Area Filling
Bài giảng Đồ họa máy tính: Tô màu (area filling) có nội dung trình bày cho sinh viên về vùng tô, thuật toán cải tiến – dùng stack, thuật toán scanline tổng quát, demo, các trường hợp đặc biệt, hạn chế của thuật toán, cải tiến tốc độ thuật toán, thuật toán cải tiến.
31p hoahue91 21-07-2014 157 11 Download
Bài giảng Area Filling - Tô màu giới thiệu tới các bạn những nội dung về vùng tô; Pixel-defined region; liên thông 4 và liên thông 8; cách thức định nghĩa pixel-defined region; Polygonal Region; Recursive Flood-Fill Algorithm; thuật toán cải tiến – Dùng stack và một số nội dung khác.
31p cocacola_10 02-12-2015 54 5 Download
The rationale for this study is that the social enterprise sector provides an important locale in which to situate research that aims to identify the impact of ICTs on development. Recognising the complex dynamics and range of actors involved in this diverse and emerging area of development practice, this study chooses to focus on the social enterprise sector. It is specifically concerned with mapping the external influences, use and impact of ICT on social enterprises in Cambodia.
228p runthenight04 02-02-2023 22 3 Download
"Over increasingly large areas of the United States spring now comes unheralded by the return of birds, and the early mornings are strangely silent where once they were filled with the beauty of bird song." Rachael Carson, 1962, Silent Spring.
4p nguyenvanquan037 07-01-2011 73 12 Download
Auto Exposure Bracketing: Auto Exposure Bracketing performs automatic exposure bracketing with varied shutter speed and/or aperture. Flash Exposure Bracketing: Enables a photographer to automatically bracket exposures at varied flash output levels, in TTL auto flash shooting, without changing the shutter speed and/or aperture. AE (Automatic Exposure) lock : Used to hold an automatically controlled shutter speed and/or aperture. Recommended when the photographer wants to control an exposure based on a scene's particular brightness area with Center Weighted or Spot Metering.
16p civic123 11-08-2010 164 45 Download