Decentralization of Education
Service quality can be understood as an organization’s ability to fulfill its obligatory functions or mandates in satisfying customer needs. In the Indonesian context, especially at District Education Office level, service quality is the District Education Office’s ability to fulfill its obligatory functions to satisfy school needs. Delivering services depends on many different factors.
568p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The initial objective of this project was to improve Boards of Education in Indonesia, especially in terms of their selection, recruitment, performance and contribution to educational development. However, after doing preliminary study and field visits, I realized that the initial objective was far too ambitious. It quickly became evident that there was considerable confusion about District Boards of Education and a lack of basic information about how they should contribute to educational decision making.
141p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
The main objectives of this research are two fold. First, to make better or to improve the education planning mechanism at the Directorate for Development of Junior Secondary Education (DDJSE). Second, through improved planning, to expand the scope of service to the citizens of the country so that every citizen in Indonesia will have an equal access to Junior Secondary Education (JSE) and to improve the quality of JSE in Indonesia. To achieve these research objectives, practitioner research was used as an umbrella of research methodology with action research as the main research method.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 15 4 Download
The meeting discussed problems and issues arising from the implementation of decentralization in education. It is related to my exegesis that discusses improving educational planning for junior secondary education in the Indonesian decentralization era.
249p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4 Download
Research purposes: The purpose of the thesis is to explain and provide scientific foundations in theoretical and practical aspects to enhance the decentralization of state management of universal education in Hanoi City towards improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management on universal education.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 26 4 Download
Three essays consider implications of the strong association between student background characteristics and academic performance. Chapter One considers the incentives that school choice policies might create for the efficient management of schools. These incentives would be diluted if parents prefer schools with desirable peer groups to those with inferior peers but better policies and instruction. I model a Tiebout choice housing market in which schools differ in both peer group and effectiveness.
177p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 9 Download
.....RACE AND GENDER DIHERENCES EN EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, HILD OF STUDY, AND [NCREMENTS TO EARNINGS (EVIDENCE FROM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TRACER STUDIES AND NATIONWIDE EARNINGS DATA) Even at the upper extreme of the estimated confidence intervals, the SAT gap between more- and less-desirable schools is not meaningfully larger in markets with decentralized governance than in those with less Tiebout choice.
171p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 45 6 Download
THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN ECONOMIC TRANSITION AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION IN POST-COMMUNIST COUNTRIES The answer appears to be no. Note that the within-MSA gradient of school average SAT scores with respect to student characteristics is 1.74 (from Column A of the same table). Even at the upper limit of the confidence interval, a move from unified governance to complete decentralization accounts for just over ten percent of this gradient.
156p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 44 7 Download