Cutting tool geometry
In this paper a molecular dynamics simulation of nano-metric cutting of copper with a diamond tool is presented. MD simulations require the determination of the interaction of the involved atoms through a function of potential for the materials involved in the analysis and the accurate topography of the studied area, leading to high demand of computational time.
12p tohitohi 19-05-2020 29 1 Download
(BQ) The method of electrical discharge machining (EDM), one of the processing methods based on non-traditional manufacturing procedures, is gaining increased popularity, since it does not require cutting tools and allows machining involving hard, brittle, thin and complex geometry
9p xuanphuongdhts 27-03-2017 55 2 Download
Metal cutting puts extreme demands on the tool and tool material through conditions of high forces, high contact pressures, high temperatures, and intense chemical attack by difficult to cut work materials. In addition, the tool geometry and cutting conditions in terms of sharp edges, cyclic engagement and presence of cutting fluid will add to the severity. Most often cutting tools are used close to their ultimate resistance against these loads, especially to the limiting thermal and mechanical stresses. ...
14p cuunien 20-12-2010 115 17 Download