How to present the report
Chapter 11 - Writing strategies for reports and proposals. When you finish this chapter, you should: Explain how to adapt to your audiences when writing reports and proposals; name five characteristics of effective report content; list the topics commonly covered in the introduction, body, and close of formal reports;...
19p nomoney2 10-02-2017 50 2 Download
In this chapter, you will: Become aware of the primary purposes of a research report, learn how to organize and prepare a research report, learn how to make a personal presentation, understand the effective use and communication of marketing research information, appreciate the role of trust in a researcher-client relationship.
16p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 57 5 Download
PSA (prostate-specific antigen), the most useful serum marker for prostate cancer, is encoded by thehKLK3gene and is present in the serumas amixture of several molecular species. This work was performed to identify the hKLK3 transcripts in order to determine how many proteins resembling PSA are synthesized from thehKLK3gene and secreted in blood. Combined Northern blotting, molecular cloninganddatabase searching showed that thehKLK3gene produces at least 15 transcripts ranging in size from 0.7 to 6.1 kb. Polysomal distribution analysis revealed that the transcripts shorter than 3.
9p tumor12 20-04-2013 55 2 Download
The structure of the Mg 2+ -dependent enzyme human phosphoserine phosphatase (HPSP) was exploited to examine the structural and functional role of the divalent cation in the active site of phosphatases. Most interesting is the biochemical observation that a Ca 2+ ion inhibits the activity of HPSP, even in the presence of added Mg 2+ .The sixfold coordinated Mg 2+ ion present in the active site of HPSP under normal physiological conditions, was replaced by a Ca 2+ ion by using a crystallization conditionwith high concentration of CaCl2(0.7M). ...
7p dell39 03-04-2013 51 2 Download
Multisite protein phosphorylation is a common regulatory mechanism in cell signaling, and dramatically increases the possibilities for protein– protein interactions, conformational regulation, and phosphorylation path-ways. However, there is at present no comprehensive picture of how these factors shape the response of a protein’s phosphorylation state to changes in kinase and phosphatase activities.
16p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 41 4 Download
We have previously reported how the release of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is mediated by shed vesicles. In the present study, we address the question of how newly synthesized FGF-2 is targeted to the budding vesicles.
14p media19 06-03-2013 27 3 Download
PERFORMANCE EFFECTS OF CORPORATE DWERSIFICATION: ROLES OF KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The results presented in Section 1.5 offer no evidence that the allocation of effective schools is systematically different in high-choice than in low-choice markets. If Tiebout choice does not increase the probability that effective schools attract students from advantaged backgrounds, it is not clear how it can provide incentives that will lead administrators to exert greater effort....
220p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 60 8 Download
A survey of the expression of the transthyretin and thyroxine-binding glob-ulin genes in various species during development provides clues as to how the present thyroid hormone distribution network in extracellular compart-ments developed during vertebrate evolution. Albumin may be the ‘oldest’ component of the thyroid hormone distribution network as it is found in the plasma of all vertebrates investigated.
10p viettel02 20-02-2013 35 3 Download
Arylsulfatase A is an oligomeric lysosomal enzyme. In the present study, we use this enzyme as a model protein to examine how heteromerization of wild-type and misfolded endoplasmic reticulum-degraded arylsulfatase A polypeptides affects the quality control of wild-type arylsulfatase A subun-its.
11p viettel02 19-02-2013 36 4 Download
Cuccarolo et al. Journal of Biomedical Science 2010, 17:63 Whether microgravity might influence tumour growth and carcinogenesis is still an open issue. It is not clear also if and how normal and transformed cells are differently solicited by microgravity. The present study was designed to verify this issue. Methods: Two normal, LB and HSC93, and two transformed, Jurkat and 1310, lymphoblast cell lines were used as representative for the two conditions.
10p toshiba23 18-11-2011 53 1 Download
There has been significant interest in the topic of finding permutations containing many copies of the same pattern. In this paper, we will be concerned with the other extremity, permutations containing as many different patterns as possible. At the Conference on Permutation Patterns, Otago, New Zealand, 2003, Herb Wilf asked how many distinct patterns could be contained in a permutation of length n. Based on empirical evidence, it seemed this number may approach the theoretical upper bound of 2n.
4p thulanh5 12-09-2011 43 5 Download
Fabric is a high-value products, is grown in many different localities in Vietnam as Hai Duong, Bac Giang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son, etc. ... In Vietnam, the fabric was first cultivated in the district Thanh Ha, Hai Duong province. However, in recent years the income of growers tend fabric down due to the influence of weather conditions, the prices of inputs (fertilizers, pesticides plants, etc. ...) and the devaluation of the fabric. On the other hand, producers face many difficulties in production....
7p thulanh2 07-09-2011 92 4 Download
Poultry in 2006 our country has about 215 million children. Song epidemic of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) caused by H5N1 virus broke out in almost all provinces in the country from early 2004 to far as millions of birds have been destroyed. H5N1 epidemic has caused great impact both in terms economic and social area. The question arises: how to limit this dangerous disease and war translated by vaccine inoculation has to be a useful tool? This study aims to classify poultry production system with the obstacles encountered in each system, especially the risk of disease...
8p thulanh2 07-09-2011 61 7 Download
In a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the physiological characteristics and root characteristics associated with drought tolerance of rice varieties including indica rice subspecies, japonica rice subspecies, hybrid male sterility line and temperature sensitivity of wild rice species for comparison with drought-tolerant Indica rice varieties. At the effective tillering, the pot experiment was to drain the water and then dried for 4 days, then watered again.
9p thulanh2 07-09-2011 71 9 Download
Collection of research reports best universities honored author. Two. Le Van Dung, a number average convergence theorem for two index array of random elements in Banach spaces with integrable conditions are ... Science (in Latin Scientia, meaning "knowledge "or" understanding ") is the efforts to implement the invention, and increased knowledge of the human understanding of how the operation of the physical world around them.
10p phalinh14 07-08-2011 66 4 Download