Information from the web
The aim of this research is to add to knowledge in the adoption of Information Systems field, by using Design Science Research to look at the implementation of Elluminate in university learning environments. The broad aim of this research is to better understand the implementation of web technologies affordances in higher education from stakeholders’ perspectives. This thesis investigates case studies on Elluminate implementation in subjects to develop guidelines for implementing technology affordances in learning activities.
257p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 5 Download
The present thesis attempts to describe the Knowledge Management (KM) field in terms of its relevance to the Library & Information Science (LIS) professions. The methodology employed was a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches including administration of a web-based survey and the conduct of in-depth interviews targeted at LIS professionals. The results emerging from the research revealed very positive feedback from the LIS community in regard to attitudes towards KM.
266p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
In this chapter you will: To understand how firms create an internal database, to learn about building a database from a Web site, to become familiar data mining, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of of using secondary data, to understand the role of the Internet in obtaining secondary data, to learn about types of information management systems.
13p allbymyself_06 28-01-2016 63 4 Download
We demonstrate an information credibility analysis system called WISDOM. The purpose of WISDOM is to evaluate the credibility of information available on the Web from multiple viewpoints. WISDOM considers the following to be the source of information credibility: information contents, information senders, and information appearances. We aim at analyzing and organizing these measures on the basis of semantics-oriented natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 42 3 Download
Protect web content from those who don’t have a “need to know” Require users to authenticate using a userid/password before they are allowed access to certain URLs HTTP/1.1 requires that when a user makes a request for a protected resource the server responds with a authentication request header WWW-Authenticate contains enough pertinent information to carry out a “challenge-response” session between the user and the server
13p muathu_102 28-01-2013 50 3 Download
download from wow! php solutions dynamic web design made easy second edition david powers php solutions: dynamic web design made easy, second edition copyright © 2010 by david powers all rights reserved. no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
10p yukogaru14 30-11-2010 179 87 Download
[ Team LiB ] Recipe 2.15 Retrieving Update Errors Problem You want to access all of the error information available after an update fails. Solution Use one of the available properties (such as HasErrors) and methods (such as GetErrors( )) to obtain the error information.
5p luvpro 04-08-2010 65 7 Download
Welcome to Crystal Reports 8.5, the world standard in high-performance reporting. Deliver rich, interactive content from virtually any data source with Crystal Reports. With Developer and Professional Editions, and the addition of powerful design and formatting capabilities with interactive analysis tools, you can create reports that meet your exact needs. Rapidly deploy your reporting solution to the Web with our powerful new web-publishing system for easy information sharing.
8p viettuan1080 04-05-2010 153 55 Download
For those of you who create logos, refine type, and enjoy drawing, the two most common drawing programs are Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand (shown in Figure 1-16). Vector-based images differ from bitmap graphics in that they contain the mathematical information necessary to allow them to be scaled without loss of quality
10p thachcotran 04-02-2010 129 35 Download
How to Become an Oracle DBA As you start out on your journey to become a proficient Oracle DBA, you have many sources of information on the Oracle database: • Oracle Database 11g database administration classes, which have now been boiled down to a pair of five-day long classes • Oracle manuals—an entire library of which are available on the Oracle web sites • Books from various publishers that impart the various pieces of knowledge you need to become an accomplished Oracle DBA You’ll also need to acquire the necessary operating system knowledge.
10p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 120 27 Download