Digital logic design
Digital Representation Digital is an abstraction of analog voltage Voltage is a continuous, physical unit Typically ranging from 0 to 5 volts on PCs Digital logic abstracts it to 2 distinct levels “1” or positive (typically 2.5 V or greater) “0” or negative (typically less than 1 volt) Eases design and manufacturing
152p vuthithuy11a 29-11-2011 147 41 Download
This thesis examines how designs based on a conjunction between craft and digital techniques may offer new possibilities for an architect or designer in contemporary practice. How is it relevant that what initially appear to be two distinct approaches to designing and making can be introduced to each other and coalesce to form a constructive attitude of mutually borrowed logic? The thesis champions the crafting of innovative design and the incorporation of digitally derived procedures that allow for globally efficient dissemination and malleability.
121p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
Question 1. Reorder the following efficiencies from the smallest to the largest: a. 2n3 + n5 b. 2000 c. 4n+1 d. n4 e. (n-1)! f. nlog2(n) g. 2klogk(n) (k is a predefined constant) Solution: Efficiency: a measure of amount of time for an algorithm to execute (Time Efficiency) or a measure of amount of memory needed for an algorithm to execute (Space Efficiency). Non-decreasing order: 2000
5p dragonly 03-01-2013 39 1 Download
I/ OBJECTIVES After completing this experiment, you should be able to: - Implement the decade counters, dual decade counters and presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter - Design programmable frequency division. - Understand the operations of some IC counters. II/ COMPONENTS REQUIRED 1. Main board and sub board of Digital Logic System Kit. 2. IC 74LS90 : Decade Counters 3. IC 74LS193: Presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter 4. IC 74LS390: Dual 4-Bit Decade Counter
10p nguyenhuuduc 07-12-2009 294 40 Download