Economic policy of the state
The central objective of the thesis "An economic analysis of the Australian Baby Bonus" is to examine the nature of the fertility response of Australian families to the financial incentive of the Baby Bonus. The efficacy of the policy in determining a change in both fertility and the timing of births is assessed by exploring the time series properties of national and Victorian fertility measures, while controlling for other possible determinants of fertility choice.
150p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
This thesis approaches from the perspective of state management agencies in policy making to attract private investors to PPP projects in the power generation sector. There is an approach from the theoretical basis system to attract private investment in the form of PPP in the power generation sector in Vietnam. A practical approach is through surveys to assess the impact of these factors on the willingness of private investors to invest in PPP projects in Vietnam as well as assessment of the current situation.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 24 5 Download
The thesis is carried out with the aim of providing scientific arguments to improve policies and the quality of the implementation of SOE restructuring in the process of transitioning to a market economy in our country.
28p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 43 3 Download
The thesis supplements and develops the theoretical basis for policies to develop cooperatives to raise awareness about cooperatives of cooperative members, enterprises, farmers and people; The dissertation provides scientific arguments for the Party and the State in adjusting, supplementing and completing CSOs of Vietnam until 2030, with a vision to 2035.
27p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 22 2 Download
This result serves as a solid scientific basis for the State to assert or identify the validity of land allocation Policy in the 2013 Land Law and make a useful contribution to a more rational adjustment of land Policy in the future, especially helping households use the farm size appropriately to increase the efficiency of production activities, improve livelihoods and contribute to the development of the economy.
28p trinhthamhodang7 27-08-2020 30 3 Download
The dissertation researches a number of fundamental theoretical issues for job creation support policies for workers working overseas when repatriate; studies the deployment state of job creation support policies for Vietnamese workers working overseas when repatriate; assesses the impact of job creation support policies for Vietnamese workers working overseas when repatriate; Proposes recommendations and solutions to improve the job creation support policies for Vietnamese workers working overseas when repatriate.
27p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 17 2 Download
The Party's direction and view and the State's policies on completing the land law and development on agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the current period.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 31 2 Download
To systematize theoretical basis and analyze international experience relating to the State price management of essential goods; to assess the realities of the State price management of essential goods, namely as electricity and gasoline in Vietnam; and to propose recommendations to complete macro-economic policies, particularly specific solutions of the State price management of electricity and gasoline in Vietnam.
29p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 21 1 Download
Recommendting a number of solutions to improve CIT policy and administration with scientific grounds and in line with the reality of CIT in Vietnam to improve the effectiveness of CIT policy and administration, make sure that CIT mobilize revenue for the state budget and help regulate and promote Vietnam’s socio-economic development during 2020 -2025 with vision to 2030.
26p enzoenzo 05-01-2020 56 8 Download
The dissertation examines the influence of foreign reserves accumulation on inflation and sterilization of the SBV to ensure the stabilization of monetary policy for social and economic development.
24p slimzslimz 23-12-2019 49 7 Download
The thesis contributes to studying solutions to renovate the state management on HRD in MSGE, thereby, implementing the Vietnam Human Resources Development Strategy in the period of 2011-2020. It provides scientific arguments for management agencies to plan, build, reform and implement the policies, laws on human resource development in businesses generally and in economic military companies, MSGE particularly in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management on HRD in businesses.
27p quenchua 28-09-2019 65 4 Download
The purpose of this thesis is to improve the economic policy of the State to support enterprises in Hai Phong city to improve their competitiveness.
27p quenchua 28-09-2019 50 3 Download
Research purposes: The research objective of the thesis is to propose a system of solutions for industrial development in Quang Nam to 2020, with a vision until 2030. To systemize the theoretical basis concerning the state management at provincial level in order to develop the industry in the locality.
27p truongtien_04 10-03-2018 65 3 Download
The impossible trinity theory states that a country simultaneously may choose at most two of the following three goals: monetary independence, exchange rare stability and fully financial integration. In the context of financial integration steadily increasing in most countries, the choices and trade-offs between policy objectives become more and more important, because a combined policy will bring different effects for the economy.
26p change11 29-06-2016 70 6 Download
Research objectives: Overviewing scientific works relating to development of trade relations between Viet Nam and SACU countries, issues had been researched, identifying issues have not been or not deeply been then decide to further research in this thesis. This thesis will theoretically and practicially resarch international trade in general and trade relations between a country and member countries of a customs union in particular.
26p change03 06-05-2016 43 2 Download
Through research on the agricultural economy of Hai Duong province colonial period (1883 - 1945), the thesis contributes a specific perspective, more comprehensive agricultural economy of the colonial period in North Delta. Based on that assessment in an objective, science on the effects of French colonial policy to the agricultural economy of Hai Duong and draw lessons for the work of construction, agricultural development, rural innovation and improve people's lives and contribute to successful implementation of the innovation of the Party and State.
24p change01 05-05-2016 39 3 Download
Researching on scientific base and the state of policies on forest environment lease for ecotourism business to propose a complete solution for leasing forest environment in National Parks in Northern region of Vietnam.
0p luanan014 17-07-2014 69 6 Download
The Market for Higher Education: Economic Analyses of College Choice , Returns , and State Aid Policy A thesis Present I find suggestive evidence, however, that her estimates, from a sample of public school students, are upward biased by selection into private schools. Moreover, an investigation of the sampling variability of Hoxbys estimates leads to the conclusion that her standard errors are understated, and that even her own point estimates of the competitive effect are not significantly different from zero....
215p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 9 Download
The global economy has been developing rapidly and gaining many achievements which have a lot of motivating influences on the wealth of many countries in the recent decades. However, there still remain a number of difficult problems that need proper solutions brought in by the governments. Financial crisis is not out of the case. For many years now, financial crisis is deemed to offend so many countries and people including economists, brokers, bankers, policy makers, and so on.
25p hth2813 02-04-2011 306 89 Download