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Financial crisis

Xem 1-20 trên 20 kết quả Financial crisis
  • This paper examines the cash holdings behavior of Vietnamese listed companies, focusing on whether a target cash level exists that maximizes firm value and the speed at which firms adjust towards this target. The study finds that the average cash holding for these firms is approximately 10%.

    pdf6p viaburame 14-03-2025 2 1   Download

  • The recent consecutive banking crises in the world have raised concerns about a global financial crisis like what happened more than a decade ago. This article research banking crises, analyzes risks in banking system and proposes recommendations to avoid banking crises.

    pdf8p vifilm 11-10-2024 3 1   Download

  • This thesis examines the determinants of bank equity risk and credit risk as well as providing an analysis of the change in bank equity risk following the formation of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It is motivated by the increasing interest in bank risk research particularly since the formation of EMU and the global financial crisis. The study considers a range of financial institutions across 36 countries from the period of 1995-2006.

    pdf392p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 2   Download

  • Finance is considered as the lifeblood of the economy and it is integral to a country's economic growth and stability. However, this perception has been called into question, particularly following the global financial crisis, giving rise to new research questions. For example, does too much finance harm economic growth? And does the financial sector serve society's economic and social needs? This thesis aims to provide cross-sectional and time-series evidence on the macroeconomic consequences of financialisation in an international context.

    pdf262p runthenight04 02-02-2023 19 2   Download

  • The renewed interest in executive remuneration, particularly CEO remuneration, in light of the recent global financial crisis (GFC) leads to the question: Is CEO remuneration excessive or can it be justified on grounds of the established reputation of individual CEOs, the performance of the company, the quality of the internal governance structures and the ability of shareholders to have an influence? This question provides the impetus for this study. To answer this question, an understanding of the multiple drivers of executive remuneration is required.

    pdf230p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 3   Download

  • The focus of this research is to identify the important steps and considerations that influence Australian fund manager’s property allocation decisions, and to suggest ways to improve institutional allocation decisions towards property investments, which traditionally offers stable, income focused returns. This is important for funding the retirement of Australia’s growing and aging population, and to combat the continued effects of the recent Global Financial Crisis on the equities and bond markets.

    pdf376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 19 3   Download

  • This study provides comparative findings on the impact of adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) on the value relevance of reported accounting and non-accounting information in a set of six countries with a British accounting heritage but divergent harmonization paths leading up to IFRS adoption. The countries included in the sample are the United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and South Africa.

    pdf229p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 4   Download

  • The failure of inflation targeting regimes in several emerging economies has received renewed interest among academics and policymakers alike. This ineffectiveness can be attributed to worsening fiscal positions in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, which sheds light on the importance of coordinating fiscal policy and monetary policy to achieve price stability. This thesis, therefore, aims to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on the different transmission channels of monetary policy, which ultimately results in high inflation.

    pdf191p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3   Download

  • In this thesis, we will address the following questions: (1) Is Shenzhen stock market efficient? (2) What is the most common violation of market efficiency in the Shenzhen stock exchange? (3) Is noise trading strategy profitable in China? (4) Can fundamental factors explain noise trader risk in Shenzhen stock market? (5) Can finance fundamentals explain overreaction, underreaction or IPE? (6) Do other factors such as financial crisis, seasonality and market sentiment affect noise trader risk?

    pdf377p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3   Download

  • The paper studies the monetary approach to exchange rate for a group of five Pacific Basin economies, using quarterly data for the period of post – Asian financial crisis. Estimated results reveal that for Thailand and the Indonesia which were most affected by Asian financial crisis, monetary model did not work for explaining exchange rate movements.

    pdf10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 21 1   Download

  • The thesis studies the relationship between restructuring measures of commercial banking system and the process of restructuring commercial banks affecting the performance of banks as well as the whole banking system. trade in Vietnam, a small open economy and in the process of transition to integration.

    doc158p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 26 4   Download

  • The main purpose of this study is to better understand the impact of the financial crisis of 2008 on both private wealth management and customers‟ behaviour. This study attempts to fill a gap in the existing private wealth management services with their customers. A number of changes have taken place in the French private wealth management industry and it appears to be a gap between those changes and the customers‟ expectations. To consult more Economic essay sample, please see at: 81p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 38 6   Download

  • The transmission of monetary policy is the center of economic studies, this field was renewed in light of the 2008 global financial crisis with arguments about the effectiveness and the determinants of transmission channels especially in emerging markets such as Vietnam which may have strong bank lending channel while asset price channel and exchange rate channel may be weak.

    pdf310p change08 30-06-2016 73 9   Download

  • The transmission of monetary policy is the center of economic studies, this field was renewed in light of the 2008 global financial crisis with arguments about the effectiveness and the determinants of transmission channels especially in emerging markets such as Vietnam which may have strong bank lending channel while asset price channel and exchange rate channel may be weak.

    pdf34p change08 30-06-2016 69 5   Download

  • Trong suốt thập niên từ 50 cho đến 70, khủng hoảng tài chính (financial crisis) ở các nước đang phát triển (đặc biệt là ở châu Mỹ Latinh) đều xoay quanh hệ thống tài chính bị áp chế, thâm hụt ngân sách gia tăng và tỷ giá hối đoái cố định. Trong một hệ thống tài chính bị áp chế, lãi suất được kiểm soát ở dưới mức cân bằng để giảm chi phí cho vay. Chính phủ đồng thời duy trì một mức thâm hụt ngân sách lớn, thường được tài trợ bởi vay nước ngoài, hoặc trong điều...

    pdf13p phamtungneu 02-04-2013 176 28   Download

  • THE EAST ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF FOUR ALTERNATIVE MODELS David Card and Alan Krueger provided the SAT data used throughout. Cecilia Rouse provided the hard-to-obtain School District Data Book used in Chapters 1 and 2. Saul Geiser and Roger Studley of the University of California Office of the President provided the student records that permitted the research in Chapter 3.

    pdf328p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 77 11   Download

  • Tài chính là một lĩnh vực vô cùng quan trọng trong nền kinh tế quốc dân của một quốc gia. Nền tài chính của một quốc gia là cơ sở để đánh giá trình độ phát triển của quốc gia đó. Sự phát triển của hệ thống tài chính toàn cầu bên cạnh việc mang lại những cơ hội lớn cho mỗi quốc gia, mỗi dân tộc thì đồng thời cũng tiềm ẩn những nguy cơ khủng hoảng. Sự thay đổi của các thị trường tài chính cùng với mức độ mở cửa thương mại - tài chính của các nước và những điều...

    pdf37p tieuyeuquai456 06-10-2012 160 42   Download

  • The global economy has been developing rapidly and gaining many achievements which have a lot of motivating influences on the wealth of many countries in the recent decades. However, there still remain a number of difficult problems that need proper solutions brought in by the governments. Financial crisis is not out of the case. For many years now, financial crisis is deemed to offend so many countries and people including economists, brokers, bankers, policy makers, and so on.

    pdf25p hth2813 02-04-2011 310 89   Download

  • INTRODUCTION: The financial crisis which began in July 1997 in Thailand and affected currencies, stock markets, and other asset prices in several Asian countries, many considered East Asian Tigers. Growth rates in these countries which were in excess of five percent before 1997, turned sharply negative in 1998 and, at the time of this writing it is not yet clear when these economies will turn the corner and resume positive rates of growth. This report examines how "the Asian miracle" became the “Asian Meltdown”. This paper will analyze the different key factors that caused the crisis....

    pdf13p sinhvienmoi 08-03-2010 173 29   Download

  • Media relations: gaining editorial coverage Issues and risk management Crisis management CEO reputation management Change management Internal communications Corporate identity and image management Managing stakeholder conflicts: NGOs and managing activists Corporate social responsibility Publications of Annual Reports: corporate reporting Corporation reputation management Financial and investor relations Managing shareholder expectationsExhibition and event management Brand building Promoting professional services and business to business services Managing sponsorship Managing relationship ...

    pdf6p dangcap_pro 29-12-2009 171 41   Download




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