Biological activity of natural active compounds
The use of natural-origin active compounds in disease treatment is currently a prevailing trend. Mangiferin, a major component found in mangoes, is present in relatively high proportions. However, mangiferin's disadvantages include low solubility and poor permeability. There are numerous methods available to improve solubility and permeability, among which selfassembly is noteworthy.
10p vinara 11-01-2025 1 0 Download
The objectives of the thesis: Study on chemical composition of Paramignya trimera and Morinda longissima species. Evaluation of hepatoprotective and anti-HBV activities of extracts and pure compounds from stems and roots of Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guill.) and Nho dong (Morinda longissima Y.Z. Ruan).
22p extraenglish 24-05-2021 32 3 Download
The aim of the thesis: Study on chemical composition of starfish Acanthaster planci of Vietnam, synthesizing hydroxyl and oxime derivatives from a steroid isolated from this starfish and assessing biological activity of isolated and synthesized compounds.
26p extraenglish 24-05-2021 22 4 Download
The research objectives of the thesis: Isolate and determine the chemical structure of compounds from C. candicans and C. macrophylla species collected in Vietnam. Assessment of toxic activity on some cancer cell lines: liver (Hep-G2), lung (Lu-1) and breast (MCF-7) of isolated clean compounds. Researching the chemical composition of C. candicans and C. macrophylla essential oils
29p extraenglish 24-05-2021 17 4 Download
With the aim of searching for bioactive compounds from plants of the genus Garcinia in order to contribute to the scientific basis for further research in the pharmaceutical field, the thesis focuses on studying two species of the genus Garcinia is Garcinia cowa and Garcinia hanburyi.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 13 4 Download
The objectives of the thesis: Study on chemical constituents of two species Markhamia stipulata var. canaense V.S. Dang and Stereospermum binhchaunesis V.S. Dang; evaluation of biological activities of isolated compounds to find potential compounds.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 16 3 Download
Research purposes of the dissertation: Studying on Dalbergia tonkinensis Prain systematicly and fully about: plants (microsurgery, gene sequences), chemical compositions and biological activity.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 15 3 Download
Study on chemical composition of starfish Acanthaster planci of Vietnam, synthesizing hydroxyl and oxime derivatives from a steroid isolated from this starfish and assessing biological activity of isolated and synthesized compounds.
26p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 11 4 Download
The research goals of the dissertation: The research separates, identifies structural characteristics and tests biological activity of fucoidan from several brown algae growing up in Vietnamese Seas to serve for investigating Vietnamese natural sea compound resources and making clear the chemical nature of research objects.
26p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 31 6 Download
The aims of the dissertation are: Extracting and determining the structure of organic compounds of four plant species with potential for insecticide and fungal diseases. Isolating endogenous fungi from plant samples, extracting and determining the structure of component organic compounds. Testing of insecticidal and fungal activity of extracts and component organic compounds.
35p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 33 3 Download
There is strong interest in creating an enzyme that can deacylate natural cephalosporins such as cephalosporin C in order to efficiently acquire the starting compound for the industrial production of semisynthetic cephalo-sporin antibiotics. In this study, the active site of the glutaryl acylase from PseudomonasSY-77 was randomized rationally.
11p media19 04-03-2013 36 2 Download
GlutathioneS-transferases (GSTs) catalyze the conjugation of glutathione to hydrophobic compounds, contributing to the metabolism of toxic chemicals. In this study, we show that two naturally occurring tau GSTs (GSTUs) exhibit distinctive kinetic parameters towards 1-chloro-2,4-dini-trobenzene (CDNB), although they differ only in three amino acids (Arg89, Glu117 and Ile172 in GSTU1 are replaced by Pro89, Lys117 and Val172 in GSTU2).
8p mobifone23 18-01-2013 42 3 Download
Most drugs against malaria that are available or under development target a single process of the parasite infective cycle, favouring the appearance of resistant mutants which are easily spread in areas under chemotherapeutic treatments.
11p cosis54 04-01-2013 32 4 Download