Bri̇ef summary
This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 provides a brief summary of the background of the study in addition to a discussion of the importance of safety, the evolution of aviation safety, an overview of the research context, the research objectives and questions, the significance of the research, and the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 discusses military safety and in particular, the Indonesian military. Chapter 3 presents a literature review of culture in general and safety culture in particular, and the literature referenced to support the research questions.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This chapter tries to introduce the subject of intonation and its form and how it is transcribed on paper. It then focuses on intonation in English and its five different forms followed by the a summary of the different models of intonation and the research in applied linguistics. It also informs about action research and the rationale for its being used for this project. Finally it provides a brief introduction of some of the studies in teaching intonation and their limitations.
90p sofiatienganhcap3 03-02-2021 25 4 Download
Objectives of doctoral thesis Analysis of influencing parameters and basics of determining resistance factors of drilled shafts used in bridge substructures in Ho Chi Minh city: Determine resistance factors according to soil base strength which is equivalent to methods presented in specifications being applied.
27p nganhanggddt2014 01-07-2014 69 6 Download