Economic growth in Vietnam
Viet Thai international (VTI) provides a dynamic and challenging work environment with tremendous opportunities for professional as well as personal growth. Viet Thai international JSC (VTI) was established in 1998 and today has grown into one of the largest consumer marketing and multi-unit retail operators in Vietnam.
0p sony_12 25-06-2013 56 10 Download
Trade and world economic integration are seen as the impetus for accelerating the well-beings of the domestic Vietnamese communities and international community in the region. However, an understanding of the link between trade and economic integration from the perspective of Vietnam is missing. Empirical studies on Vietnamese trade are in lack to address these determinants (see, Le, 1996; Nguyen, 2010). This thesis identifies the key factors that have driven the impressive growth of Vietnamese exports during the world economic integration process (1986-2010).
473p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
The objective if this thesis is to clarify the basic issues of development in terms of (BEZ) economic intergration and proposed international perspective, measures to boost growth in up coming year of (BEZ).
14p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 31 2 Download
Develop a theoretical framework, analyze and assess the status, propose solutions and policies to promote economic growth with social equity in the socialist-oriented market economy of Vietnam from now to 2030.
27p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 10 3 Download
Investigate and assess the role of the REER of Vietnam in the period of 2000-2020; apply the REER in determining the exchange rate misalignment; assess its impacts on some Vietnamese macroeconomic indicators such as: Growth rate, inflation, trade balance.
22p closefriend09 16-11-2021 27 2 Download
The content of the thesis presents the theoretical basis and the current situation of Vietnam's transportation infrastructure in the period 2010-2017; the impact of transportation infrastructure on economic growth.
0p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 25 2 Download
The thesis is expected to clarify the theoretical background of competitiveness on the following aspects: academic debate on the concept of competitiveness and its application in policy-oriented works; analyzing the evolution of the concept of competitiveness based on theories of economic growth; overview of theoretical frameworks of competitiveness developed by international organizations.
27p caygaocaolon8 07-11-2020 21 5 Download
The thesis provides a basic theoretical framework to analyze the effects of misallocation of resources and the process of reallocation of resources to change the aggregate factor rate; assess the situation of the reallocation of resources and the process of reallocation of resources that change the aggregate productivity of the entire processing and manufacturing industry of Vietnam as well as according to separate industries, technological level , type of business and labor size in the period 2000-2015.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 27 1 Download
The overarching analytical thesis in economic growth in Vietnam; impacts of a number of factors on income inclusion in Vietnam in the period of 2004-2016; proposing some measures to improve the inclusion of income in Vietnam.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 14 1 Download
The study objective is the examination of the impact of USD / CNY exchange rate on macroeconomic factors by evaluating the specific effects of the USD / CNY exchange on economic growth, inflation and currency in Vietnam. Based on the results, the study will propose some recommendations in the exchange rate policy management in order to mitigate the negative effects of exchange rate fluctuations, then contribute to Vietnamese economic objectives.
33p slimzslimz 23-12-2019 55 9 Download
The overall objective of the thesis is to assess the impact of official development assistance on economic growth in developing countries. Besides, considering how ODA affects economic growth in terms of public administration quality, capital absorption and corruption management quality of developing countries. On the basis of the thesis findings, a thesis will provide an appropriate solution for this capital source, contributing to the economic growth in developing countries, including Vietnam.
41p bibianh 19-09-2019 31 3 Download
This study assesses the importance of monetary policy in macroeconomic stability in Vietnam through controlling the credit growth; evaluates the relevance of the new Keynes model in explaining macroeconomic fluctuations; uses the SVAR new Keynes model to evaluate the response of macro variables to the shocks of themselves; proposes the DSGE new Keynes model that serves to analyze, forecast and communicate macroeconomic’s policies in Vietnam.
43p bibianh 19-09-2019 52 5 Download
The thesis aims to measure and evaluate the financial development of Asean + 3 countries by calculating the national combined financial development index; assess the impact of financial development on economic growth of Asean countries +3 and draw lessons for Vietnam.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 50 5 Download
Research purposes: on the basis of clarifying the basic contents of the Goverment’s roles in integrating economic growth with ecological environment protection, the thesis analyzes problems of improving the Government's roles in integrating economic growth with ecological environment protection, thereby, a number of major solutions are proposed to promote the role of the Government in this issue during phase of promoting industrialization and modernization in Vietnam.
23p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 94 6 Download
The rapid economic growth in Vietnam has resulted in an increasing demand for electricity. This in turn translates to a higher rate of coal resource extraction and consequent rise in pollution of water and land resources. This study estimated the environmental costs associated with the electricity demand requirements of the coal electricity sector, as a component of the long-run marginal opportunity cost (LR-MOC) of electricity production.
0p hailedangbs 02-05-2013 101 24 Download
The Government of Vietnam’s (GoV) Socio-Economic Plan outlines the government’s expectations for agriculture and rural development. The Agriculture Sector GDP in 2009 was 220 trillion VND, approximately 18% of total GDP. Agriculture's share of GDP has steadily declined GoV and while the GDP increased by 5.3% during 2009, the agriculture GDP increased by only 1.8%. Never-the-less government expects GDP growth in the agriculture sector to increase annually by 3 – 5 %.
14p xinh_la 05-03-2012 39 4 Download
To obtain the best practical diet (in terms growth rate, survival rate, feed conversion ratio and water quality) which can replace the Vital feed (an expensive feed for Kuruma prawn) and trash fish under laboratory conditions. Activities 1. Conduct Experiment 1: to test three practical diets: a) the "best" diet from Vu-anh Tuan' s PhD research; b) Diet a) plus additives (e.g., vitamins and minerals); and c) Diet b) with further supplement (e.g., vitamins and minerals plus mixed enzymes). 2.
11p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 70 5 Download
Common carp is one of the most important cultured species in Vietnam. The goal of the carp breed program was creation of a common carp breed with stable genetic qualities such as fast growth, high survival rate and attractive appearance. In the first phase (1981-1985) the program focused on the assessment of the original carp varieties, which should be used as initial materials for selection.
16p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 49 2 Download
The rapid growth of the fruit industry in the Mekong Delta area of Vietnam has seen the emergence of many problems, including a shortage of planting material, inadequate nursery and orchard management, lack of agribusiness and marketing skills. These problems could not be improved with existing level of government extenstion service. This activity will focus on the mango industry in Tien Giang and Tra Vinh provinces where good varieties of mango are produced.
34p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 67 7 Download
Biofertilisers are defined in this application as microbial inoculants, isolated from soil or the rhizosphere of plants, assisting the mobilisation of soil nutrients such as N and P and others in the plant rhizosphere and thus promoting the growth rate and yield of plants. Successful biofertilisers can contribute to increases in food production in a highly sustainable manner, with economic and environmental advantages.
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 62 4 Download