Australian organisers
This thesis examines the implications of public sector HRM architecture and its impact on HR professionals, senior managers and employees who are integral to service delivery in the public sector. To achieve its objective, conclusions are based on findings from practitioners and employing organisations, in a context of the prominent literature in this field. A mixed methods approach was adopted with 54 semi-structured interviews conducted in case study organisations representing an in-house, shared service and outsourced model of HRM.
274p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The aim of the research is to explore the effects of Thai culture on the efficacy of Western modelled performance management (PM) in a cross-cultural setting. Thailand is becoming increasingly important to Australian businesses, particularly in view of the ASEAN Economic Community Plan, which is now in its final stages implementation (ASEAN 2015). The primary data for this study was sourced from 43 semistructured and in-depth interviews with 30 participants.
264p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This thesis involves construction of input-output models measuring the economic impact of a farming innovation organisation (The Birchip Cropping Group) on the Victorian regional economy of Buloke Shire. The input-output modeling undertaken is of two forms; the first being a simple top-down model, and the second a more sophisticated hybrid model. The top-down model is based on input-output coefficients drawn from the Australian national input-output tables, and is regarded as because these input-output coefficients are not adjusted to take account of local economic factors.
278p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
This study aims to investigate the impact of the selection process of organisers on members’ opinions of organisers’ performance and accountability. In doing so, it examines the attitudes and perceptions of union members towards the differing selection processes of organisers, the characteristics of organisers (including gender, age, experience and education), and their possible impact on union democracy.
176p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 1 Download
This research addresses the call for future research by Brown and Treviño (2014) and Resick et al. (2006) to expand on ethical leadership research into other cultures. They believed employees in organisations use their ethical and cultural value systems as an absolute standard against which to measure the behaviour of members of the other culture, or they adopt the norms of the other culture. Previous studies have demonstrated several gaps within the ethical leadership literature; this research will address these gaps.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 1 Download
This thesis investigates the infant formula export trade from Australia to China. The primary aim is to evaluate the main factors for success and failure among firms that export this dairy product. The research question to be answered is ‘What are the factors for success at the organisational level for exporting Australian Infant formula to China? This thesis argues that specific factors are required to successfully export Australian infant formula to China.
224p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
This thesis is organised based on three case studies. This thesis attempts to contribute to existing knowledge of carbon trading on two levels: (a) empirical and (b) theoretical. Firstly, it seeks to make an empirical contribution to the existing literature generally and the accounting literature specifically. Secondly, using institutional theory, this thesis also seeks to make a contribution at the theoretical level.
333p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
This research is about understanding effectiveness achieved from B2E (Business-to-Employee) e-business model. Though many studies have been undertaken on B2B and B2C models; research on B2E is still at an infancy stage. This research addressed the identified niche with a focus on the factors that lead to organisational effectiveness from B2E e-business model in the Australian context. The research was guided by Resourced Based Theory and Competing Values Framework to understand the impact of the model on organizational effectiveness.
145p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
This research aims to investigate the critical success factors of digital transformation for improving customer experience in organisations. Specifically, the research aims to (a) identify the critical success factors of digital transformation for improving customer experience, (b) develop a framework for facilitating the successful implementation of digital transformation towards improving customer experience in organisations and (c) provide organisations with some appropriate recommendations for improving the performance of digital transformation towards improving customer experience.
204p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The primary aim of this study is to determine the extent to which external auditors, in exercising their responsibilities under the Australian Auditing Standards, conduct additional audit work (proxied by audit fees) when audit clients have experienced known misappropriation of assets (MOA) fraud. The research is motivated by three key factors. The first being the mounting concerns by the Australian government and others in relation to audit quality.
249p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 3 Download
This qualitative study focuses on identifying the formal and informal performance management (PM) practices currently in use in Australian public universities for academic staff Levels A, B and C.
325p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This research presents findings from an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitisation for the book publishing industry in Australia. Although digitisation is to some extent synonymous with digital technologies and in fact, the impact of current and emerging digital technologies is clearly central to any such study, the major focus was on business and organisational dimensions, with particular emphasis on current and emerging stakeholders, competition, value propositions and business models, both current and potential.
383p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
By clarifying the mechanism between organisational social capital and social innovativeness of Australian social enterprises, this thesis model contributes to a richer understanding of the organisational social capital theory of innovativeness from a strategic perspective. Further, the rigorous demonstration of the mechanism of developing innovativeness extends the organisational social capital and innovativeness relationship into a new, previously overlooked application area, the social enterprise context.
336p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 3 Download