High school economics
THE ROLE OF IMPORT SUBSITITUTION AND EXPORT ORIENTATION STRATEGIES ON THAILAND'ECONOMIC GROWTH This result calls the incentive effects of Tiebout choice into question, as it indicates that administrators of effective schools are no more likely to be rewarded with high demand for local housing in high-choice than in low-choice markets. To explore this further, I estimate models for the effect of Tiebout choice on mean scores across metropolitan areas. Consistent with the earlier results, I find no evidence that high-choice markets produce higher average SAT scores.
98p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 92 18 Download
Migration and Economic Development: The Case of the Mouride Brotherhood From Senegal to the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area, 1990-2000 Effectiveness sorting should be observable as a magnification of the causal peer effect, as it creates a positive correlation between the peer group and an omitted variable school effectivenessin regression models for student outcomes.
152p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 57 9 Download
THE IMPACT OF PRIVATIZATION AND ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING ON EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS: THE TUNISIAN This may make it easier for a high- x jm school to attract good teachers in a highchoice market than in one with less choice, where teachers are likely to be assigned to schools by bureaucratic rules rather than by the market. Any such effect would imply a positive effect of choice on the reduced-form peer effectγ in equations (1) and (4) which will appear as a positive contribution to 1 ϕ .52
330p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 45 8 Download
Essays in Macroeconomics and the Economics of Higher Education In single-MSA regressions of test scores on student characteristics, the above arguments imply greater attenuation of the peer group coefficient in MSAs with less stratified schools. As choice is positively correlated with stratification, this produces a tendency toward larger estimated coefficients (i.e. less bias toward zero) in high-choice MSAs.
134p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 46 8 Download
FOUR ESSAYS ON THE ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION Note that Theorem 2 does not rule out equilibria in which some families live in lower-μ than do some higher-income families. I refer to these as unsorted (or imperfectly sorted) equilibria. They arise when the peer group advantage of high-income communities over low-income communities is large enough to overcome deficits in school effectiveness.28 For fixed income and effectiveness distributions, unsorted equilibria become harder to maintain as the weight that families place on peer group relative to school quality falls:...
202p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 56 9 Download
AN INQUIRY ll’TO THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY VARIABLES ON THE ECONOMIC RETURN TO EDUCATION The potential efficiency-enhancing effects of increased Tiebout choice operate through the assumption that parents prefer schools with j μ -promoting policies. To the extent that this is true, Tiebout choice induces a positive correlation between j μ and j x , since high- i x families will outbid lower- i x families for homes near the most preferred schools.
121p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 6 Download
The aim of the proposed activity is to enhance Viet Nam’s capacity for teaching and research and development in the citrus sub-sector of agriculture. This will be achieved by the publication of reference texts and the development of high quality curricula for farmer field schools (FFS) in citrus IPM. The three Vietnamese texts will incorporate the research results of ACIAR project CS2/96/176, current information not easily accessed in Viet Nam and new information collected from throughout Viet Nam as part of the activity.
17p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 52 5 Download