables contributing to consumer behavior, letter from Texas southern university, modifications for final instrument, fashion and general leadership personality characteristics,... Invite you to consult the detailed content
97p tsmttc_008 05-09-2015 41 8 Download
Data-binding expressions are contained within delimiters and use the Eval and Bind functions. The Eval function is used to define one-way (read-only) binding. The Bind function is used for two-way (updatable) binding. In addition to calling Eval and Bind methods to perform data binding in a data-binding expression, you can call any publicly scoped code within the delimiters to execute that code and return a value during page processing.
49p trada85 20-01-2013 59 5 Download
Marketing and outreach to children have many similar characteristics.To perform each successfully, your library needs to have a specific plan of implementation that includes who you want to reach, why you should target that group, where the population will be served, what you will market, and when the effort will be implemented. There are many books on library and nonprofit marketing techniques as well as separate titles on outreach to youth. This book supposes that marketing and outreach are intertwined and should be pursued as such.
129p baobinh1311 25-09-2012 71 8 Download
In MIDP, as in J2SE, IO streams are the primary mechanism available to applications to read and write streams of data. In addition to, the MIDP defines the package in contrast to, which supports networking and communications for MIDP applications. MIDP applications use the types to create and manipulate various kinds of network connections. They then read from these connections and write to them using the types in the MIDP package, which contains a subset of the classes and interfaces in the J2SE package....
41p andsheva 01-10-2011 80 10 Download
[ Team LiB ] Controlling How Outlook Opens Use the following switches to control how you start Outlook, including switches that enable you to disable the Navigation Pane or reading pane. You can also use switches to select a specific profile when Outlook loads, disable Outlook's capability to check whether it's the default mail client, and disable an automatic mail check. Additional startup switches are discussed in the "Diagnostic Switches" section, including /Safe switches and switches used to clean special items, such as reminders or rules. ...
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 102 8 Download
Students need a strong digital vocabulary to interact professionally with colleagues, vendors, potential employers, clients, and industry. Understanding vocabulary allows the student to read and understand books and articles on the subject more fully. In addition, this jargon is found in the project process. Using vocabulary correctly and giving vocabulary exams are the most successful methods for grasping vocabulary.
20p thachcotran 03-02-2010 121 16 Download
ABOUT THE FLIP CHART: This flipchart is accompanied by a facilitator’s guide which details the process for setting up, organising and holding an effective group meeting. You should also read and familiarize yourself with the entire flipchart prior to using it. The facilitators contains a glossary which can explain environmental terms and also a list of NGOs, who can provide additional support for the community. These contact details can be passed onto the community. The pages are divided into five modules, each module is designed to take 2-3 hours.
37p vantrungtran 01-02-2010 122 22 Download
addftinfo reads a troff font file and adds some additional font-metric information that is used by the groff system. The font file with the information added is written on the standard output. The information added is guessed using some parametric information about the font and assumptions about the traditional troff names for characters. The main information added is the heights and depths of characters.
0p batrinh 07-08-2009 139 40 Download
3D Channel effects read and manipulate the additional channels of information, includingz- depth, surface normals, object ID, texture coordinates, background color, unclamped RGB, and material ID. You can matte 3D elements along a z axis, insert other elements in a 3D scene, blur areas in a 3D scene, isolate 3D elements, apply a foggy effect with depth, and extract 3D channel information for use as parameters in other effects.
45p emilynguyen 07-08-2009 693 194 Download
Providing guided reading instruction in the students’ first language establishes the necessary scaffolding for students to become proficient learners of English. This is accomplished by delivering reading instruction based on the students’ strongest asset—their familiarity with their native language. Additionally, such instruction helps students maintain their first language as well as concurrently advance their literacy skills in both languages.
12p baohan 17-06-2009 377 127 Download
Language is a substantial barrier to safety and health for Hispanic construction workers in the United States. In recognition of this, The Center to Protect Workers Rights (CPWR), in cooperation with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), sponsored the development and presentation of 10-hour safety and health training in Spanish for residential construction.
29p baohan 17-06-2009 209 61 Download