Centre of excellence
This research was undertaken targeting the Irish financial market where Islamic finance is the main focus. It is a research instigated by the Irish government‟s announcement in the summer of 2012 where it aims to be a “Centre of excellence” for Islamic finance in Europe. Therefore, this research will help identify how Ireland can achieve this objective. Three interviews were conducted with professionals that are directly involved in the Islamic finance system in Ireland. Findings from data‟s collected are transcribed and coded to provide guidance for interpretations.
100p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 44 7 Download
Support the development of the functional food industry in Ireland. Create a new, internationally-competitive, interdisciplinary, industry-focused research centre developing skills and technologies that will lead to new products, processes and services. Develop research programmes that are jointly formulated and implemented by the participating academic and industrial partners with a view to providing the best solutions to the medium and long term issues facing industry in Ireland.
14p nhocbuonthich 18-06-2012 89 9 Download