Aviation organization
The objective is to replace progressively voice communication for air traffic management by data communications services for safety reasons and because it supports increased automation in the aircraft and on the ground
28p hanampro91 10-05-2013 98 11 Download
The objectives of this report include the following: Provide a review of literature of safety culture and just culture; raising awareness in the aviation community of the benefits of creating a just culture; provide a road map of just culture implementation in aviation organizations, provide initial guidelines from case studies to develop and maintain a just.
83p beloveinhouse06 07-09-2021 12 3 Download
Tổ chức Hàng không Dân dụng Quốc tế (tiếng Anh: International Civil Aviation Organization; viết tắt: ICAO) là một tổ chức thuộc Liên Hiệp Quốc chịu trách nhiệm soạn thảo và đưa ra các quy định về hàng không trên toàn thế giới.
9p ktxsp1 15-12-2012 93 8 Download