Design with flash
Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design- P7: You've just picked up another book on motors. You've seen many others, but they all assume that you know more about motors than you do. Phrases such as armature reaction, slot leakage, fractional pitch, and skew factor are used with little or no introduction. You keep looking for a book that is written from a more basic, yet rigorous, perspective and you're hoping this is it.
15p xmen246 25-09-2010 85 7 Download
Great Web Typography- P12:When you design a page for print, you control the size of the paper and the placement of the elements. But on the Web, the size, resolution, fonts, and even the layout of your page can vary with the browser and the system used to view your site.
8p camry246 16-09-2010 75 8 Download
Graphic Design for the 21st Century- P22: Covering a vast range of cutting-edge graphics, with politically charged anti-commercial work placed in the same context as Nike's latest ads, this book presents a sweeping look at today's most progressive graphic currents - from signage at packaging to branding and web design.
17p jupyter246 14-09-2010 110 15 Download
Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P17: There are a lot of books about designing and building web pages, so thank you for picking up this one. Why do I think it is different? Well, the Web has been around for over a decade now, and during its life many technologies have been introduced to help you create web pages, some of which have lasted, others of which have disappeared. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did....
19p camry 14-08-2010 99 12 Download
Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS- P16: There are a lot of books about designing and building web pages, so thank you for picking up this one. Why do I think it is different? Well, the Web has been around for over a decade now, and during its life many technologies have been introduced to help you create web pages, some of which have lasted, others of which have disappeared. Many books that teach you to write web pages are revisions of earlier versions of the same book and therefore still take the same approach as the previous edition did....
20p camry 14-08-2010 101 8 Download
The Property inspector We have been mentioning this panel quite a bit to this point, and now would be a good time to stroll over to it and take a closer look. The Property inspector is designed to make your life easy. When you select something on the stage, or select the stage itself, the panel will update to reflect the properties that can be changed in regard to what was just selected (see Figure 1-9). As you become more proficient and comfortable with Flash, this panel will become an indispensable aid to your workflow. The panel is positioned, by default,...
10p vongsuiphat 05-01-2010 80 12 Download
This chapter is about ideas—where they come from and how to develop the ones you have. There is no doubt that coming up with creative ideas is tough work. Nothing grows in a vacuum, and the best ideas and designs do not come easy. Artists often sit around in their studios or at their desks, virtually a vacuum, pondering where the next idea will come from. Often we sit and scribble on whatever paper is handy, tap the pencil, scribble some more, and then wonder where we lost our ability to think of good ideas. Good character designs do not...
10p vongsuiphat 05-01-2010 139 22 Download