Consecutive interpreting
Interpreting, like playing chess, is a game of problem solving, evaluation, critical thinking, intuition and forecasting. Every game is different and each game is a challenge, which requires interpreters, to unceasingly develop knowledge and experience. It is disciplined study and repeated practice of many techniques and skills that bring victory to the interpreter. Apart from basic requirements of language mastery and culture sensitivity, there are quite a few skills that need to be acquired for successful interpreting. One of them is note-taking skill....
61p hattieubenho2009 13-11-2012 225 76 Download
Metabolite channelling, the process in which consecutive enzymes have confined substrate transfer in metabolic pathways, has been proposed as a biochemical mechanism that has evolved because it enhances catalytic rates and protects unstable intermediates. Results from experiments on the synthesis of radioactive urea [Cheung, C., Cohen, N.S. & Raijman, L (1989)J. Biol. Chem.264, 4038–4044] have been interpreted as implying channelling of arginine between argininosuccinate lyase and arginase in permeabi-lized hepatocytes. ...
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 35 1 Download