As measured
Measure against your business objectives, Average CPM by Media Type, Direct Response Marketing is designed to generate an immediate response from consumers, Characteristics of most Direct Response Marketers,... as the main contents of the document "Conversion Funnel check-in". As the main contents of the document.
62p pierre1991 03-01-2016 40 10 Download
This examination explores the effect of foreign direct investment on the supply chain management and balance of payment in Iraq market. The study is conducted in Iraqi circumstances focusing on the time period of 2005-2017 by considering the supply chain management. Johansen-Juselius co integration technique has been employed to measure the association among variables of interest which is FDI, CAB and GDP. In this context of particular importance are management concepts such as supply chain and chain quality management concepts.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 12 2 Download
This paper examines the relationship between employee commitment and supply chain integration dimensions by Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) to explain several performance measures, such as flexibility, delivery, quality, inventory and customer satisfaction. So three elements shape leadership in Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory as a relationship and process are investigated. LMX quality is important for the company, because it relates to employee behavior and attitudes, including improving employee performance.
13p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 8 0 Download
This dissertation aims to investigate the electrical impedance properties of fruits and vegetables, and explore the relationship between impedance and quality criteria. In particular, the present dissertation outlines experimental research conducted on relationships between impedance properties and fruit tastes as well as the impedance changes observed during ripening process. Impedance measurement to monitor moisture content changes in the progress of drying is also included in this research.
116p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
The current study sought to determine: If there is a correlation between conventional measures of lung function such as Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1) and less conventional measures such as airways expired NO level (eNO), electrodermal measures, TCM enquiry and BHT; If any of the lung function measures are able to distinguish between asthmatic and healthy subjects; If the use of a rye grass extract is better than placebo in improving requirements for bronchodilator medication, peak flow, forced expiratory volume in one second or quality of life in mild to moderate childhood a...
262p runthenight05 01-03-2023 12 5 Download
In this study, MCS is applied to compute the reliability of the nodes and the network under uncertain demand and roughness, and to determine how reliability is distributed among the various nodes of WDN, as well as assessing the reliability of the network as a series or parallel system. The effect of the resilience index on the nodal and network reliability is also assessed.
199p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis investigated the major factors contributing to marketing success, as measured by average annual Return on Shareholders Funds, within the Australian corporate finance market, during the period 1983 to 1987. The study's findings are based on the analysis of the responses to a detailed mail questionnaire, and several follow-up in-depth interviews. The questionnaire was mailed to nearly five hundred of the most senior executives working in the corporate finance market in late 1987.
273p runthenight07 01-03-2023 6 4 Download
This thesis involves construction of input-output models measuring the economic impact of a farming innovation organisation (The Birchip Cropping Group) on the Victorian regional economy of Buloke Shire. The input-output modeling undertaken is of two forms; the first being a simple top-down model, and the second a more sophisticated hybrid model. The top-down model is based on input-output coefficients drawn from the Australian national input-output tables, and is regarded as because these input-output coefficients are not adjusted to take account of local economic factors.
278p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
In this thesis, the limitations of using existing LTE congestion mitigation mechanisms such as Discard Timer and RED have been explored. A different mechanism to analyse the effects of using control theory for congestion mitigation has been developed. Finally, congestion mitigation in LTE networks has been addresses using radio resource allocation techniques with non-cooperative game theory being an underlying mathematical framework.
118p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This research addresses the call for future research by Brown and Treviño (2014) and Resick et al. (2006) to expand on ethical leadership research into other cultures. They believed employees in organisations use their ethical and cultural value systems as an absolute standard against which to measure the behaviour of members of the other culture, or they adopt the norms of the other culture. Previous studies have demonstrated several gaps within the ethical leadership literature; this research will address these gaps.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 1 Download
Those living with disadvantage suffer from higher rates of chronic conditions and multimorbidities. Little work has been done to investigate how this cohort experience patient-centred care and what their outcomes might be. This study showed that as a result of a short course of treatment clients experienced better levels of health and wellbeing and decreased levels of pain and disability. Interview data suggest that this may be due to a combination of therapy, setting and relationships formed within that setting.
177p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
The central concern of this study is to develop an ICT-literacy task-based assessment instrument that may be used to evaluate trainee teachers’ level of ICT-literacy. The current literature acknowledges the need for a measurement instrument that evaluates ICT-literacy levels. This type of measurement instrument is used as an entry-level testing tool for university and job placements. However, existing ICT-literacy assessment instruments are either too expensive to be implemented or too rigid with their expected answers; moreover, they are not tailored to a teacher’s individual needs.
325p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
Many East Asian economies experienced rapid economic growth since the early 1960’s, with Singapore and Malaysia being two of the best performers. Various factors have contributed to this growth. They include export-orientated policies, capital investment, a market-friendly approach and an institutional regulatory framework that attracts foreign investors. Another factor is the role of human capital in the form of formal and informal education. Human capital has been researched at both the theoretical and empirical levels.
247p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
Blood pressure (BP) is an important and commonly used vital sign to monitor a patient’s health. Current methods for monitor blood pressure are unsuitable for continuous, uninterrupted measurement of blood pressure outside of a hospital setting as such methods are invasive and could pose risks if complications occur. This research has investigated the possibility of using two photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors to monitor a patient’s pulse at two sites; the ear and the finger.
149p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 3 Download
In this study, two models were proposed: a five-stage SISP maturity model for defining SISP maturity and another one for assessing the degree of SISP maturity. The five SISP maturity levels were defined as: Rudimentary Planning, Ineffectual Planning, Attainable Planning, Sustainable Planning, and Adaptable Planning. The assessment model was structured as a third-order system, where eight first-order dimensions were termed as Form and Content, Collaboration, Policies, Stakeholders' Designation, Knowledge Bank, Technology, Time Dimension, and Viability.
472p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
The purpose of the research "Habits and technology fit: a study of technology acceptance" is to study Habit-Technology Fit (HTF) as an approach to capture a dynamic mix of habits which are perceived as salient from the respondent’s perspective, and the effect of including it in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model framework. The HTF construct and its measurement were developed in order to capture multiple non-predetermined habits. All measures were semantically validated with Q-Sorting exercises, and their reliability was statistically confirmed.
255p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
The thesis "Performance measurement evolution and accountability in Indonesian regional governments" explores the development and implementation of a performance measurement system in Indonesian regional governments. A field study approach is employed in which publicly available and internal documents, together with semi-structured interviews, are used as a comprehensive source of evidence.
181p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 5 Download
This thesis develops two objectives. The first objective is to develop a new improved measure for DRPTs. To achieve the first objective, this thesis develops and tests a measure that seeks to distinguish the proportion of transactions in total RPTs that is discriminatory from the proportion that is based on legitimate business motives. The second objective of the thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of Bangladesh’s 2006 reforms for protecting minority shareholders from DRPTs. For this Oliver Williamson’s Market and Hierarchy model is used as a theoretical framework.
218p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This study was experimental in nature and the research was based on a quantitative approach tailored to minimize threats to validity through the use of a control group. Additionally, it involved elements of related qualitative research to interpret findings. An empirically-based, working hypothesis was presented to the effect that, a greater potential of project success can be realized by introducing information on emotional development to enhance behavioral competencies of all project team members.
271p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis adopts a systematic and novel approach to evaluating what scholars have written via a comprehensive and technical examination of the literature (articles published between 1988 and 2016 across ten computerized databases). Major articles were systematically reviewed using a machine-based text analysis, Leximancer, revealing which themes pervade the field of scholarship based on what is written.
175p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download