Creativity and the product concept
Direct and oversee an organization's sales policies, objectives and initiatives. Set short- and long-term sales strategies and evaluate effectiveness of current sales programs. Recommend product or service enhancements to improve customer satisfaction and sales potential. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices and procedures. Rely on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Lead and direct the work of others. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Typically reports to top management.
3p lanjingyi 18-03-2020 58 3 Download
Bài giảng "Quản trị sản phẩm mới - Chapter 4: Creativity and the product concept" has contents: Prepare for ideation, the product concept, methods for generating product concepts, sources of ready made new product concepts.
7p tieu_vu08 05-05-2018 29 4 Download