Civil law of Vietnam
The purpose of the study is to clarify some theoretical issues of the law on conditional civil transactions and evaluate the current situation and practice of applying this type of transaction in Vietnam in recent years. On that basis, the thesis makes recommendations to contribute to building and perfecting the legal framework for conditional civil transactions in Vietnam.
23p beloveinhouse10 28-11-2021 9 2 Download
The dissertation's research content presents the provisions of law and some legislative achievements in the field of real estate mortgage; identify some limitations and shortcomings of the current law on real estate mortgage; practical application and recommendations to improve Vietnamese law on real estate mortgage; a number of recommendations to improve the law of Vietnam on real estate mortgage.
27p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 30 4 Download
The research scope of this study is the theoretical basis of good faith principle in German, English and Vietnamese contract law, in which the Civil Code 2015 will be used as the main research subject for Vietnamese contract law. In addition to the theoretical research, the thesis also studies courts’ judgments of the three legal systems to illustrate the results of theoretical research.
24p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 18 1 Download
The scope of the research is mainly focused on studying and clarifying the theoretical basis for Personal Rights of vulnerable groups as well as Vietnamese regulations on this issue, concurrent with researching, comparing with the law of other countries in the world. Thus, the research points out the advantages and disadvantages of the law on Personal Rights of vulnerable groups in Vietnam today.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 46 3 Download
Research the theoretical basis for inheritance according to law to point out the inconsistencies in the provisions of the Civil Code on the issue of inheritance according to law compared to the practice of resolving disputes related to this content, from It is aimed at making recommendations to improve the law on inheritance according to law, creating a firmer legal corridor for the application of the law by competent state agencies.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 2 Download
The research subjects of the thesis are theoretical and practical issues on the oversight function of the Committee on Judicial Affairs of the National Assembly of Vietnam in the context of innovating the National Assembly’s organization and operation, strengthening the control of state power, protecting human and civil rights, speeding up judicial and administrative reform as well as building Vietnam as a socialist rule-of-law state.
35p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 39 2 Download
Through research of research projects in Vietnam and abroad related to the topic, the thesis shows that there are no works that comprehensively study theoretical and practical issues to ensure the right of proceeding of the litigants in civil proceedings in Vietnam. There is still only studies from the perspective of separate legal rights (but this number is also very small).
27p bibianh 25-09-2019 35 2 Download
The research shall clarify some theoretical issues on wills, validity conditons of wills and especially construct a concept on wills validity conditions, determine theoretical and practical foundation for recognition of wills validity conditions.
28p bibianh 25-09-2019 35 2 Download
The thesis builds and completes the auction mechanism of civil judgment enforcement assets in Vietnam effectively in accordance with the Property Auction Law, market mechanism and international practice on the basis of 05 bridge to improve the law on auction of civil enforcement of civil judgment assets in Vietnam and propose 04 groups to finalize the law on 5 auction of civil enforcement of civil judgment assets in Vietnam. In addition to the introduction, overview of research issues, conclusions, lists of references and appendices.
26p bibianh 19-09-2019 41 3 Download
The aim of this research is to propose measures to further promoting efficiency of law on handling with violations of enforcement of the civil judgments.
27p luanan014 17-07-2014 78 6 Download