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Xem 1-20 trên 126 kết quả Conjecture
  • Đề thi ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest (Năm 2010) cung cấp cho thí sinh các bài tập giải quyết vấn đề gồm: chat log analysis; fake fibonacci numbers; robots; M-drugs; expansion; signature; Goldbach’s conjecture; nice numbers; rendezvous; city lights; shuffling cards;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

    pdf12p tukhauquantuong1011 22-04-2024 4 3   Download

  • Mục đích của Luận án nhằm đặc trưng các tính đơn, không có tương đẳng không tầm thường và không có iđêan không tầm thường cho các lớp nửa vành chứa iđêan một phía tối tiểu xạ ảnh, nửa vành cô lập một phía, nửa vành đầy đủ và nửa vành sắp thứ tự dàn; đặc trưng nửa vành nửa đơn thông qua các nửa môđun phẳng, xạ ảnh, nội xạ; đồng thời, trả lời giả thuyết ([33, Conjecture]) và bài toán ([32, Problem 3.9]) nêu trên của Y. Katsov cho nửa vành nửa đơn cộng chính quy.

    pdf114p ruby000 30-09-2021 12 3   Download

  • Trong luận văn này, tác giả đề cập đến bài toán tính hàm zêta tôpô của các kì dị đường cong phẳng phức đặc biệt, xác định bởi các hàm số hai biến phức không suy biến đối với đa giác Newton của nó. Đây là luận văn đọc hiểu và trình bày lại một phần bài báo “Topological zeta functions and the monodromy conjecture for complex plane curves” của người hướng dẫn và Nguyễn Khánh Hưng, phát triển các ví dụ và trường hợp riêng từ bài báo.

    pdf45p capheviahe26 02-02-2021 10 4   Download

  • Bài viết tập trung chứng minh một vài trường hợp riêng của giả thuyết Minkowski về bài toán "Số điểm của một lưới nguyên nằm trong một tập compact lồi trong không gian Euclide R^n".

    pdf6p visatori2711 20-04-2019 19 1   Download

  • Many branchiopod crustaceans are endowed with extracellular, high-molecular-weight hemoglobins whose exact structural characteristics have remained a matter of conjecture. By using a broad spectrum of techniques, we provide precise and coherent information on the hemoglobin of one of the phylogenetically ‘oldest’ extant branchiopods, the tadpole shrimp Triops cancriformis.

    pdf17p inspiron33 25-03-2013 42 4   Download

  • A quantitative sharp form of the classical isoperimetric inequality is proved, thus giving a positive answer to a conjecture by Hall. 1. Introduction The classical isoperimetric inequality states that if E is a Borel set in Rn , n ≥ 2, with finite Lebesgue measure |E|, then the ball with the same volume has a lower perimeter, or, equivalently, that (1.1) 1/n nωn |E|(n−1)/n ≤ P (E) . Here P (E) denotes the distributional perimeter of E (which coincides with the classical (n − 1)-dimensional measure of ∂E when E has a smooth boundary) and ωn is the measure of the...

    pdf41p dontetvui 17-01-2013 65 8   Download

  • A long-standing conjecture due to Michael Freedman asserts that the 4-dimensional topological surgery conjecture fails for non-abelian free groups, or equivalently that a family of canonical examples of links (the generalized Borromean rings) are not A − B slice. A stronger version of the conjecture, that the Borromean rings are not even weakly A − B slice, where one drops the equivariant aspect of the problem, has been the main focus in the search for an obstruction to surgery.

    pdf21p dontetvui 17-01-2013 73 7   Download

  • Let G be an unramified reductive group over a nonarchimedian local field F . The so-called Langlands Fundamental Lemma is a family of conjectural identities between orbital integrals for G(F ) and orbital integrals for endoscopic groups of G. In this paper we prove the Langlands fundamental lemma in the particular case where F is a finite extension of Fp ((t)), G is a unitary group and p rank(G).

    pdf98p dontetvui 17-01-2013 62 6   Download

  • In this paper we extend the results obtained in [9], [10] to manifolds with SpinC -structures defined, near the boundary, by an almost complex structure. We show that on such a manifold with a strictly pseudoconvex boundary, there ¯ are modified ∂-Neumann boundary conditions defined by projection operators, Reo , which give subelliptic Fredholm problems for the SpinC -Dirac operator, + .eo . We introduce a generalization of Fredholm pairs to the “tame” category.

    pdf68p dontetvui 17-01-2013 64 8   Download

  • We prove the strong Macdonald conjecture of Hanlon and Feigin for reductive groups G. In a geometric reformulation, we show that the Dolbeault cohomology H q (X; Ωp ) of the loop Grassmannian X is freely generated by de Rham’s forms on the disk coupled to the indecomposables of H • (BG). Equating the two Euler characteristics gives an identity, independently known to Macdonald [M], which generalises Ramanujan’s 1 ψ1 sum. For simply laced root systems at level 1, we also find a ‘strong form’ of Bailey’s 4 ψ4 sum. ...

    pdf47p dontetvui 17-01-2013 59 7   Download

  • We study the large scale geometry of the mapping class group, MCG(S). Our main result is that for any asymptotic cone of MCG(S), the maximal dimension of locally compact subsets coincides with the maximal rank of free abelian subgroups of MCG(S). An application is a proof of Brock-Farb’s Rank Conjecture which asserts that MCG(S) has quasi-flats of dimension N if and only if it has a rank N free abelian subgroup. (Hamenstadt has also given a proof of this conjecture, using different methods.

    pdf24p dontetvui 17-01-2013 69 7   Download

  • We exhibit a counterexample to Elliott’s classification conjecture for simple, separable, and nuclear C∗ -algebras whose construction is elementary, and demonstrate the necessity of extremely fine invariants in distinguishing both approximate unitary equivalence classes of automorphisms of such algebras and isomorphism classes of the algebras themselves.

    pdf17p dontetvui 17-01-2013 71 6   Download

  • The phenomenon of Mirror Symmetry, in its “classical” version, was first observed for Calabi-Yau manifolds, and mathematicians were introduced to it through a series of remarkable papers [20], [13], [38], [40], [15], [30]. Some very strong conjectures have been made about its topological interpretation – e.g. the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture. In a different direction, the framework of mirror symmetry was extended by Batyrev, Givental, Hori, Vafa, etc. to the case of Fano manifolds.

    pdf78p dontetvui 17-01-2013 43 7   Download

  • We prove a blow-up formula for cyclic homology which we use to show that infinitesimal K-theory satisfies cdh-descent. Combining that result with some computations of the cdh-cohomology of the sheaf of regular functions, we verify a conjecture of Weibel predicting the vanishing of algebraic K-theory of a scheme in degrees less than minus the dimension of the scheme, for schemes essentially of finite type over a field of characteristic zero. Introduction The negative algebraic K-theory of a singular variety is related to its geometry. ...

    pdf26p dontetvui 17-01-2013 54 7   Download

  • In this paper we will prove the Calabi-Yau conjectures for embedded surfaces (i.e., surfaces without self-intersection). In fact, we will prove considerably more. The heart of our argument is very general and should apply to a variety of situations, as will be more apparent once we describe the main steps of the proof later in the introduction.

    pdf34p dontetvui 17-01-2013 48 9   Download

  • We define and study sl2 -categorifications on abelian categories. We show in particular that there is a self-derived (even homotopy) equivalence categorifying the adjoint action of the simple reflection. We construct categorifications for blocks of symmetric groups and deduce that two blocks are splendidly Rickard equivalent whenever they have isomorphic defect groups and we show that this implies Brou´’s abelian defect group conjecture for symmetric groups. e We give similar results for general linear groups over finite fields. ...

    pdf55p dontetvui 17-01-2013 52 8   Download

  • A p-compact group, as defined by Dwyer and Wilkerson, is a purely homotopically defined p-local analog of a compact Lie group. It has long been the hope, and later the conjecture, that these objects should have a classification similar to the classification of compact Lie groups. In this paper we finish the proof of this conjecture, for p an odd prime, proving that there is a one-to-one correspondence between connected p-compact groups and finite reflection groups over the p-adic integers. ...

    pdf117p dontetvui 17-01-2013 41 7   Download

  • We prove that if f (x) = n−1 ak xk is a polynomial with no cyclotomic k=0 factors whose coefficients satisfy ak ≡ 1 mod 2 for 0 ≤ k 1 + log 3 , 2n resolving a conjecture of Schinzel and Zassenhaus [21] for this class of polynomials. More generally, we solve the problems of Lehmer and Schinzel and Zassenhaus for the class of polynomials

    pdf21p noel_noel 17-01-2013 52 6   Download

  • We prove the Bers density conjecture for singly degenerate Kleinian surface groups without parabolics. 1. Introduction In this paper we address a conjecture of Bers about singly degenerate Kleinian groups. These are discrete subgroups of PSL2 C that exhibit some unusual behavior: • As groups of projective transformations of the Riemann sphere C they act properly discontinuously on a topological disk whose closure is all of C. • As groups of hyperbolic isometries their action on H3 is not convex cocompact. ...

    pdf18p noel_noel 17-01-2013 41 5   Download

  • To any two graphs G and H one can associate a cell complex Hom (G, H) by taking all graph multihomomorphisms from G to H as cells. In this paper we prove the Lov´sz conjecture which states that a if Hom (C2r+1 , G) is k-connected, then χ(G) ≥ k + 4, where r, k ∈ Z, r ≥ 1, k ≥ −1, and C2r+1 denotes the cycle with 2r +1 vertices. The proof requires analysis of the complexes Hom (C2r+1 , Kn ). For even n, the obstructions to graph colorings are provided by the presence of torsion...

    pdf44p noel_noel 17-01-2013 58 8   Download



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