Future population
This is the first principal endeavor to understand genetic information of milkfish in Vietnam, thereby providing information for scientists, managers, and the general public to establish timely strategies to explore, protect, and develop milkfish genetic resources in the future.
8p vibecca 01-10-2024 3 1 Download
Dysphagia is prevalent in oesophageal cancer with signifcant clinical and psychosocial complications. The purpose of this study was i) to examine the impact of exercise-based dysphagia rehabilitation on clinical and quality of life outcomes in this population and ii) to identify key rehabilitation components that may inform future research in this area.
18p vielonmusk 21-01-2022 15 1 Download
Where is "The Comprehensive Urban Development Programme in Hanoi Capital City HAIDEP" present on: Future population and urban growth management, urban transportation, urban water and sanitation,...
56p tuanhung_vn 31-12-2015 39 6 Download
The Comprehensive Urban Development Programme in Hanoi Capital City of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam HAIDEP: Profile of Hanoi, need for Strategic Planning for Hanoi’s Sustainable Development, vision, Objectives, and Basic Strategies, General Plan Formulation, Hanoi’s Role in the Region, Future Population and Urban Growth Management,...
77p tuanhung_vn 31-12-2015 50 5 Download
This report summaries major achievements of the CARD project entitled “Improvement of operator skills and technology in small rural sawmills in Vietnam”. An extensive survey of the needs of the rural sawmilling industry has identified the current and future prospects for forest industries in Vietnam. It highlights the very significant importance of this industry to the economy of Vietnam and future well being of rural populations.
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 54 5 Download
Leading cause of death in human population: INFECTION. Most important contributions to public health in last 100 yrs: SANITATION. VACCINATION. Earliest contributions: JENNER – smallpox vaccine. PASTEUR – rabies vaccine. Greatest Triumphs: Global eradication of smallpox (1980). Future global eradication of polio.
37p baoden999 15-09-2010 205 50 Download