Digital strategy
In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the development of smart cities, along with adopting the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) model with a focus on extensive public transportation, is a suitable and effective direction for Hanoi's urban development.
8p vibecca 01-10-2024 5 1 Download
In Vietnam, digital transformation has been considered as the leading strategy of commercial banks, especially in terms of credit risks. Therefore, they must identify how their digital transformation affects their credit risks to maintain effective operation and steady growth in a complex and changing market environment.
12p viormkorn 27-09-2024 4 2 Download
This research, therefore, aims to cover several factors that influence the adoption of digital transformation of Vietnamese SMEs and to propose strategies to better utilize enterprise resources to create digital breakthroughs. Geared towards a more thorough understanding of this adoption, several theoretical frameworks and empirical studies on successful adaptation in other countries have been included to find potential factors.
22p toduongg 24-08-2024 6 1 Download
IoT is set to revolutionize the supply chain—both in terms of its operational efficiencies and revenue opportunities—by making it transparent. This paper is devoted to the investigation of the challenges and effects of IoT and Digital Twins integration. The goal is to ensure the formation of a methodological basis for calculating the cumulative effect of the accelerated implementation of digital twins, which should become a source of reserved growth and increase the competitiveness of a modern industrial enterprise.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 10 2 Download
The article discloses methodological approaches to quantifying the level of penetration of block chain technologies into the regional socioeconomic environment in comparison to the supply chain strategies. Based on the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, it allows you to formalize and convert a large array of data of a qualitative order into a single scale for measuring the process under study - the level of demand in the regional socio-economic environment for block chain technology.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 1 1 Download
To reach a certain level of proficiency i Abstract n foreign language, learners have to possess not only proper grammar, but more important, sufficient lexical resources. As a result, vocabulary-building strategies and resources are gradually receiving greater attention from teachers and students alike.
10p vijichoo2711 04-06-2021 51 9 Download
This paper makes an assessment on the impact of co-creation strategy as part of digital transformation in Industry 4.0 on supply chain management. We argue that the concept of strategy has shifted from the competitive strategy into co-creation strategy based on collaboration value.
10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 57 1 Download
The conceptual framework for this study was the theory of economic efficiency. Data consisted of semistructured interviews, annual fiscal reports, and proxy statements. All interpretations of the data were subjected to member checking to ensure trustworthiness of interpretations. Yin’s method of qualitative data analysis was adopted, which consisted of five sequential steps: compiling the data, disassembling the data, reassembling the data, interpreting the meaning of the data, and drawing conclusions from the data.
141p chauchaungayxua2 04-01-2020 26 5 Download
In this chapter, you will learn: Discuss how the digital age is affecting both consumers and the marketers who serve them; explain how companies have responded to the Internet and other powerful new technologies with e-business strategies, and how these strategies have resulted in benefits to both buyers and sellers; describe the four major e-marketing domains;...
29p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 68 7 Download
Why we need to communicate to help and what is the communication task, why we need to communicate to help and what is the communication task, what we want them to remember, what we are going to say to them,... to help you answer the questions above, you are invited to consult the document content "What if there is a contraception method: A digital strategy to get the adult". Invite you to consult.
66p pierre1991 03-01-2016 54 8 Download
To explore the important factors advertisers weigh when considering digital interactive media and direct mail. Each medium has its own distinct characteristics and each has unique advantages and drawbacks. Advertisers must be able to compare the merits of these media and understand the most cost-effective ways to use them in their media mix.
16p camnhung_1 07-12-2012 56 5 Download
The Podcast Consumer Revealed 2008 The Arbitron/Edison Internet and Multimedia Study Tom Webster - Vice President, Strategy and Marketing Edison Media Research April, 2008 The Arbitron/Edison Media Research Internet and Multimedia Study - 2008 • 1,857 Telephone Interviews were conducted in January 2008 • National Random Sample • Fall 2007 Arbitron Diarykeepers • Supplemental Random Digit Dial to cover certain geographies where diaries were not available.
31p cunnauxinh 16-12-2010 99 18 Download