Climate change response
This research is comprised of three interrelated stages of a broader study of the climate change-related corporate governance disclosure practices of Australian companies. The first stage of the study investigates the climate change-related corporate governance disclosure practices of five major Australian energy-intensive companies over a 16-year period (from 1992 to 2007). The five companies are BHP Billiton, Caltex, Origin Energy, Rio Tinto and Santos Limited.
240p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
tudy the relationship of natural environment factors and the mangroves ecosystem at Ong Trang islet in order to contribute to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem preservation, sustainable development of mangroves under tidal influence of the East sea and the West sea, and climate change response.
26p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 26 1 Download
The world changes dramatically as each decade passes. These changes affect the population as a whole. The business world is no different. Resource scarcity, power outages and more complex labour unrest means that companies have to adapt expeditiously to survive presently. With the current gloomy economic climate it seems even more important for companies to take extra precautions to survive.
88p nguyenyenyn117 17-06-2019 58 7 Download