Banking credit activities
This thesis examines the determinants of bank equity risk and credit risk as well as providing an analysis of the change in bank equity risk following the formation of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It is motivated by the increasing interest in bank risk research particularly since the formation of EMU and the global financial crisis. The study considers a range of financial institutions across 36 countries from the period of 1995-2006.
392p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
Research objectives: The thesis aims to systematize theoretical basis of bank credit for new rural construction, analyze and evaluate banking credit activities for new rural construction in the South Central region; on that basis, the thesis proposes some solutions to promote contribution of bank credit activities to new rural construction in South Central provinces.
27p themeg 02-06-2021 26 4 Download
The thesis analyzes and compares the default prediction models to find a reference forecast model for the credit activities of cooperatives in Vietnam.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 26 1 Download
The thesis focuses on theoretical and practical issues on contribution of bank credit activities to new rural construction in South Central provinces.
27p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 29 4 Download
Proposing some scientific and practical solutions to improve the management of bad debts in credit activities of Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade from 2020 to 2025.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 36 5 Download
The thesis assesses risk management in lending activities of industrial and commercial banks. The terms credit risk, credit risk management, credit risk appetite, credit risk management policy ... used in the thesis are understood as terms used in lending activities of Industrial and Commercial Bank, excluding capital mobilization and other forms of credit such as LC issuance and guarantee.
28p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 32 4 Download
Evaluategranting of credit facilitiesto high-tech agriculture activities from three perspectives: commercial bank as credit financing unit, customer approaching capital, and the granting of credit facilitiesintentionof the credit officer; in order to propose solutions and recommendations to developcommercial bank’ credit for high-tech agriculture in Lam Dong Province.
33p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 25 2 Download
Systematize and contribute to further clarify the theoretical basis of credit risk management for enterprises in business activities of commercial banks Vietnam.
0p quenchua 30-09-2019 32 3 Download
The main objectives of the studies are: (i) To systematize, deepening the theoretical issues related to efficient state management of credit activity diversification; (ii) To apprise the situation and the results of credit activity diversification; to identify the causes, the weakness in the credit activity of the local commercial banks, especially, to analyse the situation of state manangement in credit activity diversification of the commercial banks and to identify factors affecting the results of state manangement in diversification of credit activity of the commercial banks in HCM City...
44p change05 14-06-2016 69 4 Download
The dissertation focuses on bank credit to SMEs in the unstable macroeconomy of Vietnam from 2008 to 2013, the period in which the banking activities in general and bank credit to SMEs in particular were suffered from remarkable impacts of the domestic macroeconomic instabilities.
25p change05 14-06-2016 41 4 Download
Thesis purpose: Chemical system to clarify the basic theoretical issues of governance of commercial banks credit activity in the economy. Analysing the current situation credit management activity of commercial banks in Laos during the current period. Giving the achievements and limitations of the credit administration operations in Laos’s banks; on that basis, providing solutions for credit management of commercial banks in Laos in the process of international economic integration.
23p change01 05-05-2016 45 3 Download
Objective to analyse the situation of state manangement in credit activity diversification of the commercial banks and to identify factors affecting the results of state manangement in diversification of credit activity of the commercial banks in HCM City to the year 2020; and to recommend the solutions to improve state management in diversification of credit activity of the commercial banks in HCM City to the year 2020.
44p luanan014 16-07-2014 94 9 Download