Image Processing
Machine learning and computer vision play pivotal roles in detecting product defects across various industries, enhancing effectiveness, precision, and minimizing labor expenditures. This journalutilizes image manipulation through the OpenCV, coupled with machine learning employing the ResNet-50 model, to specifically identify surface defects and dimensions in bearings.
5p vibenya 31-12-2024 3 0 Download
This paper examines the architectural formation of the Le Loi “Western” street in Hue city by collecting secondary data through articles, magazines, images, books, maps, etc. and by conducting field surveys (mainly observation and taking photos).
7p vibenya 31-12-2024 0 0 Download
Recent MLP-Mixer has a good ability to handle longrange dependencies, however, to have a good performance, one requires huge data and expensive infrastructures for the pre-training process. In this study, we proposed a novel model for nuclei image segmentation namely Axial Convolutional-MLP Mixer, by replacing the token mixer of MLP-Mixer with a new operator, Axial Convolutional Token Mix.
6p vibenya 31-12-2024 0 0 Download
Why do FA? To understand the root cause of device failure Allow intelligent corrective actions to be applied Determine where in a process issues exist that affecting product Check for counterfeit materials - My boss/customer said I have too Case Study packaged IC second level Opens
32p vinhtk7ce 06-07-2012 77 4 Download
Digital Image Processing: Image Enhancement Frequency domain methods - Duong Anh Duc provides about Image Enhancement - frequency domain methods; 1-d Fourier transform of a sequence; 2-d Fourier transform of a digital image; Fourier Transform of “Rice” Image; Importance of Phase Information in Images;...
86p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 64 4 Download
Digital Image Processing: Image Restoration - Duong Anh Duc includes Image Restoration; Restoration vs. Enhancement; Degradation Model; Gaussian noise; Erlang(Gama) noise; Exponential noise; Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise; Plot of density function of different noise models.
81p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 65 4 Download
Digital Image Processing: Image Enhancement - Duong Anh Duc presents about Image Enhancement; Point Operations; Image Negative; Contrast Stretching; Compression of Dynamic Range; Image Averaging for noise reduction; Some Averaging Filters; Some Typical Histograms.
78p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 68 3 Download
Digital Image Processing: Image Restoration Matrix Formulation - Duong Anh Duc provides about matrix Formulation of Image Restoration Problem; constrained least squares filtering (restoration); a brief review of matrix differentiation; Pseudo-inverse Filtering; Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener) Filter; Parametric Wiener Filter.
66p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 49 3 Download
Digital Image Processing: Image Enhancement Spatial Filtering - Duong Anh Duc includes Image Enhancement - Spatial Filtering; How to specify T; Smoothing Filters; Image smoothing by averaging (lowpass spatial filtering); Image Sharpening; High-boost filtering; Prewitt operators.
40p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 60 2 Download
Digital Image Processing: Unitary Transforms - Duong Anh Duc present about Unitary Transforms; Energy conservation with unitary transforms; Karhunen-Loeve transform; Optimum energy concentration by KL transform; Basis images and eigenimages; Sirovich and Kirby method; Gender recognition using eigenfaces.
29p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 61 2 Download
Dithering, also called Halftoning or Color Reduction, is the process of rendering an image on a display device with fewer colors than are in the image. Digital Image Processing: Some Special Techniques Dithering presents about it.
56p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 41 2 Download
Digital Image Processing: Human Visual System - Duong Anh Duc presents about Human Visual System; Cross-section of the Human Eye; Light and EM Spectrum; Image Sensing and Acquisition; Mathematical Representation of Images; Effect of spatial resolution; Application Areas.
21p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 49 1 Download
Chương 6 gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Tín hiệu hai chiều (ảnh số), biểu diễn ảnh, các kiểu ảnh trong matlab, ảnh được định chỉ số (indexed images), ảnh cường độ (intensity images), ảnh nhị phân (binary images),... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
51p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 95 11 Download
Mục đích nghiên cứu của đề tài "Ứng dụng bộ điều khiển mờ kết hợp xử lý ảnh cho hệ tay máy 3 bậc tự do" là: Nghiên cứu lý thuyết về tay máy và lý thuyết mờ; nghiên cứu Image Processing Toolbox trong MATLAB cho việc xử lý ảnh và kết nối mô phỏng; ứng dụng điều khiển mờ điều khiển tay máy 3 bậc tự do gặp vật theo vị trí quỹ đạo đặt trước; phân tích đánh giá kết quả đạt được qua mô phỏng tay máy.
26p xuanphongdacy09 28-09-2024 3 1 Download
This paper focuses on exploring Machine learning methods to automate this process. The main challenge we face is in generating adequate training datasets to train the Machine learning model. Creating training data by manually segmenting real images is very labour-intensive, so we have instead tested methods of automatically creating synthetic training datasets which have the same attributes of the original images. The generated synthetic images are used to train a U-net Model, which is then used to segment the original bread dough images.
75p runordie3 06-07-2022 4 1 Download
In this study, we tested more than 170 surveys of nine different types. The software tool correctly detected all the valid answers. It was also able to detect all questions with no or multiple marks.
8p chauchaungayxua12 09-07-2021 13 2 Download
Firstly, internet accessing is nessesary because it supplies such a large source of information as well as images that all of data relating to the subject of my paper graduation are easily found out. Secondly, data collection from related books and documents also have an important role in the research process.
61p nguathienthan12 18-05-2021 50 5 Download
In this thesis, the author focussed on providing an application framework to be used in brain segmentation - the process of tumor detection. This constitutes setting up software bundled into a Window machine which is easily distributable. Moreover, a segmentation algorithm was implemented and tested using the provided software. In order to test the bundled software by implementing specific brain segmentation from the literature, the author used CT scans freely available from the database of 108 Central Military Hospital.
85p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 19 3 Download
The research thesis aims to evaluate the rate of brain artery imaging on computerized tomography images of 256 sequences; Describes common and anatomical variations of the cerebral arteries. Invite you to consult!
26p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 30 2 Download