Governance model
Chapter 6 - Financial management. Learning objectives of this chapter: To be aware of changes in governmental financial management systems and to understand their underlying conceptual models; to understand the context and content of each of the models discussed; to understand how each of the models is supported by its underlying disciplines.
21p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 71 4 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of highaccuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This thesis focuses on the relationships between corporate governance structures and the interactions between corporate governance actors. It places the audit committee at its central focus point, but within a holistic corporate eco-system. To develop a more rounded understanding of corporate governance phenomena, the relationships between governance structures and the interactions between governance actors are framed through the lenses of both agency theory and institutional theory.
298p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This research has two main objectives. The first is to examine how PPP operational phase partnership, risk and performance management practices can be improved to achieve better VfM outcomes. This involves developing a generic conceptual integrating model, intended to assist government decision-makers to allocate and make better use of public sector resources during the operational phase of PPPs, that may have significant and / or long-term consequences for achieving strategic objectives using an integrated partnership, risk and performance management approach.
309p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of high-accuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
Market failure, inconsistency and fluctuation have been some of the challenges facing small-medium scale farmers (SMFs) in Fiji. Past records show that major government and privately driven marketing projects have failed to achieve long-term sustainability. This thesis takes into account these shortcomings and proposes an alternative framework based on the ideology of clustering, which has been shown to be successful in other countries.
322p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 5 Download
This thesis develops two objectives. The first objective is to develop a new improved measure for DRPTs. To achieve the first objective, this thesis develops and tests a measure that seeks to distinguish the proportion of transactions in total RPTs that is discriminatory from the proportion that is based on legitimate business motives. The second objective of the thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of Bangladesh’s 2006 reforms for protecting minority shareholders from DRPTs. For this Oliver Williamson’s Market and Hierarchy model is used as a theoretical framework.
218p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis highlights several conflicting and intriguingly perplexing attributes about India that make it a unique country amongst other emerging markets, thus necessitating research focussed on India. This thesis develops a comprehensive framework which projects India as a common-law country with business structures and corporate governance models resembling civil-law countries, yet is distant from either of the two with respect to its sociocultural anthropological attributes.
501p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
This research presents findings from an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitisation for the book publishing industry in Australia. Although digitisation is to some extent synonymous with digital technologies and in fact, the impact of current and emerging digital technologies is clearly central to any such study, the major focus was on business and organisational dimensions, with particular emphasis on current and emerging stakeholders, competition, value propositions and business models, both current and potential.
383p runthenight04 02-02-2023 14 4 Download
The increasingly important role played by family firms in China’s fledging capital market calls for a better understanding of how it works and is governed. This study aims to explore how corporate governance issues in family firms are tackled from the perspective of investor protection. The thesis addresses the question by first presenting theoretical models showing the relations among investor protection, family governance, and agency costs in family firms.
229p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
This thesis aims at analysing EVFTA’s NTMs on garment and textile exports to the EU, providing insights into current situation of application of EVFTA’s NTMs on garment and textile exports, analysing impacts of EVFTA’s NTMs on garment and textile exports using the gravity model, pointing out opportunities and challenges for garment and textile industry from EVFTA’s NTMs using the SWOT matrix, and finally making suggestions for the government and businesses in the sector on the way forward.
118p trangcam0906 12-12-2022 9 4 Download
Building a relationship model among Government export support, perceived internal export stimuli, perceived external export stimuli, perceived internal export barriers, perceived external export barriers and export performance and testing on these relationships.
27p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 26 4 Download
The thesis systematizes theoretical matters related to Public Corporate Governance listed in the stock market; simultaneously, the thesis suggests suitable and effective solutions to improve quality of Corporate Governance throughout evaluating the reality of Public Corporate Governance listed in Hanoi stock market upon Model of Company Admistration scorecard of OECD.
27p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 53 0 Download
This study uses mixed methods that are carried out by not only the qualitative method but also a quantitative method based on a deductive approach Newman (2000).
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 13 1 Download
The author has not seen any research on the relationship between competence, scientific research results and university brands. Therefore, the author chooses the topic "The relationship between competence, scientific research results of lecturers and university brands: A case study in Ho Chi Minh City" for research to give research hypotheses, research models and recommendations for governance to contribute to the development of Vietnamese universities today and in the future.
28p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 35 3 Download
This chapter concludes the literature view of organizational diagnosis, the contingency theory of organizational diagnosis, clarifies the concept of organizational development, organizational diagnosis and organizational analysis, the role of organizational diagnosis; mentions the definitions of government organizations and especially the characteristics of public sector organization and LGOs in comparison with private sector organizations; overviews the context of LGOs in HCM, Vietnam.
258p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 23 2 Download
Innovation in the field of state administration is essentially the development of best practices or applications of institutions, apparatus, governance, and public services to improve systems to provide added value.
13p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 16 3 Download
Factors influencing housing development patterns in international border towns in Ogunstate, Nigeria
The study affirms that both physical factors and neighbourhood factors largely and significantly influence housing formation patterns in the international borders. Therefore, there is need for Nigeria government most specially to take cognizance of these important factors when formulating or developing her housing development plan.
15p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 17 3 Download
The present paper provides a detail overview regarding the concept of women entrepreneurship, what are the factors that support them to start a business, what are the reasons that impede their growth and finally government strategies to promote these women entrepreneurs.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 13 1 Download
India requires successful and sustainable private universities to meet its Higher Education goals. This study proposes a framework covering dimensions for achieving success and sustainability of a private university governed as a social enterprise.
16p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 7 1 Download