Importance of changes
After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Define change and explain the forces for change Describe types of change and explain the change process Summarize the reasons for resistance to change and possible solutions Present the leadership practices necessary to implement change, including the importance of vision Highlight the organization characteristics that support change
55p sony_12 25-06-2013 73 12 Download
Cocoa fermentation general aspects presents about importance of cocoa fermentation; fermentation - flavour changes; fermentation of fresh cocoa beans - how it starts; breaking ripe pods; starting a fermentation heap; heap ready to Ferment; fermentation is finished; cocoa beans in baskets ready to ferment;...
43p phannguyen05 16-03-2015 57 7 Download
Chapter 9 - Governance and government: Networking with external stakeholders. Learning objectives in chapter: To understand the key concepts of public governance, to be aware of how the role of governments is changing from policy making towards policy moderating, to be able to identify important stakeholders in public governance, to understand networks as a specific mode of public governance.
25p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 56 4 Download
This research is of value to communication design practitioners wishing to move towards a more sustainable practice. It provides insight into the deeper issues of sustainability applied to communication design practice, a guide to important literature of the field, and some possibilities for an expanded form of communication design practice.
102p runthenight05 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
One of the limitations of the BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) model is the lack of any explicit mechanisms within the architecture to be able to learn. In particular, BDI agents do not possess the ability to adapt based on past experience. This is important in dynamic environments as they can change, causing previously successful methods for achieving goals to become inefficient or ineffective.
108p runthenight07 01-03-2023 14 3 Download
What are the key aspects to achieving acceptable usability outcomes for information systems being developed? The changing technologies and increased usage across the general population, the impacts of this in our everyday lives, at work and at leisure are exponentially increasing. The interfaces and interaction styles presented as part of these technologies have been challenged to be more intuitive, contextually sensitive, location aware, human centred and aimed at a larger community of stakeholders.
376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This thesis focuses on four constructs of perceived adverse impacts of climate change, perceived anthropogenic causes of climate change; perceived policy effectiveness, and feasibility to explain Australian public support for mitigation policies. The study draws from major theories in the field such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Risk Perception Theory, the Extended Parallel Process Model, and Social Dilemma literature.
216p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
In the context of related demands on and challenges for higher education, and libraries specifically, the key objectives of this thesis are to: a) Gain an insight into the complexities of the challenges in terms of change management, leadership and technology advances; b) Investigate the current change management practices in university libraries, with emphasis on Australian university libraries; and c) Develop new knowledge in the field of change management and leadership by investigating the way the chief librarians in university libraries approach these important issues.
375p runthenight04 02-02-2023 16 2 Download
Corporate bond ratings published by rating agencies play an important role for both companies and market participants because they provide information about the quality and marketability of various bond issues. For this reason, the rating changes announced by rating agencies must be carefully examined to assess their relevance and usefulness to market participants. The overall objective of this study is to examine whether bond rating changes announcements contain pricing-relevant information, and this objective is supported by six specific aims.
241p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
The study will provide a detailed examination on the views of the finance officers and council policies on IA and depreciation information for decision-making by internal and external users. This is an important area because the preparers of GPFRs have a significant influence on the information used for both internal and external purposes. Conclusions on the consequences of current practices and recommendations for change will be developed to assist local authorities and enhance information to be included in council policies (for example accrual budgets and rating estimates) and GPFRs.
460p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
The study "Determinants of executive remuneration: Australian evidence" is primarily motivated by the recent importance attached to corporate governance and regulation of executive compensation by government bodies, other regulatory agencies, media commentators and other stakeholders. No other Australian research has, to date, been carried out in a setting where companies are subject to the full extent of recent regulatory changes.
227p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The transformations taking place in an organizations today due to uncertain forces from the environment have made organizations realized the importance of changes in structure.
10p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 10 2 Download
In this paper, we addressed issues regarding the importance of social innovation (SI) and social entrepreneurship (SE) within a society which is in a profound and rapid change and transformation that marks all the areas of social life.
6p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 17 1 Download
The development of fruits without fertilization is known as parthenocarpy. Parthenocarpy improves the fruit quality, processing attributes, production and productivity of vegetable crops like tomato, cucumber, watermelon etc. Absence of seeds can enhances the shelf life of the fruits, allowing a better conservation, fruit set in adverse climatic conditions, early and offseason production of vegetable crops. Therefore, it is important to ensure yield stability regardless of environmental conditions.
20p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 18 3 Download
Software-defined networking aims to change the inflexible state networking, by breaking vertical integration, separating the network’s control logic from the underlying routers and switches, promoting (logical) centralization of network control, and introducing the ability to program the network. Consequently, SDN is an important key for resolving aforementioned difficulties.
130p cotithanh000 07-10-2019 29 5 Download
The thesis aims to obtain data on freshwater crustacean composition in the water bodies of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. Identify the characteristics of quantity distribution of freshwater crustaceans in the study areas along with the changes of this group in terms of space and climate season. Proposing solutions to conservation of specific and important types of SE in limestone areas of Phong Nha and Quang Binh national parks.
27p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 63 5 Download
These results even led to running a second regression with a change in the independent and dependent variable to gain more insights. Although there is much information about facility spending and the rising expenses in college athletics, there is not much correlational data to date. The results from this study can help give collegiate athletic departments more information and a more holistic picture of the relationships between these important variables before they start investing in a new major facility.
37p fugu897 03-07-2019 28 3 Download
The world changes dramatically as each decade passes. These changes affect the population as a whole. The business world is no different. Resource scarcity, power outages and more complex labour unrest means that companies have to adapt expeditiously to survive presently. With the current gloomy economic climate it seems even more important for companies to take extra precautions to survive.
88p nguyenyenyn117 17-06-2019 58 7 Download
When you finish this chapter, you should: Know why company objectives are important in guiding strategic market planning, see how the resources of a firm affect the search for opportunities, know the variables that shape the environment of strategic market planning, know how the different kinds of competitive situations affect strategic planning.
9p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 65 3 Download
Learning objectives for chapter 1 include: Explain the key role of a systems analyst in business; describe the various types of systems an analyst might work on; explain the importance of technical, people, and business skills for an analyst; explain why ethical behavior is crucial for a systems analyst’s career,...
9p kiepnaybinhyen_02 25-12-2015 79 1 Download