Computer specific study
This research investigates the interactive effects of usability, the designer perspective and user expectations on the user experience (UX) of e-commerce websites. It incorporates the theoretical underpinnings of Norman’s (1988) seminal research specifically, Mental Models and Nielsen’s User Categories (1993) to explore the different mental models, domain and technology expertise of two distinct groups – users and designers – in the interaction with a selected system image, that of the e-commerce website.
293p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This study explored the gaps in the literature through a qualitative study with a small group of VET practitioners placed within the one TAFE site, who, between them, showed some variety within their background and practice. Seven VET teachers were interviewed regarding their current use of eLearning within their teaching practice; including current understandings and use of technology, what issues they experienced, and how they felt the use of e-Learning had impacted them and their learners, specifically in relation to learner engagement.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
The main aim of this thesis is to overcome the second limitation of the automatic plant identification (low recognition accuracy) by proposing novel and robust methods for plant recognition. For this, we first focus on improving the recognition accuracy of plant identification based on images of one sole organ. Among different organs of the plant, we select leaf as this organ is the most widely in the literature.
27p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 29 3 Download
RNA–protein interactions are fundamental to gene expression. Thus, the molecular basis for the sequence dependence of protein–RNA recognition has been extensively studied experimentally. However, there have been very few computational studies of this problem, and no sustained attempt has been made towards using computational methods to predict or alter the sequence-specificity of these proteins.
14p media19 05-03-2013 36 3 Download