Competitive Information
A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.
73p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 73 10 Download
The research aims to explore which factors will influence consumers’ intention to adopt e-wallet and the extent to which those will impact consumers’ behavior, then suggest some recommendations for improving e-wallet payment in Vinh Long province. In the current fierce competition, such information will be definitely valuable and useful for e-wallet service providers who are making every effort to expand the market and increase the number of e-wallet subscribers.
122p nkn8a8 19-07-2023 22 14 Download
The objectives of the study are therefore: (1) to apply the concept of the dynamic capability perspective to the IT–competitive advantage research in order to explicate the strategic role of IT in attaining competitive advantage; and (2) to examine the antecedent capabilities and competences that may lead towards developing adaptive IT capability.
274p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis aims to develop a detailed database of banking information that stretches over the pre- and post-deregulatory period. This is necessary to allow greater analysis of what took place in the sector and will allow for a more detailed analysis regarding the impact of deregulation on the Australian banking sector. It will provide greater clarity regarding bank competition and efficiency and how these issues are affected by government regulation.
256p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 2 Download
This research aims to study the disclosure of accounting information and factors affecting the disclosure process, as well as the impact disclosure has on listed companies' competitive advantages. Based on the results, the author would suggest several recommendations to improve the level of disclosure of information in order to boost competitive advantages.
27p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 21 4 Download
The most important result of the study was the necessity to evaluate the fundamental competencies; periodically then continuously in order to alter the imperative assets which are the pillars of core competencies including the requirements and conditions regarding strategic thinking and leadership competencies.
16p tocectocec 24-05-2020 33 0 Download
This paper makes an assessment on the impact of co-creation strategy as part of digital transformation in Industry 4.0 on supply chain management. We argue that the concept of strategy has shifted from the competitive strategy into co-creation strategy based on collaboration value.
10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 59 1 Download
The main purpose of our research is to analyze the methodological and practical aspects of the sustainable development strategy of competitiveness of the Kazakhstan regions and the ways to implement it based on territorial marketing.
16p tohitohi 22-05-2020 19 0 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to research and find solutions to improve cost management accounting in Vietnamese paper manufacturing enterprises to meet the information needs for managers in an increasingly tough competition environment as well as enhancing the adaptability of businesses to the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0 taking place on a global scale.
26p enzoenzo 05-01-2020 44 5 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to research and find solutions to improve cost management accounting in Vietnamese paper manufacturing enterprises to meet the information needs for managers in an increasingly tough competition environment as well as enhancing the adaptability of businesses to the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0 taking place on a global scale.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 36 4 Download
This research investigates the current white spaces of green marketing and country of origin effects, where new research could contribute theoretical value. The conducted research examines American and Swedish consumers’ environmental awareness, willingness and initiative in contributing to their societies for future sustainability. Using a sample of 118 consumers from an intermediated questionnaire for the offline market, a conceptual framework was developed where the study created the foundation and reasonable support for the purposed framework.
0p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 41 6 Download
Main objective: Building the model on the effect of knowledge management system on the SME’s toward competitive advantage. Detail objective: Identifying the model and level of development on knowledge management in the SME’s in Vietnam; Design enterprise architecture for enterprise knowledge management system. Building the influence model of Enterprise knowledge management system to competitive advantage in the SME’s.
0p ngocmai222 11-06-2018 60 7 Download
This research aims to examine a model of relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the Laos telecommunication sector. That addresses the lack of research of these relationships in terms of research setting and provides information for telecommunication companies in Laos improving their performance and competitive abilities.
156p change02 06-05-2016 62 4 Download
Invite you to consult a specialized Information Technology has added references in the process of learning and studying for exams, invite you to consult the document content "Exercises chapter 8: Extra drawing". Hopefully document content to help you feel more confident in the upcoming exam.
1p nguyenphuchungbg 21-10-2015 56 7 Download
The study focuses on the use of information systems in the Heavy Engineering industry in South Africa and the decision to make, buy or rent information systems. Special focus was placed on the factors that influence the decision to make, buy or rent information systems. It is undeniable that changes in the competitive environment, such as technological advances and globalisation, are driving organisations toward new ways of operating. In striving to become flexible, lean, and more competitive, organisations have been increasingly swift to externalise support service functions.
174p trantungvn2008 23-08-2015 48 4 Download
Đề tài Achieving Competitive Advantage With Information Systems nhằm sử dụng hệ thống thông tin để đạt được lợi thế cạnh tranh, cạnh tranh trên quy mô toàn cầu. Cạnh tranh trên chất lượng và mẫu mã, cạnh tranh bằng quy trình kinh doanh.
32p vespa_12 14-04-2014 52 6 Download
INFORMATION ENGINEERING IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES: AN INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER'S PERSPECTIVE For many purposes, however, one need not know why it is that schools with advantaged students outscore those with disadvantaged students; the fact that they do is itself of substantial importance. This dissertation focuses on two such topics: The competitive impacts of school choice programs, and the design of college admissions rules. In each case, when I incorporate into the standard analysis the key fact that student composition may function as a signal of student performance (and vice versa),...
157p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 72 13 Download
INFORMATION SYSTEM QUALITY : AN EXAMINATION OF SERVICE-BASED MODELS AND ALTERNATIVES If both peer group and school effectiveness are important to parents, then, the Tiebout mechanism rewards effective administrators only when there are many districts. Model (3) suggests that in this case the test score gap between high- and low-income schools will tend to be larger in markets with a great deal of interdistrict competition than in those with less Tiebout choice. I test for this in the empirical analysis below....
205p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 47 8 Download
Inter Organizational information system use in supply chaizn : Toward an integration of competence based and transaction cost based views of the firm Importantly, one would expect the degree of local competition in public schooling (i.e. the number of school districts in the local area among which parents can choose) to affect the magnitude of θ * whenever parents care both about peer groups and school effectiveness.
230p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 52 7 Download
The RNA world hypothesis assumes that life arose from ancestral RNA molecules, which stored genetic information and catalyzed chemical reac-tions. Although RNA catalysis was believed to be restricted to phosphate chemistry, it is now established that the RNA has much wider catalytic capacities.
15p viettel02 22-02-2013 41 3 Download