In addition to the database
Built-In Database Objects In addition to creating the database files, several other structures are created. Data dictionary: Contains descriptions of the objects in the database Dynamic performance tables: Contains information used by the database administrator (DBA) to monitor and tune the database and instance PL/SQL packages: Program units adding functionality to the database. These packages are created when the catproc.sql script is run after the CREATE DATABASE command. PL/SQL packages will not be discussed within the scope of this course.
20p trinh02 28-01-2013 63 4 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 7.14 Using a DataView to Control Edits, Deletions, or Additions in Windows Forms Problem You need to selectively prevent users from editing, deleting, or adding data in a Windows Forms application. Solution Bind a DataView to Windows Forms controls. The sample code contains four event handlers
3p luvpro 04-08-2010 96 10 Download
The GetSql* methods and Sql* types are defined in the System.Data.SqlTypes namespace, and they are specific to SQL Server. In addition, the GetSql* methods are specific to the SqlDataReader class. Using the GetSql
6p daisuphu 29-07-2010 75 6 Download